Causes of stenosis
Atherosclerotic vasoconstriction of the brain
What happens during a spasm of blood vessels in the head Vasospasm is a sudden narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels
signs of VSD during pregnancy
A list of consequences that may occur if you do not start treating VSD on time?
The essence of vegetative-vascular syndrome Of course, vegetative-vascular dystonia during pregnancy is an undesirable condition due to such
Antidepressants for VSD
Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with antidepressants
Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that develops due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Vegetative system
ALT in the blood - what is this indicator, norms and causes of deviation
Blood levels during chemotherapy. Changes in blood levels.
Folk remedies for lowering the level of indicators ALT norm in the blood Separately, it should be said about
Which doctor should I consult when my legs hurt?
What are the names of doctors who treat varicose veins?
A surgeon is a doctor who specializes in treating various diseases through physical intervention in the patient’s body.
White blood cells are elevated
Increased leukocytes in the blood and urine of a woman after childbirth: what does this mean, what is the reason for exceeding the norm, what to do?
To monitor the health status of mother and baby during pregnancy and after childbirth,
Coronary angiography: are its consequences so dangerous?
Research Center Contrasting coronary vessels is the most reliable way to choose treatment tactics
causes of chest pain
what can sting in the right side of the chest
Anatomical features First, it is worth explaining what is on the right side of the chest. In fact
Possible causes and risk factors for developing dermatitis
Keratopapilloma of the skin - what is it and how is it treated?
Causes and symptoms The causes and mechanisms of capillaritis on the legs, as a rule, are not always clear.
Back pain between the shoulder blades - why, causes and treatment. Why does it hurt between the shoulder blades on the back?
Symptoms of heart disease What are the symptoms of heart problems and how to distinguish one disease
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