How to choose the most effective drugs for varicose veins: tablets and ointments

The best budget drugs for varicose veins

Nowadays, more than half of the entire population of the planet suffers from varicose veins.
Moreover, many of these people simply ignore the first symptoms of the disease and let varicose veins take their course. Ultimately, this leads to thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers. To prevent such complications, it is necessary to pay attention to both the prevention and treatment of this disease. After all, medicine does not stand still; modern medicines can provide a person with a comfortable life, practically without limiting him in terms of physical activity. That is, with proper and regular treatment, you can lead a full life (climbing mountains, running, swimming and playing football).

However, as you know, treatment in our time is not cheap, and therefore many people simply cannot afford such luxury as expensive drugs for varicose veins. Therefore, in our article today we will try to talk in detail about the cheapest medicines intended for the treatment of varicose veins.

Injections for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs

In medical practice, patients with varicose veins are most often prescribed drug therapy, but this is not the only method of treating varicose veins on the legs in women. You can get rid of mesh on blood vessels using sclerotherapy.

This method of treating varicose veins is an injection of saline solution directly into a vein. The injected liquid irritates the vessel and provokes its destruction. At the same time, the blood begins to clot. Over time, the vein will become simple scar tissue and quickly heal.

This procedure can be performed by a dermatologist or surgeon. The number of injections given in one session is determined by the doctor. In this case, the specialist takes into account the patient’s condition, location and size of the veins.

A saline solution or fine foam is injected with a thin needle. Such drugs for varicose veins on the legs of women as “Ethoxysklerol” and “Fibro-Vein” can also be used as a solution. Convulsions may occur during injection. The pain is felt for no more than two minutes. The duration of sclerotherapy is 30 minutes.

Some patients refuse this treatment method due to the high cost and the achievement of only a cosmetic result.

After this procedure, patients are not allowed to:

  • - take hot baths;
  • - apply compresses;
  • — visit saunas and baths;
  • - stay in the sun for a long time.

Venotonics (venotonic drugs)

This can be said to be a fundamental group of drugs, without which the treatment of varicose veins can never be done. They have an angioprotective effect (dilate blood vessels, normalize the rheological properties of blood, improve its microcirculation, make blood vessels less permeable, relieve tissue swelling and activate metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels), and therefore are used to eliminate such unpleasant side effects of varicose veins as:

However, it is immediately worth noting that venotonic drugs are powerless in the fight against visual signs of varicose veins (swollen veins and nodules); they are intended to prevent various complications of the disease, as well as strengthen blood vessels. Here are the most effective budget analogues of popular venotonics for Russia:

  • Troxerutin. It is a budget analogue of the more expensive drug Troxevasin. Release form – gel (40g). The composition of both drugs is 100% identical (the main active ingredient is troxerutin), while the cost differs by almost 3 times. The price of Troxerutin gel is ≈ 49-54 rubles.
  • Venarus. Available in tablets of 30 and 60 pieces, it is almost 100% analogue of the popular drug Detralex (the main active ingredients are diosmin and hesperidin). The cost of Venarus is ≈ 600 rubles. As you can see, this is an excellent alternative to Detralex, because Venarus is more than 2 times cheaper and does not have the same side effects as Detralex. However, the effect of taking it comes more slowly.
  • Antistax. An excellent German budget drug for varicose veins. The cost of 20 tablets is ≈ 670-680 rubles.

In Ukraine, almost all of the above drugs are prohibitively overpriced, so below we will talk about what cheap drugs for varicose veins can be purchased in this country:

  • Avenue. This is a completely Ukrainian analogue of Detralex, the cost of 30 coated tablets is ≈ 90-115 hryvnia, which is 2.5 times less than the price of Detralex. Moreover, the effect of both drugs is identical (the main active ingredients are diosmin and hesperidin).
  • Normaven. The cost of 30 tablets of this product is ≈ 90-125 hryvnia. It is also an analogue of Detralex (the main active ingredients are diosmin and hesperidin).
  • Venorin. The drug is the result of joint work of Spanish and Ukrainian scientists. For 30 tablets you will have to pay ≈ 55-70 hryvnia.
  • Venosmin. It is also considered an analogue of Detralex (the main active ingredients are diosmin and hesperidin), but its cost, unlike the first, is ≈ 120-130 hryvnia.

The list of cheap remedies for varicose veins does not end here, since today in pharmacies you can find dozens of analogues of one or two licensed drugs, so it is simply impossible to list them all.


The drug "Diosmin" is an angioprotective agent from the category of bioflavonoids, which is prescribed for varicose veins of the legs. The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, improves lymphatic drainage (reduces lymphatic pressure, increases the tone of lymphatic capillaries and the frequency of their contraction, increases the functional density of these vessels). In addition, the drug reduces the migration of leukocytes into paravenous tissues and their adhesion to the venous walls, normalizes microcirculation (increases capillary resistance, reduces their permeability), has a phlebotonic effect (relieves venous congestion, increases venous tone and eliminates the distensibility of veins), helps improve diffusion oxygen and perfusion in skin tissue.

Contraindications to taking the drug "Diosmin" are: first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 18 years and sensitivity to the substances in the composition.

The cost of these tablets for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins in the legs varies between 400-800 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

These drugs are used only in cases where the disease worsens and is complicated by swelling and pain. Medicines against inflammation are prescribed only by the attending physician, and the duration of use of such drugs is usually calculated in days, in extreme cases weeks. Here are cheap analogues of popular anti-inflammatory drugs that can be used for varicose veins:

  • Diclosan/Diclofenac. Two drugs similar in composition and pharmacological action. The active ingredient in both is the same - diclofenac sodium, but their content differs, moreover, Diclosan also contains nicotinic acid. The cost of Diclosan is ≈ 10 hryvnia or 25-30 rubles. The cost of Diclofenac is ≈ 10 hryvnia or 35-80 rubles.
  • Indomethacin. An inexpensive pain reliever whose main active ingredient is indomethacin. Relieves pain, swelling and heaviness during exacerbations of varicose veins. The cost of Indomethacin is ≈ 70 rubles or 20 hryvnia.
  • Ketorol, Analgin, Ketanov, Tempalgin. These products are recommended for one-time use in emergency cases. They perfectly relieve pain from varicose veins.

Also, doctors quite often prescribe drugs from this group to their patients at the very beginning of the treatment course, since many people turn to a phlebologist for help already when the disease manifests itself with severe pain.


This is a very popular medication that is prescribed to people suffering from varicose veins, with an increased likelihood of blood clots forming in damaged venous vessels. The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of NSAIDs and antiplatelet agents. The action of acetylsalicylic acid, which acts as an active substance, is based on the irreversible suppression of the COX-1 enzyme, as a result of which the synthesis of thromboxane A2 is blocked and platelet aggregation is reduced. It is believed that acetylsalicylic acid has other mechanisms for suppressing this process, which significantly expands the scope of its use in a variety of vascular diseases. In addition, the substance also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Magnesium hydroxide, also present in the composition of Cardiomagnyl, protects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the action of acetylsalicylic acid.

The price of 100 tablets of this medicine is about 250 rubles. "Cardiomagnyl" is contraindicated in the presence of a tendency to bleeding, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, renal failure, in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, during lactation, under the age of 18 years, as well as with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid.

tablets for varicose veins on the legs reviews

Blood thinners

The importance of these drugs is difficult to overestimate, because they prevent blood thickening and the formation of blood clots, and in combination with venotonics they have the greatest therapeutic effect. These medications are usually taken in courses of 2 months, twice a year. Here are the most effective cheap blood thinners for varicose veins:

  • Ascorutin. A very cheap drug, it fills the body with vitamins that strengthen blood vessels, and also normalizes blood microcirculation. Main active ingredients: ascorbic acid and rutin. Cost ≈ 3-4 hryvnia or 50 rubles.
  • Venorutinol. This is a synthetic, more effective analogue of Ascorutin. The main active ingredient is troxerutin. Capsule/gel release form – 20 tablets or 40 grams. The cost of 20 tablets is ≈ 200 rubles or 65-70 hryvnia.
  • Warfarin. This is the most popular anticoagulant today, used to treat venous and other thromboses. The cost of 30 tablets is ≈ 65-70 hryvnia or 70-100 rubles.

It is impossible to cure varicose veins with thinning agents alone, but this is an excellent way to prevent possible complications and normalize the functioning of the vascular system. Therefore, they are almost always included in the complex treatment of varicose veins.


This is a drug with a venotonic and angioprotective effect based on a rutin derivative as an active component. It affects capillary vessels and veins, strengthens their walls and increases tone and generally normalizes blood circulation, affects the fibrous matrix, which is located between endothelial cells, and narrows intercellular pores. By suppressing the aggregation of red blood cells and increasing the degree of their deformability, this medication has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the intensity of pain, swelling of the legs, the severity of trophic disorders, varicose ulcers and convulsions in chronic venous insufficiency. The beneficial effect of the drug on the permeability and resistance of capillary walls slows down the development of retinopathy and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Contraindications to taking Venoruton tablets: first trimester of pregnancy and high sensitivity to the components. The price of the medicine is approximately 850 rubles.

Main groups of medications

The list of tablets for varicose veins is wide: it includes drugs with different mechanisms of action, pharmacodynamics, and active substances.

The main feature based on which conditional groups of medications necessary for varicose veins are compiled is their predominant functional orientation.


Among the tablets for varicose veins, venotonics are the best means for treating the disease at any stage. They increase vascular tone. Venotonics for the legs also prevent the formation of blood clots, preventing further progression of the pathology. This is due to the mechanism of action.

Contraction of vascular smooth muscle:

  • reduces the permeability of its wall and the amount of fluid entering the surrounding tissues - swelling disappears;
  • changes the lumen of the vessel, the pressure in it increases - hemodynamics are normalized, blood flow improves, vein valves and the quality of blood vessels are preserved.

The most effective tablets for varicose veins from this group include:


Anticoagulants change blood clotting and viscosity, which are considered the main reasons for the development of blood clots and decreased circulation. By thinning the blood, these drugs prevent disruption of tissue nutrition.

Most often recommended anticoagulants for varicose veins of the legs:

They are taken for a long time in low dosages, under the control of blood clotting and on the recommendation of a doctor. If the instructions are strictly followed, drugs in this group have a good effect in achieving results.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs) are used as anti-inflammatory drugs. These tablets for varicose veins on the legs are indicated for lesions of the deep veins of the lower extremities. They relieve inflammation, swelling and even severe pain. Read more about leg swelling→

It is better to drink them during the period when there are clear clinical manifestations. Tablets for varicose veins on the legs, related to NSAIDs, have contraindications, so only a doctor prescribes them. During therapy, you must adhere to all recommendations to avoid complications.

The most frequently appointed representatives of this group are:

Drink them after meals, from 3 to 7 days until results are achieved. They have many side effects, and therefore self-medication is unacceptable.


Antioxidants are widely used to treat any vascular pathology. They have also found use as tablets for varicose veins.

These include:

  • vitamin E (Tocopherol);
  • Aevit (vitamins A and E);
  • Ascorutin (ascorbic acid with rutin);
  • Phlebodia 600;
  • Ginkor-Forte.

The main purpose is cell renewal. Active oxidation of fats occurs, cell division accelerates, and energy processes in blood vessels are activated.


Enzyme therapy is especially recommended for thrombophlebitis. Drugs in this group are active enzymes, combine powerful anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiplatelet properties, and increase local immunity.

The best enzymes to drink for varicose veins are:


Such medications help normalize lipid metabolism, enhance energy processes in blood vessels, improve the elasticity of vascular walls and rapid cell restoration. Which tablets with antioxidant properties for varicose veins are the most effective?

Typically, complex therapy for varicose veins is carried out using:

  1. Vitamin E. The drug is available in liquid and capsule form. The last option is more convenient to use. Tocopherol slows down the wear and tear of cells, participates in the synthesis of elastane and collagen, significantly improving the condition of blood vessels.
  2. Askorutina. A product with a combined effect. Replenishes the deficiency of ascorbic acid and vitamin P. The combination of substances perfectly reduces the permeability of blood vessels and strengthens their walls. In addition, the tablets fight swelling and inflammatory processes. It is better to take Ascorutin for preventive purposes if there is a high risk of varicose veins. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet after or during meals. It is advisable to discuss the duration of the course with your doctor. One of the important advantages of Ascorutin is its inexpensive cost (on average 60 rubles for 50 tablets).
  3. Ginkor-Forta. Its use will increase the resistance of blood vessels to external negative factors, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, normalize blood circulation, and reduce swelling and pain. The drug contains a substance with powerful antioxidant properties - ginkgo biloba. Its task is to protect blood vessels from free radicals, saturate tissues with oxygen and remove toxins. In addition, the composition contains troxerutin, which has an antioxidant and angioprotective effect.

Treatment regimen: 1 capsule twice a day. The drug is contraindicated in the 1st trimester.

To achieve relief from the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to completely complete the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor.

General principles of admission

Which tablets for varicose veins should you choose for successful treatment? First of all, those that are recommended by a phlebologist (specialist in venous pathology) after examination and additional examination, if necessary, to clarify the stage of the disease and the scope of therapy.

If for some reason it is impossible to obtain professional advice, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the specifics of administration and study the annotations included with the medications so as not to aggravate the disease.

Side effects

All tablets for varicose veins, included in different groups of drugs, have their own indications and contraindications for use. When choosing drugs, you need to take into account other existing chronic pathologies, the stage of varicose veins and the area of ​​the affected veins.

Almost all drugs used to treat vascular pathology have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Antiplatelet agents and anti-inflammatory drugs from the NSAID group are especially dangerous.

Their uncontrolled intake:

  • leads to the formation of erosions and ulcers in the stomach and duodenal bulb;
  • complicates existing gastritis or peptic ulcer with bleeding;
  • causes the development of drug-induced toxic hepatitis and nephritis, toxic anemia.

In what cases are tablet drugs needed?

Advanced pathology in the case of varicose veins is almost impossible to cure with pills alone.

Treatment with tablet drugs usually occurs in combination with other types of therapy and is required in the following cases:

  1. In the initial stages of the disease, when more radical methods of therapy are not yet necessary.
  2. When varicose veins affect organs, treatment of which with gels and ointments is not feasible.
  3. After completion of treatment as maintenance therapy, which will reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Taking pills has 3 main goals:

  1. Reducing symptoms of the disease;
  2. Reduced risk of complications;
  3. Stopping the progression of the disease.

The first goal is usually achieved quite quickly - literally in a few days. They penetrate the blood and through it have the desired effect. When using other dosage forms: creams, ointments or gels, you have to wait longer for the desired result.

To achieve the second and third goals you have to wait much longer. The process can take from 3 to 6 months. In especially severe cases, continuous use of medications is necessary. Sometimes drug therapy is prescribed in courses - from six months to a year with breaks of several months.

The best tablets for varicose veins of the lower extremities

Varicose veins are a common vascular pathology, most often affecting the veins of the lower extremities. Like most diseases, varicose veins cannot be cured completely, but with the systematic use of various therapeutic techniques it will be possible to delay its development and achieve long-term remission. An integral part of the treatment strategy are pharmacological drugs, including tablets for varicose veins on the legs. The choice of such tablets in the pharmacy chain is very diverse, and the patient wants to find the most effective and inexpensive medicines. But before you buy this or that medicine, you should visit a phlebologist. He will recommend the best pills for varicose veins, focusing on the data of tests and examinations of a particular patient.

Medicines for external use

For external use, creams, gels and ointments are used. When buying a drug at a pharmacy, you need to take into account that the ointment has the highest concentration of the active substance.

A general contraindication is the presence of lesions on the skin.

You need to rub in the ointment preparation using bottom-up movements; you should not put too much pressure on the superficial veins.

Usually prescribed twice a day. In the evening, you can apply a compress to the most painful part of the leg.

The pharmacy chain offers the following drugs for external treatment of varicose veins of the legs.

Gel Venoruton - the active ingredient is an analogue of rutin. Passing through the skin to the vein, the drug has an antioxidant effect, reduces the permeability of the wall, and reduces the swelling of surrounding tissues. The tone of the veins increases, and the pain is gradually eliminated. The drug is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What are the benefits of tablets for varicose veins?

Drug therapy in the fight against varicose veins of the lower extremities gives very good results if treatment is started on time. According to statistics, if you seek medical help in a timely manner, treatment of varicose veins with tablets is successful in 90% of cases. In the remaining 10 percent, surgery must be resorted to to achieve lasting positive results. But even after it you need to take pills. People who are at risk for developing venous insufficiency - representatives of “stand-up” professions (teacher, hairdresser, salesperson, surgeon, dentist) need to take pills to prevent varicose veins.

The main goals of pharmacological therapy, for the sake of which doctors recommend that patients regularly take tablets for varicose veins, are:

  • Improving the tone of blood vessels;
  • Strengthening vascular walls;
  • Relieving swelling and pain;
  • Improving blood flow through the veins of the lower extremities;
  • Relief of the inflammatory process.

Medicines prescribed for varicose veins of the lower extremities are divided into several main groups, distinguished by the principle of their effect on the symptoms of the disease:

  • Phlebotonics: increase the tone of vascular walls and strengthen them, making them more elastic and preventing rupture of small vessels;
  • Antiplatelet agents: while not a means of treating varicose veins, they prevent the development of the most dangerous of its complications - narrowing of the vascular lumen of the veins, preventing red blood cells from sticking together and forming blood clots that interfere with normal blood circulation;
  • Anticoagulants necessary to thin the blood: improve its structure, help prevent stagnation of lymph and blood in the lower extremities;
  • Anti-inflammatory - taking these drugs is necessary to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the veins caused by the accumulation of toxins in them due to increased blood viscosity.

The effect of these medications in combination can improve the condition of the circulatory system, relieve painful symptoms and prevent the development of complications in the form of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism. Therefore, tablets are an essential part of the general course of anti-varicose vein therapy. But their prescription is the prerogative of the attending physician - self-medication for venous insufficiency of the legs is strictly prohibited.

Possible complications

    Trophic ulcers are a form of complication of varicose veins, which manifests itself in the development and deepening of long-term non-healing ulcers. Typically, a separate painful ulcer appears on the lower leg, inside which a “wetting” is often observed in the form of a discharge of serous bloody fluid covering the affected tissue.

Urgently seeking medical help

Immediate consultation with a doctor is required if the following symptoms appear:

  • Increased pain in the affected limb, inability to get out of bed or take a few steps;
  • The skin on the leg is hot, swollen and tight to the touch.
  • Skin color varies from pale to bluish or bluish-red;
  • Sudden shortness of breath, lack of air, sweating and severe weakness;
  • Bleeding from an area of ​​affected skin or varicose veins.

The necessary medications for varicose veins of the lower extremities must be present in the complex treatment regimen. Even after surgery, several courses of phlebotonic and antiplatelet drugs will be required in order to prevent possible trophic disorders, inflammation and complications associated with the disease.

Many multicomponent drugs against varicose veins act in combination and have several functions. The effectiveness of such drugs is more pronounced. It is optimal to use treatment courses in the correct dosage, calculated by a phlebologist , in combination with compression therapy, yoga, swimming in the pool, and herbal medicine.

Characteristics of tablets

The choice of tablets for legs for varicose veins and fatigue is very wide. Both doctors and patients consider the most effective means:

  • Detralex is a venotonic tablet. Available in pharmacies without a prescription. The average cost of one pack varies from 650 to 1300 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in it (30 or 60 pieces). Shelf life is 4 years from the release date indicated on the packaging. The active ingredients of Detralex are diosmin (90%) and hesperidin (10%) - flavonoids (antioxidants) of plant origin. The tablets reduce the distensibility of veins and reduce capillary permeability, helping to improve vascular tone. Based on the pharmacological properties of the drug, it should be used for varicose veins as follows: take 2 tablets per day - one at lunchtime and one in the evening, with meals, with half a glass of water. The duration of the course is from 2 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the condition. Contraindications include individual intolerance, as well as age under 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, since in such situations it is not used, and there is no information about the effect of the drug on the human body during these periods of life. Detralex is well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases side effects are possible: dizziness, feeling of weakness, fatigue. nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction (diarrhea, constipation), skin rashes, itching. In this case, you should stop taking the pills and consult your doctor.
  • Venarus is a Russian analogue of Detralex, consisting of the same active substances, having similar indications, contraindications and administration. It does not take effect as quickly as Detralex, but has fewer side effects. The price is much lower than the French product - 900 rubles for a package of 60 tablets.

Medicines should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Groups of drugs and their effects

For venous varicose veins, medicinal substances are classified according to the type of action into three main groups :

  • venotonic or phlebotropic agents;
  • blood thinners (anticoagulants) and medications that inhibit platelet aggregation (antiplatelet agents);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Research and medical practice have proven the effectiveness of phlebotonics developed on the basis of natural flavonoids - diosmin and hesperide. These substances not only protect the vein cells, but stimulate the outflow of lymph and stabilize the functioning of the capillaries. The simultaneous use of combination medications that contain both flavonoids is especially effective.

Most often, phlebotropic drugs
are taken in courses of 2 to 3 months .
It is important that the intake coincides with the hot season, when the load on blood vessels increases due to high air temperatures and the consumption of large volumes of water. If varicose veins are accompanied by chronic venous insufficiency, phlebotonics are taken constantly at half the dose. A patient diagnosed with varicose veins should receive systematic treatment from the very beginning to prevent the development of the disease and reduce the likelihood of complications.

The second problem is solved by medications that thin the blood (anticoagulants) and improve its fluid properties, preventing the formation of thrombotic clots (antiplatelet agents).

The formation of blood clots, their separation from the vascular wall and movement along the venous bed leads to blockage of the vessels of the human heart, lungs and brain. As a result, the likelihood of developing a heart attack, pulmonary embolism and ischemic stroke is very high.

Antiaggregates are not a cure for varicose veins, but are used as a means to prevent its serious complications - thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. We can say that these medications save the patient’s life and reduce the risk of disability to a minimum.

Does more expensive mean better?

But the best pills for varicose veins do not have to be expensive. At the initial and middle stages of the development of the disease, inexpensive drugs have a good therapeutic effect that is not inferior to high-cost drugs. The list of cheap pills for varicose veins on the legs includes:

  • Troxevasin - relieves swelling, increases the density and elasticity of vascular walls, reducing their permeability. Capsules are taken three times a day with meals, swallowed whole and washed down with water. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Selling price – 250 rubles per pack of 30 capsules;
  • Curantil - strengthens blood vessels, removes swelling and spider veins. It is used in the early stages of varicose veins and as a prophylactic against this pathology. Average cost – 350 rubles;
  • Ascorutin - due to the high content of vitamin C, has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, improves the condition of the skin on the legs, softening it, reducing itching and inflammation. The tablets can be used in combination with other medications for varicose veins. It is sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription, the average cost is 80 rubles per pack.

For varicose veins of the lower extremities, tablets prescribed by a doctor have an anticoagulant effect, and in the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, their long-term use can provoke an exacerbation and even cause internal bleeding. Therefore, the patient is obliged to warn the phlebologist about the presence of such diseases in order to adjust the dosage regimen and dosage.

Spider vein therapy

Effective treatment of dilated veins in the legs is possible if the chosen medicine counteracts the mechanisms of disease development, the destruction of the venous wall and valves. Main directions of drug therapy:

  • restoration of blood flow in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • strengthening the vein wall, preventing loss of elasticity;
  • providing assistance to the valve apparatus to prevent the reverse flow of blood in a vertical position of a person;
  • increased tone of the muscles of blood vessels and lower legs;
  • ensuring the proper level of microcirculation in the capillaries of the feet and fingers;
  • decreased blood viscosity and ability to form blood clots;
  • anti-inflammatory effect on the vascular wall and surrounding tissues.

The success of therapy depends on the stage of the disease, the use of drugs that can prevent severe complications (thrombophlebitis, embolism of vital vessels). The list of the most severe consequences of varicose veins is headed by pulmonary embolism.

Medicines for the treatment of varicose veins differ in their mechanism of action and have their own limitations and contraindications.

Treatment of medical pathology. drugs consists of using medications in the form of ointments, tablets, creams. Their main task is to eliminate the symptoms of pathology, therefore they are used as an additional treatment.

Failure of the venous outflow of the brain is provoked by several factors. Venous congestion of the brain can manifest itself in different ways. The patient may be bothered by a feeling of heaviness and pain in the head, a feeling of nausea, fainting, and dizziness.

In restoring venous outflow, great importance is given to vessels. Thanks to receptors located on the surface of blood vessels, the brain regulates the lumen of the veins when there is excess blood flow.

In this way, the outflow of blood to the brain is normalized. Brain therapy should begin after identifying provoking factors and clinical manifestations and clarifying the diagnosis.

Your doctor may recommend an MRI of your brain.

Depending on the factors that provoked the failure of the venous outflow of the brain, the doctor prescribes complex treatment. The following drugs are used in therapy for varicose veins:

  • Anticoagulants – Plavix, Warfarin. Prevents the formation of blood clots.

Plavix prevents blood clots

  • Diuretics – Hydrochlorothiazide, Furosemide. Removes excess fluid.

Furosemide removes excess fluid


This is a drug for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs with antiaggregation, vasodilation, angioprotective effects, promoting increased blood microcirculation. The drug is based on a xanthine derivative that improves the rheological properties of blood. The principle of its action is based on the suppression of phosphodiesterase and an increase in the level of adenosine triphosphate in erythrocytes, and in platelets - cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate. At the same time, the energy potential is saturated, which promotes vasodilation, a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance, and an increase in stroke and minute blood volume.

In areas of impaired blood supply, the medication improves microcirculation, which is associated with platelet disaggregation and increased elasticity of red blood cells. Absolute contraindications to taking tablets are: myocardial infarction, retinal hemorrhages, atherosclerosis (cerebral or coronary), massive bleeding, acute hemorrhagic stroke, cardiac arrhythmias, pregnancy and lactation, age under 18 years, hypersensitivity. The cost of the drug is about 95 rubles per 100 tablets.

Popular NSAIDs

Tablets and capsules

  1. Selective inhibitor Meloxicam. Reduces the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, but has an impressive list of contraindications;
  2. Nimesulide. Has an excellent analgesic effect. The drug directly affects corticosteroid receptors, resulting in an enhanced anti-inflammatory effect.

Ointments, creams, gels:

  • Dicloren. An effective ointment that relieves inflammation, relieves pain and eliminates swelling
  • Voltaren emulgel. Eliminates pain and helps reduce swelling.
  • Diclofenac. Valuable analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps increase range of motion.

The listed drugs can only be prescribed by the attending physician. He will choose a treatment strategy and prescribe a set of necessary measures. This includes taking medications, both externally and directly to the sites of the disease.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications related to the state of the body, age and a number of other circumstances.

According to the instructions provided, many of the above tablet forms, ointments, creams and gels can be used for preventive purposes. They give an excellent initial effect.

For prophylaxis, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Trombless, and heparin ointment are usually used.

It is recommended to take oral medications together with them.

Venarus is considered effective, as it increases the tone of venous cells and reduces all characteristic symptoms.

Self-medication is not recommended. Uncontrolled use of any drug can affect your overall health.

The best prevention option is lifestyle changes.

Prevention of varicose veins

  • Complete cessation of bad habits;
  • Moderate physical activity and weight loss;
  • Healthy eating and normal stool;
  • Hardening and hygiene procedures;
  • Avoiding hot baths and sunbathing;
  • Preference for low heels and shoes;
  • Wearing special compression stockings.

Auxiliary therapy is the use of certain alternative medicines.

Anti-inflammatory folk remedies for varicose veins are aimed at improving blood circulation.

Kalanchoe tincture for rubbing, garlic ointment for compresses, nettle infusion or a drink made from nutmeg and honey are known for their effect.

Such treatment will have a greater effect if it is carried out under the supervision of a specialist or in accordance with his recommendations.

Reliable effectiveness comes from a light massage of the limbs, which promotes the outflow of blood.

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