3 negative blood group: compatibility and personality characteristics

3rd positive group

Healthy foods for people with blood group 3

Only 8 to 20% of the planet's population has the third blood group; these are the descendants of former nomadic peoples. Their gastrointestinal tract works well and they easily adapt to changing living conditions. Therefore, they tolerate stressful situations quite easily and can eat almost anything.

Eating in accordance with their genetic characteristics, people with blood type 3 rarely get viral infections. They tolerate stressful situations well and are not prone to depression. But they should combine nutritious food with lots of physical activity.


With this type of blood you can eat without any health risks:

  1. any fish and seafood, mackerel, sardines, flounder, cod, salmon are especially useful;
  2. from meat - lamb, rabbit, medium-rare or stewed;
  3. from cereals - millet, oats, rice;
  4. fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, yogurt;
  5. chicken eggs;
  6. olive oil;
  7. from cereals - millet, rice, oats;
  8. many vegetables, primarily all types of cabbage, carrots, eggplants, beets, bell peppers, leafy greens;
  9. berries and fruits: bananas, plums, cranberries, pineapple, grapes;
  10. Among the spices, the most useful are those that regulate digestion: ginger, peppermint, parsley, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper;
  11. from drinks - green tea, water with lemon, tea from ginger, rose hips, licorice, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, black tea - sometimes;
  12. pineapple, cranberry juices;


Some products, despite their objective dietary content, are contraindicated for those in group 3. Among them:

  1. poultry meat;
  2. from vegetables - tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, radish, radish, olives;
  3. fruits - pomegranate, persimmon, avocado;
  4. from cereals - corn, buckwheat, wheat;
  5. legumes - peanuts, lentils;
  6. from drinks - strong alcohol is strictly prohibited, beer and tomato juice are undesirable.

White pepper, cinnamon, allspice, and food additives such as almond extract, gelatin, and cornstarch are also considered unhealthy.


It is believed that there is a list of products that are neutral for those with a particular blood group. They do no harm, but supposedly they do not bring any benefit either. This is a controversial issue, but you still need to know such products for those with blood type 3, so that, if possible and to be on the safe side, you can replace them with ones that are more beneficial for yourself:

  1. veal, turkey, pheasant, buffalo, beef and liver;
  2. seafood - scallop, herring, squid, tuna, trout, cod liver;
  3. dairy and fermented milk products: whole milk and whey;
  4. almonds, pecans, walnuts;
  5. white beans, green peas;
  6. fennel, zucchini, onion;
  7. mango, kiwi, melon, tangerine, currant, blueberry, grapefruit, fig;
  8. black tea, citrus fruits, apricot juice, white and red wine, thyme teas, chamomile.

Some of the neutral foods are best consumed only if there is heavy physical activity, for example, playing sports. These special products include:

  1. butter and linseed oil;
  2. herring;
  3. hard cheeses;
  4. coffee;
  5. Orange juice;
  6. apples, strawberries, cherries, watermelon, lingonberries;
  7. Walnut.

The diet for the third blood group includes the consumption of the following foods:

  • meat: lamb, venison, lamb and rabbit meat;
  • seafood: sardine, flounder, salmon, monkfish, mackerel, sea bass, cod, pike and black caviar;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: goat milk, kefir, yoghurts, homemade cheese and cottage cheese, goat and sheep cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • baked goods made from rice flour;
  • cereals and cereals: millet, rice, oats and spelled;
  • legumes: dark beans, green beans, red soybeans and lima beans;
  • vegetables: eggplant, beets, cauliflower, yams, Brussels sprouts, yellow and green peppers;
  • fruits and berries: bananas, grapes, cranberries, plums, papaya and pineapple;
  • spices: horseradish, curry, ginger, parsley and cayenne pepper;
  • drinks: green tea, juices from grapes, cranberries and cabbage, as well as pineapple and papaya;
  • herbal teas with the addition of rose hips, ginger, licorice, sage and ginseng.

These products are not only beneficial for people with blood type 3, but also help burn fat cells. By eating them constantly, you can forever forget about excess weight and fat hanging from the sides.

Meat: pigeon, goose, horse meat, partridge, chicken, quail, offal, hazel grouse, grouse, pork, bacon, ham, beef heart, duck, guinea fowl.

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Fish and seafood: arctic char, barracuda, beluga, gastropods, bivalves, rockfish, crab, lobster, octopus, striped bass, pollock, eel, snail, oysters, rainbow trout, brook trout, anchovy.

Dairy products: cheese, ice cream, processed cheese, Swiss cheese.

Eggs: goose, quail, duck.

Legumes: cowpeas, chickpeas, chickpea shoots, soy milk, soy cheese, tempeh, tofu, spotted beans, black beans, green lentils, red lentils.

Nuts and seeds: peanuts and peanut butter, pine nuts, cashews and cashew butter, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed paste, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed paste, tahini, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Cereals (cereals, flour, bread, pasta): amaranth, buckwheat and flakes, buckwheat flour, kamut, crushed wheat groats (couscous), corn, corn flakes, artichoke and Jerusalem artichoke flour and pasta, popcorn, wheat groats and flakes, wheat flour and products made from it, wheat bran, rye flour, wild rice, sorghum, toffee.

Vegetables, greens, vegetable juices: aloe and aloe juice, artichoke, Greek and Spanish olives, green olives, black olives, radish shoots, tomatoes and tomato juice, rhubarb, radish, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin.

Fruits and fruit juices: avocado, pomegranates, melon, coconut, coconut milk, prickly pear fruit, persimmon.

Vegetable oil: peanut oil, castor oil, coconut oil, corn oil, sesame oil, borage seed oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil.

Herbs and spices: allspice, cinnamon, juniper, ground pepper.

Seasonings, sauces, culinary additives: guarana, gelatin, carrageenan, ketchup, tomato sauce, corn starch, miso, soy sauce.

☀ When planning your diet, be sure to leave time for exercise. You are recommended to engage in sports walking and running, aerobics, swimming, tennis and, of course, yoga. Yoga is preferable in your case.

☀ Don’t be afraid to eat meat (mutton, venison, lamb, rabbit meat) and eggs. Thanks to the characteristics of the 3rd positive blood group, these products will not become a burden for you when forming a diet.

☀ Drink vitamins. Given your ban on buckwheat, corn and wheat, you will need additional sources of vitamins.

☀ Eat more greens. You can add it generously to soups and salads.

☀ Avoid carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can disrupt gastrointestinal processes

☀ But you shouldn’t give up beer or wine. Drinking these alcoholic beverages in small doses will have a beneficial effect on your diet.

Beware of corn, buckwheat porridge and peanuts. These foods cause the greatest weight gain in people with the third blood group. Only in people with the third blood group, these products reduce the production of insulin and worsen the metabolism in the body. Which results in body fatigue, water retention and weight gain.

If you want to have a healthy body and maintain an optimal weight, then remove foods that need to be excluded from your diet. Namely corn, lentils, peanuts, buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes and pork. Exercise, limit your fat intake, and you will live a long, healthy life.

How to lose weight in a month

Therapeutic nutrition for obesity

Vegetable diet

Buckwheat diet

Rice diet

Cabbage diet

The beautiful half of humanity has always been concerned with the question of what to eat to lose weight.

Nowadays, strict methods of combating excess weight are fading into the background, there is an awareness of how important it is to maintain and increase health, so soft schemes based on the principles of proper nutrition are in trend.

But scientists have proven that diets based on the individual characteristics of the body, such as, for example, blood type, are effective; in addition, they have a positive effect on health.

Strict diets fade into the background

Such diets are based on a genetic predisposition to certain types of foods.

In ancient times, people lived in small communities, consanguineous marriages were widespread, and inherited traits remained almost unchanged because blood did not mix.

Therefore, many people living in the same territory had one group. This unique discovery comes from father and son naturopathic doctors James and Peter D'Adamo.

In their scientific research, they relied on the theory of the evolution of blood, its changes and the emergence of four groups.

Consider a blood group diet for 3 negative for weight loss. Such a nutritional system does not plunge the body into a stressful state, gently correcting the digestive processes, making them balanced and harmonious.

If you have a negative blood type 3, then the diet allows the body to easily cleanse itself of accumulations and toxic substances, reduce body weight in obese people, and normalize the functioning of the hormonal glands and immune system.

The men of the D'Adamo family divided all products into three groups depending on whether they are indicated for use by people with the third negative or not.

The list of prohibited foods is small, so it is difficult to call such a food system a diet; there is no strict calorie counting or adherence to a meal regimen. But it assumes a long period of this style of eating. Due to the fact that there are no strict restrictions, the diet for blood group 3 (negative) has no contraindications.

  • Engage in active sports such as running, swimming, tennis, cycling. This will help keep your Body in good shape without resorting to strength sports.
  • Consume more dairy products. Thanks to this, your body will never suffer from toxicity with harmful substances.
  • You should absolutely not eat foods that slow down your metabolism. Therefore, during the diet you will have to give up hazelnuts, peanuts, corn and wheat products.
  • Try to minimize your consumption of fast food and fatty foods.
  • Consume more fish. Unlike seafood, fish is not forbidden to you.

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The most convenient and positive qualities of such people is the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions.
This feature was formed among the very first and ancient people, since all the time it was necessary to adapt to a new place of residence, climate and, in general, living conditions. The character of such people is flexible and balanced, which makes it possible to adequately respond to the situation in different and unpredictable situations. This is also reflected in good nutritional compatibility, that is, they are not picky about various dishes.

We can also say that the 3rd Rh-positive blood group characterizes people as calm, reasonable, balanced and quite wise in various decisions. They are endowed with a strong immune system, which sometimes sets them apart from the rest of the population. This most often occurs when drawing blood for recipients, when a healthy and strong donor is required.


The diet for people in group 3 is quite simple and it is not difficult to choose.
This is explained by the fact that from the very first days of formation, people always ate whatever they had to eat. Therefore, the digestive tract is able to digest most foods quite well. The diet consists of eating a variety of foods. You can safely eat meat and any type of fish. The nature of nutrition may vary. For example, the compatibility of different vegetables and cereals is well suited for those who are actively involved in sports.

For those on a strict diet, a variety of low-fat dairy products, even whole milk, are ideal. But in addition to all this, it is worth noting that the varied compatibility of the diet does not include the consumption of fatty pork, seafood and chicken. It’s better to get by with rabbit meat or just fish.

The consumption of shrimp, oysters, squid and crayfish is not recommended as seafood. This way, you can limit yourself from junk food and fully adhere to your diet. We can say that the nature of nutrition can be different, because people of the 3rd blood group know how to adapt to different situations. But, in order not to experiment again, it is better to trust time-tested methods and keep yourself in rhythm all the time. Then such a diet will not fail.

Avoid wheat bread and eat more eggs and greens. As for drinks, grape, pineapple, cabbage and cranberry juice are good options for your diet. They are especially useful for weight loss. Black tea and coffee are ideal hot drinks, which are recommended to be consumed no more than once a day.

If you want to consolidate the results of your diet, then pay attention to physical activity. Such compatibility will make it possible to achieve good results. Tennis, yoga, walking, cycling or just running are ideal. Such activities will be beneficial not only for the figure, but also for the soul when combined with a diet.

Nutritional Features

The best food for representatives of this group of people is protein, because these people love grueling sports. To confirm their active position in life, they need a balanced diet. Otherwise, they begin to get sick, they develop inflammatory processes and begin to have problems with metabolism. They quickly gain excess weight if they eat improperly.

For these people, it is very important to eat properly, in accordance with their blood type. Although such people quickly adapt to any diet, it is worth remembering that their body does not digest carbohydrates well.

With excessive consumption of carbohydrates, this threatens diabetes, tissue edema, and provokes heart and vascular diseases. A decrease in metabolism contributes to rapid weight gain. And also, due to the wrong menu, they quickly develop allergies, psychoses, and may develop alcoholism or drug addiction. Bleeding disorders associated with metabolic disorders can cause bleeding, which can lead to strokes.

Representatives of blood group 1 usually have high stomach acidity. They can even eat undercooked meat, but if there is a protein deficiency, this can lead to peptic ulcers and gastritis.

It is important to combine the right diet with active sports that cause adrenaline surges in the blood. It could be running, wrestling, swimming, dancing, extreme sports

Healthy foods for blood group 1

They improve the body's defenses and are quickly absorbed.

  • Meat (lamb fillet, veal)
  • Fish (sea and river - salmon, cod, pike, etc.)
  • Fruits. Fruits with a sour taste are not allowed. It is recommended to eat pineapple, plums, dates.
  • Beverages. Doctors recommend drinking brewed herbal infusions and still mineral water.

You can drink green tea or juice from the above fruits.

  • Vegetables. It is best if they are leafy. Red pepper is recommended.
  • Spices. Hot cayenne pepper pods, curry, etc.

Negatively acting products

There are a number of foods that have a bad effect on the health of representatives of this blood group. These are dairy products. It is better to remove them from the diet altogether, sometimes allowing yourself to eat low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, and kefir.

It is not recommended to eat grains and cereals. This applies to wheat grain, oatmeal, and corn grains. You should not eat lentils, raw and dried peas, beans, beans (green and beans). You need to consume less vegetable oils, especially corn or cottonseed oil.

A person with type 1 blood should exclude from the diet all sweet baked goods, cornmeal cakes, and bread made from any grains. It is not recommended to eat pistachios. You should not eat peanuts, either fresh or fried. Do not eat poppy seeds. Vegetables from the nightshade family are also prohibited. These are potatoes and eggplants. Avoid eating cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. The same recommendation applies to red forks, corn on the cob and avocados.

You should not eat fruits with a sour taste, such as tangerines, lemons, oranges. Eating apples and melons is not recommended. It is worth giving up sweet soda, orange and apple juices, and applesauce.

It is recommended to remove tea, caffeinated drinks, coffee and any alcohol from your diet. There is no need to get carried away with spicy marinades, preserves, tomato paste and ketchup. When cooking, do not add nutmeg, vinegar, or pepper (peas, powder, allspice) to food.

Neutral products

You can supplement the menu with neutral products that have little effect on the body, but help make the diet more varied.

  • Seafood, such as squid, oysters, crabs, etc.
  • Unrefined and refined vegetable oil
  • Almonds
  • Can you eat baked chestnuts?
  • Seeds
  • Buckwheat and brown rice
  • Crispbread made from rye flour and rice
  • Tomatoes, dill, radish
  • Cucumbers, pumpkin

You can also eat baked and fresh peaches, persimmons, pomegranates, pears, bananas and watermelons. You can eat compotes from cherries, raspberries, currants, desserts from cranberries or gooseberries.

You can occasionally supplement your diet with any juices, except forbidden ones; a glass of white or red wine.

It is recommended to eat homemade mayonnaise, marjoram, and mint. Add bay leaf, bergamot and cloves to dishes.

In addition to a properly selected diet, calorie control and active exercise are important to avoid excess weight.

It is very important for representatives of the first blood group to maintain consistency in their diet and not consume a lot of carbohydrates

Sep 10, 2019

Features of pregnancy

The nature of pregnancy in this case is most often positive. There are several cases when there is no compatibility between a child and mother, or young spouses. If incompatibility between mother and child occurs, then this issue is resolved as a special injection at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

As for another case, when a young couple is not compatible, then they resort to quite different methods of solving the problem. This could be appropriate expensive treatment, a surrogate mother or any other options. Pregnancy generally proceeds without problems as far as nutrition and the woman’s general health are concerned.

It is worth noting that very often, with different blood groups, the parents overcome the third; most often, the newborn will inherit the blood of the mother or father, which is not equal to the 3rd blood group.

Pregnancy can still be problematic if the Rh factor is not compatible, which entails some complications. Then the woman is under strict control, because this situation can cause unpredictable events. Most often this is a miscarriage or death of the newborn.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the blood type and Rh of the mother and future father. This will help to limit yourself to a greater extent from various problems and ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy and birth of the baby.

Third negative group and pregnancy

A negative blood group of the mother and a positive blood type of the fetus can cause Rh conflict

Women with a third negative blood group may experience some problems during pregnancy, especially if the child's father is Rh positive. In this case, a Rh conflict may arise when the baby inherits the father’s blood. In this case, a miscarriage is possible. The woman is under strict supervision of specialists to avoid complications.

But in cases where a man has negative blood, the pregnancy is often successful. The baby’s blood completely matches the mother’s, and there is no Rh conflict.

If pregnancy in the presence of conflict proceeds normally, then later the child may have visual and hearing impairments. Brain pathologies are diagnosed quite often.

If detected, a blood transfusion is performed. This is the only way to maintain pregnancy and prevent the development of various diseases in the child.

Experts recommend donating blood to the mother and father during pregnancy planning to determine the Rh factor and group. If incompatibility is established, the expectant mother will be under the supervision of doctors. The third blood group with negative Rh is established in rare cases.

You can learn more about how blood types differ and why there are 4 of them in the video:

According to experts, it is of particular importance in the development of character and taste preferences. Nutritionists recommend limiting or completely eliminating certain foods in order to prevent excess weight gain and the development of obesity. Every person needs to know their blood type and Rh factor, because this information may be needed in emergency situations.

Health 3 groups

Fortunately, such people's health is mostly normal. It, like character, is more stable and stable. This concerns the fact that the nutritional compatibility of all products is so wide that the immune system is fully nourished and does not experience any damage. But on the other hand, we can say that quite often people experience fatigue and sometimes suffer from diabetes mellitus more often than other groups, regardless of the Rh factor. The nature of such diseases is associated with the thickness of the blood. It is recommended to lead the healthiest lifestyle and keep yourself in shape.

Characteristics of blood group

An important characteristic of health in such people is the absence of chronic diseases. The only drawback is a weakened endocrine system, which causes increased fatigue, attention weakens, and diabetes may develop. The character of people, according to some sources, also depends on their blood type. A person with the third positive group adapts well to surrounding changes, does not like monotonous work, and is prone to unexpected decisions. These are sensitive and wise people, fighters for justice, creative people, optimists. But you should know that the relationship between blood type and a person’s health status and characteristics has no scientific basis. Such characteristics are developed only on the basis of observations of people.

What makes them different?

Representatives of this blood group can be called in one word – “nomads”. Since ancient times, their ancestors traveled and often changed their place of residence. Therefore, they are distinguished by excellent adaptability to difficult living conditions and increased survival.

If they need a blood transfusion, then donors with 1 and 3 positive and negative groups will be suitable. But if they themselves wish to donate their blood, then it will be suitable for people with groups 3 and 4.

The health characteristics of these representatives are quite satisfactory. Such a person can only worry about one thing - a weak endocrine system. Hence many metabolic diseases (including diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease, urolithiasis, etc.)

Adaptability to difficult living conditions gave them such qualities as quick decision-making, good concentration, composure, and quick reaction. These people love changes in life. And even their long absence, an overly measured life can cause them apathy and even depression. They need constant adventure, otherwise they will get bored and sick.

Men of the 3rd positive group are charming, cheerful, but assertive. Women have the characteristic of being flighty, often changing partners.

Blood transfusion compatibility chart

There are situations in which blood transfusion is necessary (during operations, childbirth, severe injuries). Then donor blood comes to the rescue. It is desirable that the groups are identical, otherwise the main task of red blood cells (to ensure cell respiration) is not fulfilled, and a severe immune conflict develops. This could be fatal.

The table shows which other group 3 positive is compatible with:

You need to remember your blood type and Rh factor so that you can tell your doctor if necessary. But before transfusion, the determination of the group and Rh factor must be repeated.

Rhesus conflict

In medicine, the term “Rh-conflict” is used. They talk about it when planning and during pregnancy. Rhesus conflict appears when the mother’s factor is negative, and the father’s is positive. It occurs if the fetus inherits the father's antigen - a positive Rh factor.

In this situation, complications develop as a result of the fact that the mother’s body begins to reject the fetus. Anti-Rh antibodies appear, which lead to the breakdown of red cells, which provokes jaundice in the baby. The protein from the fetal blood is different from the maternal one. His blood seems foreign to the mother's body. Consequences such as anemia, jaundice appear, and brain function is disrupted. In severe cases, the baby may die in the womb.

Pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and baby in this situation. Therefore, early delivery is carried out. Most often, a caesarean section is used, although a woman can give birth on her own if the gestational age is more than 36 weeks and there is no fetal hypoxia. When a hemolytic disease develops, a newborn baby is prescribed a replacement blood transfusion. This happens because the mother's antibodies in the child's body are neutralized. The group and Rh factor of the newborn and mother should be the same.

Important! The likelihood of Rh conflict is low when a woman is pregnant for the first time and has not had any surgical or spontaneous abortions before. And it doesn’t matter that the father and baby are Rh positive.

During a second pregnancy, antibodies appear because the mother's and baby's blood mix during childbirth. Prerequisites are created for the development of Rh conflict, which subsequently provokes spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and frozen pregnancies.

For prevention, blood is donated to determine the concentration of anti-Rhesus antibodies. It is taken every month until 30 weeks, then every 2 weeks. After 36 weeks, analysis is performed every 7 days. Even at low titers (1:2 – 1:4), an immune conflict is possible.

To prevent it, pregnant women are prescribed immunoglobulin (intramuscularly). It is absolutely safe for mother and baby. The procedure is performed at 28 weeks of pregnancy and after childbirth. Under the influence of the drug, the production of maternal antibodies is inhibited. Ultrasound helps monitor the baby's condition.

When planning a pregnancy

At the antenatal clinic, expectant mothers are tested for Rh factor compatibility. This is a very important analysis that affects the course of pregnancy. When planning to conceive, worries about blood group compatibility often arise. The Rh factor is of no small importance if the wife is negative and the husband is positive. If the fetus is also Rh positive, antibodies will begin to appear in the female body, which enter the child’s blood through the placenta and act on his red blood cells. The child’s body is protected, the liver and spleen enlarge.

When the baby has fewer and fewer red blood cells left, anemia (hemolytic anemia) occurs. When planning a subsequent pregnancy, the mother’s body contains antibodies, so complications may develop, which must be taken into account.

Important! Negative Rh in a woman during pregnancy becomes a cause of conflict if the child inherits the positive Rh of the father.

In any case, you can become pregnant and give birth, the main thing is to constantly be under the supervision of doctors. In modern medicine there are many ways to maintain pregnancy and the health of your baby.


A special diet for people with positive group 3 is not required. At the same time, there are non-recommended products for group 3. These include:

  • tomatoes;
  • tomato juice;
  • pomegranate;
  • seafood (shrimp, squid);
  • wheat bread:
  • store-bought sauces (including mayonnaise);
  • sweets;
  • pork

Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat. Nutritionists strongly recommend regularly consuming the following foods:

  • beef liver;
  • kefir and low-fat yoghurts;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • grapes and bananas.

For breakfast, it is best to cook porridge. Moreover, they can be cooked in both water and milk.

The third blood group influences a person’s character. In addition, it is necessary to take into account its features when planning pregnancy.

Additional recommendations

It is necessary to follow a daily routine, this will always help you to be in good shape and in a good mood. Sleep for at least 8 hours; if they are very mobile, they simply need this to restore physical and mental strength. Do not overindulge in sweets; sometimes you can replace sweets with dried fruits and honey. Eat regularly. Better little by little, but more often. No special diets are needed, just exercise. Dedicate some part of the day to an activity that requires communication with people, you need it.

People of the 3rd positive blood group are very sociable; if they lack communication, this has a bad effect on their state of mind, they get tired faster. To achieve a state of peace, often imagine in your mind's eye what you want to achieve and you will achieve it. Try to avoid negative emotions, smile more and enjoy life. By maintaining your body in physical and mental harmony, you will live a long life, taking advantage of all the advantages that the third positive blood type provides.

Video - Secrets of blood groups:

What character and health characteristics do people with blood type 3 positive have?

Back in the mid-twentieth century, the British scientist K. Landsteiner proposed “dividing” human blood into several groups. Today, like several decades ago, knowing your blood type is very important. This is necessary both for blood infusion and for performing donor duties.

According to medical statistics, one of the rarest blood groups is the third positive. This group is also called nomadic, since the first registered “carriers” of such plasma were precisely nomads.

Character traits

People who have a third positive blood group are the owners of a “happy” character. So, such people have a light and open character.

“Carriers” of the third positive group quickly get along with people, make new acquaintances, and even in the most difficult situations do not lose their presence of mind.

Restless Innovators

A specific historical feature also influences the character: given that these people are nomads by nature, they quickly get bored with even what they recently did with great pleasure. The character of these people forces them to be in search all the time and sometimes make completely unexpected decisions.

These people are amazingly sensitive to any injustice. Their character does not allow them to come to terms with what seems wrong to them. Moreover, they stand up, often forgetting about the consequences, not only for themselves and their loved ones, but also for people they do not know. If the oppressor of a person with such a character is the boss, then the owner of the third positive group will prefer to change jobs.

The restless nature of people who have a third positive blood group often provokes them to creative quests. Therefore, many of them are generators of new, creative ideas.

Men with the third positive group are different:

  1. With a sharp mind.
  2. Charm.
  3. Assertiveness in courtship.

The character of young ladies is not constant. However, these flighty, charming ladies easily turn men’s heads and always have many fans.

But the nature of family relationships cannot be called happy. This is explained by the growing distrust between spouses associated with the frivolity and carelessness of one of them.


Most people with this group do not have serious health problems. But some “carriers” of the third positive, unfortunately, often suffer from endocrine disorders.

The most common abnormalities in this case are diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. Also, such people are often tired and suffer from decreased concentration.

About blood in general terms

People differ not only in hair or skin color, but also in blood type. A person has a certain group that remains with him throughout his life. There are 4 groups:

  • I, or 0;
  • II, or A;
  • III, or B;
  • IV, or AB.

A person's blood type depends on the presence of certain proteins in the red blood cells (these are called agglutinogens) and in the plasma (these proteins are called agglutinins). Both of them have 2 types: agglutinogens - A and B, and agglutinins - a and b. The distribution of these substances is as follows:

I, or 0Noa and b
II, or AAb
III, or BBa
IV, or ABA and BNo

It is very important to know the blood type of the donor and recipient during transfusion. The body will perceive agglutinogens of a different type than its own as uninvited guests. For example, if a person with group II is transfused with blood of group III, then the blood cells will stick together. As a result, blood flow is blocked, which can be fatal. Universal donors are those people in whose veins blood of group I flows. This blood can be transfused to any person. And universal recipients are people with group IV, since blood of all groups is suitable for them.

There is another indicator, in addition to the presence of agglutinogens and agglutinins in the blood. The red blood cells of most people contain another protein - the Rh factor. In this case, a “plus” or “minus” is added to the blood group, for example, group III is positive. But there are still some people who do not have this protein in their blood. Based on the data in the table, you can determine what blood type the child will have:

Compatibility Features

According to another discovery by K. Landsteiner, about eighty-five percent of the population has a positive Rh factor. There are a little more than fifteen percent of “carriers” of negative Rhesus. Blood group compatibility is of great importance during transfusion.


A considerable number of people are faced with the need to replenish their blood reserves. This may happen when:

  • serious injury;
  • complex operation;
  • impaired hematopoiesis;
  • birth of a child;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • burns;
  • an open ulcer.

In this case, specialists resort to donor blood. Doctors pay special attention to compatibility. If compatibility is low, a precipitate will form in the blood plasma, which will contribute to the destruction of red blood cells. In the worst case, poor compatibility leads to the death of the patient.

Combination with other groups

The third group has different compatibility with other groups. Compatibility looks like this:

  1. The third positive group is compatible with both its own and the fourth group, a positive Rh factor (relevant for the donor).
  2. Also, the third positive group is compatible with the first and third negative and positive groups (relevant for the recipient).
  3. The third negative blood group is compatible with its own and the first negative (relevant for the donor).

How to eat

The third positive blood group does not require adherence to a particularly strict diet. Choosing a suitable diet is quite simple, since the digestive tract of such people is able to safely digest many tasty and healthy foods.

Important to remember

The body of nomads easily assimilates both meat and plant products. In this regard, the third positive blood group allows you to experiment, adhering to one diet or another. But it is important to take into account that there are also taboo foods, the consumption of which negatively affects both health and a person’s appearance.

Thus, special caution should be taken when using wheat gluten, which reduces metabolism. Unfortunately, this product, not sufficiently absorbed by the body, contributes to the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist. Cooperation between wheat and such products as:

People who have a third positive blood group are encouraged to pay special attention to foods with a large amount of carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits, as well as fish and meat products.

What can you eat

Persons with the third positive need to include the following foods in their diet:

  1. Low-fat yoghurts and kefir.
  2. Lososin.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Grapes, papaya and bananas.
  5. Beef liver.

You also need to pay attention to lean meats, eggs and fiber, which is found in rice and oatmeal. Porridges cooked with both milk and water are very useful.

It is advisable to drink only green tea and rosehip infusion. Products such as black tea, coffee and alcohol should be excluded from the diet.

What to exclude

It is also important to remember which products it is advisable not to include in your menu. So, you need to give up tomatoes and tomato juice. It is necessary to exclude even such a healthy product as pomegranate from the diet.

It is also recommended to avoid the following products:

  1. Anchovies, shrimp and other seafood.
  2. Ketchup and mayonnaise (in general, it is advisable to avoid all store-bought sauces).
  3. Pork.
  4. Chicken.
  5. Wheat bread.
  6. Ice cream and other store-bought sweets.

Diet for such people

It must be said that people with this blood type suffer least from digestive disorders. But still, they will be interested to know what they can and cannot eat with the 3rd positive group.

The characteristics of their table can be defined as moderately varied. As many medical sources say, it is best to eat it little by little and often. Suitable meats: rabbit, venison, lamb. Beef and veal are also acceptable. But it is better not to cook or eat chickens. They are poorly digestible.

  1. Suitable dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat milk. But it is better not to eat cheese, especially smoked cheese.
  2. From vegetables and fruits you can: zucchini, potatoes, apples, persimmons, pineapples, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, pears, grapes. But it is better to limit pomegranate, white cabbage and tomatoes.
  3. Good cereal options: oatmeal, buckwheat, barley. And millet cereals and rice should be consumed carefully.

Since these people often suffer from diabetes, sweets and flour products should be completely excluded! Also, white bread, baked goods, and pasta should be consumed in limited quantities.

It is better to avoid tomato juice because it increases stomach acidity. Black tea, coffee, and alcohol will have to be forgotten to maintain health.

Also unhealthy foods for such people are: offal (stomach, kidneys, heart, etc.), margarine, ice cream, pork, sunflower oil, nuts (peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts). But poppy seeds can help with many ailments. It’s better to forget smoked meats. They should eat fried food as rarely as possible.

Physical activity

People whose blood type is third positive should pay attention not only to a special diet. For harmonious weight loss, modern nutritionists and doctors advise including moderate physical activity in your daily regimen.

You should not get involved in heavy sports. A relaxing technique is more suitable for this group. So, it is advisable to pay special attention to walking and yoga. If possible, it is recommended to regularly exercise on an exercise bike and treadmill. It is recommended to play tennis or any ball games. Swimming is very beneficial. Water procedures can be performed both in a pool and in a natural body of water.

It is equally important to spend more time in the fresh air - take a walk after work and go out of town at least once a month.

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