The most effective folk remedies for anemia

Category: Diseases

Anemia is characterized by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. There may be many reasons for this, but this condition is definitely serious, hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen metabolism, so hypoxia (oxygen starvation) quickly develops, and the functioning of all organs and systems is disrupted.

Then, in the absence of adequate treatment, respiratory and heart failure and hypoxic coma are possible, which in most cases ends in the death of the patient.

Anemia - causes

Anemia can occur:

  • with genetic pathologies of the hematopoietic apparatus;
  • as a result of chronic diseases (autoimmune systemic, severe liver and kidney damage, malignant and some benign neoplasms);
  • when taking antibiotics, cytostatics, antiepileptic, antithyroid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Radiation also influences the occurrence of anemia;
  • poisoning with pesticides, toxic chemicals (acetone, solvents, phenol);
  • infectious diseases - hepatitis, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus, mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, malaria.

Why does anemia still develop?

  • This condition can occur with an unbalanced diet.
  • It develops as a result of large blood loss, including from internal bleeding, in women with heavy and prolonged menstruation.
  • Iron deficiency anemia often occurs during pregnancy.
  • Employment in hazardous work contributes to the occurrence of anemia.
  • As a result of the complicated course of chronic diseases.
  • Very rare after blood transfusions.
  • As a result of injuries, burns, frostbite.
  • As a result of starvation or chronic malnutrition.

Anemia can develop in both adults and children. In adolescence, anemia is the result of rapid, often disproportionate, growth.

In children, in addition to the above reasons, the development of anemia is often associated with infection of the body by parasites.

Anemia: herbal treatment

Remedies for anemia may also include the use of herbal medicine. Anemia: home treatment is a method that can be quite effective with the help of herbs. So what herbal remedies can help?

  1. To prepare the first herbal mixture, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of nettle, three St. John's wort, a couple of large spoons of blackberries and claspberry. All components must be ground into powder and poured with three glasses of boiled water. Next, the container with the product should be wrapped in a towel and left to steep for three hours. The next step is represented by straining the infusion. The drug should be consumed hot three times a day in a glass. The minimum period of such treatment is three months;
  2. Rosehip is another plant that can perfectly help cure anemia. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to take five tablespoons of this plant and pour it with a liter of water. The mixture should be left on the fire for ten minutes after it boils. Next, the container with the medicine should be wrapped and left to infuse overnight. You can start drinking it the very next day instead of tea, and you can eat any food. You need to drink the entire prepared infusion within a day. In addition to the fight against anemia, a general strengthening of all the forces of the body is also carried out;
  3. Another plant is the fruits of red rowan. You need to take two small spoons of fruit and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water over them. Leave for three hours. The infusion should be filtered and divided into four portions. Consumption is indicated four times a day, half a glass. The course of treatment is at least two months.

Types of anemia

Most often, iron deficiency anemia (that is, depending on the lack of iron in the body or on its improper absorption), but it can also be hemorrhagic and hemolytic (as a result of loss of red blood cell mass after blood loss or their destruction), B12 - deficiency anemia (there is a chronic deficiency of this vitamin), folate deficiency anemia (lack of folic acid), aplastic anemia (decreased number of blood cells).

And very rare ones - pernicious anemia, Fanconi, thalassemia ...

How to get rid of anemia: advice from a nutritionist

Iron deficiency in the body can be corrected with nutrition

One of the consequences of a lack of iron in the blood is oxygen starvation of brain cells. For many, this results in increased fatigue, absent-mindedness and poor memory. The famous Ukrainian nutritionist Svetlana Fus told on her Instagram how to correct the situation.

“A manifestation of iron deficiency is anemia (anemia) - the most common blood disease. And most of those who suffer from this are women and children. This element primarily helps maintain normal hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells. With low hemoglobin levels, we suffer from oxygen starvation, since the process of saturating tissues with oxygen is very sluggish,” explains the nutritionist.

“The amount of iron in the body is closely related to our well-being and performance. It helps children grow healthy and strong, and adults stay young and energetic. Painful pallor, brittle nails, hair loss, lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness - a typical portrait of a person with anemia and iron deficiency. The most common reason is low iron content in the diet and poor absorption due to poor nutrition,” wrote Svetlana Fus.

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If anemia is already “present,” it is difficult to cure it only with proper nutrition, says the nutritionist. It is necessary to restore the resulting deficiency with iron supplements. They are prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account all factors (including the level of hemoglobin and ferritin - a protein that is combined with iron; it is used to judge the iron reserves in the body).

First, it’s worth understanding the “grades” of iron supplied with food. Foods may contain iron in “heme” and “non-heme” forms.

The first option can be found in animal products (beef, liver, poultry, fish). It is easily digestible. And “non-heme” iron can be obtained from plant foods - bread, buckwheat, pomegranates, pumpkin, green vegetables.

You should not assume that by eating two spoons of buckwheat porridge and an apple, you will stock up on this valuable element, reminds Svetlana Fus. What is important is how much iron the body absorbs. Iron is absorbed from animal products by 30%, from plant products by 1-10%. It is for this reason that a vegetarian diet is not recommended - sometimes it does not contain enough iron and after a few years of completely abstaining from meat, anemia can develop.

Let us remind you that the nutritionist told how to properly lose weight in the spring: “Diets are stressful.”

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Politeka also wrote that the nutritionist told the truth about GMO products.

Degrees of anemia

I distinguish between a mild stage of anemia, when the level of hemoglobin in the blood fluctuates at the lower limit of normal (100-120 g/l in men, 90-110 g/l in women), medium (80-100 g/l in men, 70-90 g /l in women) and severe anemia, when there is even less hemoglobin in the blood and it is worth considering a blood transfusion to the patient.

There is anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12. This vitamin is found in many foods (meat, liver, heart, kidneys, milk powder, cheese) and enters the body along with them.

Anemia treatment with folk remedies at home

How can you keep your red blood cells healthy through proper nutrition? What vitamins should I take for anemia? What folk remedies are used to treat anemia? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Anemia treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for anemia - infusions

  • Preparation of a remedy for anemia: 150 grams of aloe juice is mixed with 250 grams of honey and 350 grams of Cahors. Take a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. If there is a strong loss of strength, before eating you need to take 1 tablespoon of garlic boiled with honey.
  • An infusion of nettle and birch leaves to treat anemia: the leaves of both plants are crushed in equal parts. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water. It is infused for an hour, then filtered and half a glass of beet juice is added. During the day you need to drink the mixture 3-4 times 20 minutes before meals. The full course of treatment is 8 weeks.
  • Infusion of meadow clover for anemia: pour 10 grams of meadow clover (red) flower heads with one glass of boiling water. Leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take two tablespoons three times a day.
  • Folk treatment of anemia with various herbs: mix four tablespoons of rowan fruits, three tablespoons of rose hips, four tablespoons of black currant fruits and two tablespoons of wormwood herb. Pour 20 grams of this mixture into half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the product at home, then strain. Take one quarter glass three times a day for 2-3 months.

Tinctures according to folk recipes for the treatment of anemia

  • Tincture of wormwood for the treatment of anemia: a liter jar is filled with dry herb from the May harvest of wormwood. It is filled with vodka or diluted medical alcohol. It is necessary to infuse in a dark place for 3 weeks, the room temperature should be slightly higher than room temperature. After this, add a drop of tincture to a thimble of water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. The period for taking the folk remedy is 3 weeks. If anemia begins to acquire an acute form, then after 3 weeks a break is taken for 2 weeks and the course of alternative treatment is repeated.
  • Tincture of wormwood herb for anemia: 100 grams of wormwood herb, collected in May, pour half a liter of vodka. Leave for three weeks in a dry place. Take the remedy for the treatment of anemia, 1-5 drops on an empty stomach (drop into 30 milliliters of water).
  • Garlic tincture for the treatment of anemia: 300 grams of peeled cloves are placed in a bottle and filled with a 96% alcohol solution. It is infused for 3 weeks, after which it is consumed in a concentration of 20 drops per half glass of milk 3 times a day.

Traditional juice recipes for treating anemia

To prepare this remedy for anemia, you need to pour the juice from the roots of red beets, black radishes and carrots in equal proportions into a dark bowl. Pour the juice into the cast iron and place in the oven for three hours. To treat anemia, take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Diet and nutrition for anemia

  • Drink orange juice. Wash down your meal with a glass of orange juice. The vitamin C contained in the juice increases the absorption of iron contained in plant matter. An excellent folk remedy for treating anemia.
  • To cure anemia, beware of locators. Some food components block the absorption of iron in the intestines. One of these blockers is calcium; This is why you should not take iron supplements with milk, which contains a lot of calcium, regardless of whether it is full-fat. low-fat or completely low-fat. Coffee and tea, with their high concentrations of caffeine, can also interfere with iron absorption.
  • Folates have a place on your plate. For the formation of healthy red blood cells in the body, in addition to iron, a B vitamin such as folate is absolutely necessary. Not all people get enough of it.
  • When treating anemia, do not forget about vitamin B12. For the constant production of red blood cells, the body needs vitamin B12. This vitamin is found in meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products, but is not found in plant foods. Most of us get enough, but strict vegetarians, who eat nothing but plant-based foods, risk vitamin B12 deficiency—and anemia. The solution is to take a daily supplement containing at least 6 mcg of vitamin B]2, which is your daily requirement.
  • Don't overdo it with cocktails and alcohol.
  • Pause your punches. Surprisingly, rhythmic impacts to the body—whether on the legs of a marathon athlete or the hands of a musician who plays percussion instruments for hours every day—can destroy red blood cells and cause anemia. To ensure that enough new red blood cells are produced to replace those that are destroyed, you should take a dietary supplement containing 18 mg of iron, which is your daily requirement.

Anemia during menstruation - treatment with folk remedies

  • Add some iron. Food is the best source of iron. However, doctors recommend that all menstruating women take 18 to 25 mg of iron daily as a dietary supplement. Do not take large doses without a doctor's supervision, as excess consumption sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences. Also ensure that iron supplements are kept out of the reach of children.
  • Combine your iron with vitamin A. If you have heavy menstrual bleeding, taking vitamin A will help reduce blood loss and reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia. However, you should discuss your dosage regimen with your doctor, since an overdose of vitamin A (retinol) can have serious consequences.

Anemia treatment at home

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to undergo a course of treatment, which depends on the patient’s hemoglobin level, ranging from following a certain diet to the use of iron-containing drugs in tablets, syrups or injections (for very low hemoglobin). In any case, the doctor prescribes treatment for anemia. It should be remembered that increasing hemoglobin is not a one-day task, but again depends on the initial indicators.

The diet should also be drawn up by a doctor, since this is a more complex task than it might seem at first glance. The fact is that you need to not only eat iron-containing foods, but also combine them with foods that will not interfere with (and preferably, on the contrary, promote) the absorption and assimilation of iron.

Along with a proper diet and taking special medications, we recommend helping your body with the help of mushrooms. However, before taking our advice, be sure to consult your doctor.

So, we bring to your attention several folk recipes for using mushrooms to increase hemoglobin and prevent anemia.

Folk remedy for anemia - Tibetan milk mushroom

In the morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals and in the evening before bed, drink 1 glass of milk fermented with this mushroom. During the day, drink 2 glasses of “cocktail” prepared as follows: 1 part carrot and beet juice and 2 parts kefir, mix thoroughly. Do not store this drink for more than 1 day, even in the refrigerator. It is advisable to drink it immediately after preparation. You can take the ingredients not in mixed form, but one at a time, “washing down” one healing drink with another.

The course of treatment for anemia is 2 months.

Treatment of anemia with a folk remedy - kombucha

The use of kombucha and seaweed has a remarkable effect. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals and in the evening before bed, drink 1 glass of kombucha liquid, and during the same period, eat 150 g of seaweed twice and drink 200 ml of the specified drink.

The course of treatment for anemia at home is 2 months.

Traditional treatment of anemia with chaga mushroom

Pour a piece of mushroom with warm water in a ratio of 2:4 and leave in a warm place for 4-5 hours. After the specified time, remove the mushroom, heat the water to a temperature of 50-60°C, but do not boil. Cut the mushroom into small pieces, then add heated water and leave for two days in a dark, warm place. Take 50 ml tincture before meals.

It is recommended to prepare a small amount of the drink every 2-3 days, since the tincture should not be stored longer. The course of taking this remedy for anemia is 3 months.

Even after increasing hemoglobin to normal, especially if you have a tendency to be deficient, be sure to adhere to some diet with iron-containing foods. Also, for preventive purposes, to maintain normal iron levels, it is useful to continue to use mushroom preparations. It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle: stop smoking and drinking alcohol, spend time in the fresh air more often (at least 2 hours a day), and thoroughly (especially in the morning and before bedtime) ventilate the room.

Yana Yunosheva, author

Symptoms of anemia

Very often, anemia is practically unnoticeable, a person simply seems to get tired quickly, does not feel well, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, hypotension, blue discoloration of the nail plates, and tinnitus easily occur.

There are fainting states, limbs are cold, fingertips are numb.

Headaches and heart pain, insomnia may occur, loved ones notice pale skin, and poor appetite. Problems such as stomatitis and inflammation of the tongue, jams and cracks in the corners of the mouth may also appear. Tingling in arms and legs. They also signal anemia - circles under the eyes, dizziness, “midges” flashing before the eyes, trembling hands.

What other signs of anemia?

Characterized by nervousness and irritability, there is absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, swelling and pallor of the face. From the gastrointestinal tract there is nausea and stool upset. Reduced immunity and susceptibility to colds. Changes in the eyes - blepharitis, retinal hemorrhages, retinopathy.

Diagnosis of anemia is not difficult - a CBC (complete blood count) is enough. It can be more difficult to determine the condition or chronic disease that accompanies anemia. This may require a lot of additional research.

Treatment of anemia

How to treat anemia?

Of course, if you feel the symptoms described above, then you should go to the clinic.

In these cases, iron supplements (sorbifer, fenuls, totetema, ferroplex, ferrum lek, etc.), folic acid, B vitamins, in particular vitamin B12, are usually recommended. In mild stages, tablet preparations are preferred, but if the hemoglobin level is below 80, then injections are recommended.

If this is not possible, then here are some tips on how to treat anemia at home:

Proper nutrition and a balanced diet are very important.

As for therapeutic fasting, this is not the case when it is applicable; with this disease it is better not to even skip breakfast. The diet should be varied, that is, it is not recommended to eat only apples (although they contain a decent amount of iron), or only pomegranates; sources of iron must be combined and changed.

  • Eat more green vegetables (celery, lettuce, herbs);
  • do not drink large quantities of tea, and exclude coffee from the diet altogether, it does not contribute to the absorption of iron;
  • eat foods enriched with iron (apples, pomegranate, raspberries, oranges, pomelo, cranberries, meat, liver);
  • drink vitamins fortified with iron;
  • drink vitamin B12 or eat foods enriched with this vitamin (cheese, feta cheese, meat, kefir, sour cream, cream, butter, kidneys, heart, milk, chicken, eggs);
  • try, in principle, to eat healthy food, exclude chips, crackers and sweets from the diet altogether;
  • It is advisable to get rid of bad habits - smoking and regular libations, they negatively affect hematopoiesis.

Several traditional medicine recipes

There are many time-tested recipes on how to treat anemia at home and increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. Depending on the territory, customs, habits and preferences, variations in recipes may differ, but their main features remain unchanged. Here are a few of them:

  1. In equal proportions, you need to mix the squeezed juice of beets, radishes and carrots, and then place the resulting mixture in a container covered with a lid. This container should be simmered in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 100-1500C; the resulting infusion should be taken before meals 3 times during the day, 1 tablespoon.
  2. Nettle leaves must be poured with two glasses of boiled water and left for an hour. The resulting infusion must be mixed with beet juice, 200 grams is enough. You need to take the resulting mixture half a glass 3 times a day. This decoction promotes the production of hemoglobin and perfectly tones the body.
  3. Nettle, black currant leaves, as well as tea rose petals in an amount of 50 grams are mixed with 20 grams of parsley leaves and 20 grams of dandelion root. The mixture must be poured with boiled water and covered with a lid, leave and after 10 minutes strain the resulting broth and let it cool. The resulting infusion is recommended to take 1⁄4 cup when treating anemia in children and 1 cup when treating anemia in adults.

Anemia and the underlying disease that caused it, left without adequate therapeutic influence, can significantly worsen the patient’s health. In the first stages of pathology development, you should strictly follow medical recommendations and pay close attention to your well-being.

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies

An exception is made for alcoholic drinks for Cahors, as it is one of the components of a folk remedy for anemia. To prepare it you will need 300 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of natural honey, 700 ml of Cahors. After mixing well, consume 1 tablespoon three times a day for a month.

Another recipe is to pour boiling water over strawberries and rose hips in equal proportions, let it brew, then drink half a glass a couple of times a day for three weeks.

Not only the fruits of strawberries are healing, but also the leaves; they are useful for the following folk recipe for anemia - pour a couple of tablespoons of dry raw materials into a glass of boiling water, leave, drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.

If hemoglobin levels are low, it is recommended to drink an infusion of knotweed herb in half with beetroot juice.

Drug treatment of anemia in adults

Sorbifer Durules

The drug Sorbifer Durules

The latest generation drug for the treatment of anemia in adults. Rarely causes side effects. Not used for lead and sideroblastic anemia. For preventive measures, it is enough to take 1-2 tablets once a day. For critical hemoglobin levels, up to 4 tablets are prescribed, divided into two uses. The duration of taking Sorbifer Durules depends on the complexity of the patient’s condition and can last for 16 weeks, which will replenish the iron balance.


This medicine is used in the presence of sickle cell anemia. At the same time, it can significantly improve concentration and memory. Taking into account the severity of the patient, the medication can be used in a dose of 30 to 160 mg/kg. The daily dosage is divided into four uses, with a minimum amount of two uses. In severe cases, Piracetam is administered intravenously. The duration of therapy can be two months.

Fenyuls 100

Fenyuls 100 is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia

The drug is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Take the medication strictly before meals, once a day, 1-2 doses. In severe cases of pathology, administration is carried out twice a day, while patients are recommended to take two tablets in the morning and in the evening. Fenyuls 100 is strictly prohibited from dividing and dissolving; the tablets must be swallowed whole. For better absorption, you need to take the medicine with water. Therapy continues for 1-4 months.

Ferrum Lek

This drug should be used only in the presence of a latent type of anemia and in the iron deficiency type of the disease. Treatment with Ferrum Lek can continue for 5 months if the patient’s condition requires it. The drug is available in the form of syrup and chewable tablets. Adults with anemia should take 1-3 tablets or 10-30 ml of syrup 1-2 times a day.

Folic acid

Folic acid

This medication should only be used if you have anemia if it is caused by certain medications or radiation. In this case, the patient after 16 years of age should take 5 mg of the active substance. Folic acid therapy may continue for several weeks.


Drug Metipred

The drug helps with several types of anemia, among which subtypes such as hemolytic, hypoplastic and congenital are distinguished. The dosage of Metipred is selected taking into account the weight and complexity of the disease only by the attending physician. If used incorrectly, the medication causes a large number of side effects from all body systems. The lyophilisate is administered exclusively in a hospital setting under the supervision of a physician.


Maltofer in syrup form

The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets or syrup. Adults can take both forms of the medication. The dosage of Maltofer should be selected by the attending physician. Maltofer is taken only in the presence of a latent type of anemia and in cases of severe iron deficiency anemia. Treatment can last up to several months.


The medication is used only in the presence of acquired autoimmune hemolytic and congenital aplastic anemia. The dosage of Prednisolone is determined individually for each patient. It can range from 5 to 60 mg of active substance per day. Prednisolone tablets are taken once a day. Therapy continues individually, taking into account the course of anemia. In the table you can see the cost of the medications listed.

A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in hryvnia
Sorbifer Durules40013164
Fenyuls 10050016205
Ferrum Lek30010123
Folic acid301,212,3

Attention! Some iron-containing drugs require use even after normalization of hemoglobin levels. This is required to create the so-called iron depot. It helps avoid relapse in the future.

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