Treatment of hypertension without drugs: effective non-drug methods for controlling blood pressure

Treatment of hypertension without drugs: effective and safe

Hypertension is a problem that plagues people of all ages. If we talk about those who have crossed the threshold of 60 years, they do not know about this disease from the stories of friends. According to statistics, half of people who have reached such an honorable age suffer from high blood pressure.

But, interestingly, no more than 15% of patients try to lower it. The rest courageously endure all the symptoms associated with hypertension and suffer from terrible complications of the disease. The most terrible of them are stroke and heart attack, which, as a rule, end in death. But if you control your blood pressure, and start prevention when the disease has not manifested itself in full force, then you can give yourself more than a dozen years of a full and rich life.

Moreover, modern methods of treating the disease differ from established stereotypes regarding the need to drink half a pack of tablets every day. You can do without drugs altogether, taking only healthy minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They, in the right combination, can not only bring blood pressure back to normal, but improve overall health. By adhering to a certain technique, you can get rid of hypertension in the shortest possible time.


Sports and proper nutrition will improve the health of the entire body.
A healthy lifestyle is very important if you have high blood pressure. It helps normalize blood pressure and maintain the health of internal organs. People with blood pressure readings above 120 mmHg. Art./80 mmHg Art., you need to try to change your lifestyle. This applies to:

  • giving up bad habits;
  • diet changes;
  • increasing physical activity.

Magnesium is the main mineral for the treatment of hypertension

If you have made a firm decision to get rid of the disease without using medications, then you should pay close attention to such an element as magnesium.

Recent scientific research suggests that it is a lack of magnesium that leads to the development of hypertension in 80% of cases.

That is, if the body of people living on the planet did not experience magnesium deficiency, then the vast majority would have managed to avoid both the disease itself and its terrible consequences.

According to scientists, in the near future magnesium will make a real revolution not only in therapy, but also in the prevention of hypertension. Therefore, if you already have problems with blood pressure of a certain nature, then you should not put off starting to take magnesium. It is worth understanding that it is perfectly absorbed from tablets, which allows you to do without injections.

If previously almost all prescriptions boiled down to the person starting to take drugs belonging to the group of calcium antagonists for the treatment of hypertension, now the situation has changed dramatically. Practitioners are increasingly beginning to specify a wide variety of magnesium supplements in their prescriptions. You can find many names, they may vary in price, but the principle of action and composition is almost everywhere the same and the main active ingredient remains magnesium. Why are doctors increasingly abandoning medications that they have been recommending for years?

There are several good reasons for this:

  • Calcium antagonists negatively affect the functioning of the body as a whole, blocking, if not all, then many of the natural processes occurring in it. One of the common complications familiar to every hypertensive patient is swelling of the legs and constant constipation. Naturally, they do not bring any benefit to the body.
  • Taking magnesium supplements, on the contrary, improves all metabolic processes, helping to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiac activity.
  • By stimulating intestinal function, magnesium preparations help eliminate constipation. Thanks to this same action, a person does not develop edema.
  • People who do not have magnesium deficiency do not have problems with the nervous system. They are calm, not irritable, sleep well at night, and are not bothered by leg cramps.

All unpleasant symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency will disappear after about a month after starting to take medications or products containing it. But it is important to follow the dosage. Nowadays, there are numerous freely available articles published in scientific journals, which once again demonstrate that magnesium is not only a cheap, but also an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

On the topic: Magnesium is the most important mineral for hypertension!

How much magnesium should you take?

To determine how much magnesium a person needs each day, you need to measure his weight and height. Then, based on these indicators, the dosage of the microelement is calculated. Naturally, the more a person weighs, the more magnesium he needs. To treat hypertension, it is necessary to use an increased dosage during the first month. It is necessary to consume magnesium daily, without skipping - this is a prerequisite for people suffering from hypertension.

If we focus on averages, then:

  • People weighing up to 65 kg should take 200 to 400 mg of magnesium.
  • People weighing from 65 to 80 kg – from 400 to 600 mg of this microelement.
  • People over 80 kg – up to 800 mg of magnesium.

It should be understood that these indicators are averaged and each person determines for himself individually how much magnesium he needs to take. In this case, you need to focus on the state of the body. If after 2-3 days of taking you continue to suffer from constipation, then the dose should be increased. If, on the contrary, the stool has become liquid, reduce it or stop taking the drug altogether. After a few days, you should resume using magnesium, but in a slightly lower dosage.

What foods contain magnesium?

This useful microelement can be obtained not only in the form of additives to food, but also from the food itself, therefore, it is important to know which foods have high levels of magnesium and which do not have so much magnesium.

Among plant products, the champions in terms of the content of microelements necessary for the body are:

  • Sea urchins (including caviar) - 1016 mg
  • Rice bran - 781 mg
  • Wheat bran – 611 mg
  • Sesame (white and black) - 640 mg
  • Pumpkin seeds - 535 mg
  • Watermelon seeds - 515 mg
  • Flax seeds - 392 mg
  • Brazil nut - 376 mg per (beware, you can get selenium poisoning!)
  • Cashew - 292 mg
  • Almonds - 268 mg
  • Pine nuts – 251 mg
  • Peanuts - 176 mg
  • Hazelnuts - 163 mg
  • Walnut – 158 mg
  • Pistachios and pecans - 121 mg
  • Sunflower seeds - 157-317 mg
  • Cocoa powder – 25 mg in 1 teaspoon!
  • Halibut – 107 mg

In addition, magnesium contains:

  • Most cereals and legumes. The leader is buckwheat - it contains 250 mg of magnesium, followed by rice and oatmeal - 157 and 139 mg, respectively, it is worth noting millet, peas (green) and beans - 132, 105 and 100 mg per 100 grams of product. We should not forget about lentils, although they are a rare guest on the Russian table.
  • Fruits and dried fruits, such as dates, bananas, persimmons, raisins and prunes, are not deprived of magnesium. They contain from 84 mg to 27 mg of trace elements. Avocado deserves special attention; by eating one large fruit, you can get a “portion” of magnesium of 60 mg. It’s delicious and doesn’t require additional processing.
  • All greens contain magnesium, it is found in chlorophyll - the pigment that is responsible for the formation of color. Therefore, it is necessary that sorrel, dill, parsley and spinach be present on the table. They contain on average from 85 to 70 mg of trace elements. It’s also worth adding cabbage, chard, beet tops and dandelion greens; in addition to magnesium, they also contain antioxidants.
  • Special mention should be made of herbs such as sage, coriander and basil. One tablespoon of any of these aromatic herbs contains an average of 700 mg of magnesium. Therefore, adding them to any daily menu dishes, a person enriches them with useful microelements.
  • It is useful to include bran (450 mg) and wheat germ (230 mg) in your daily menu - they contain a lot of magnesium. Rice bran is especially valuable, but finding it in regular stores can be quite problematic. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to come across them on the counter, you should buy them without hesitation.

Rice bran contains 781 mg of magnesium per 100 grams of product! If we compare it with the recommended daily dose, then on average this is a “charge” of magnesium for 2 days.

Cocoa powder is also rich in magnesium - 25 mg in 1 teaspoon

Having decided to start consuming foods rich in this substance, it is important to learn one rule - vegetables and fruits must be raw and fresh. If you heat them or store them for a long time, some of the vitamins will leave them.

Turning to products of animal rather than plant origin, we can highlight the following:

  • All seafood is rich in these heart-healthy elements. By consuming 100 grams of shrimp, squid, oysters or flounder, you can get 60, 90, 40 and 35 mg of magnesium, respectively.
  • You should not ignore meat and dairy products, although they do not contain too much magnesium - up to 30 mg. It is better to give preference to unsweetened yoghurts and kefir.
  • There is magnesium in cheeses too. Depending on the type of product, its amount will vary; it can reach 56 mg.

By introducing these foods into your diet, you can provide your body with enough magnesium. Therefore, if a person suffers from hypertension, then it’s time to start eating right.

Causes of the disease

Hypertension today is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system, which can occur due to a variety of reasons. As a rule, as the disease progresses, many different disorders and malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems occur in the patient’s body. Often the patient’s lifestyle changes for the worse, he becomes more passive and sedentary. Moreover, the disease closes on itself: that is, it is caused by a disease of a certain organ, and then hypertension itself negatively affects this same organ, which leads to a gradual worsening of the disease and the appearance of a vicious circle. Usually the cause is complications of diseases such as:

  • renal failure and other organ pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • atherosclerosis.

But often a person can live with these diseases for years and never develop hypertension. For this to happen, you need a catalyst, some processes in the body that will start the process. These catalysts are often considered the root causes of disease:

  • obesity;
  • constant nervous tension and stress;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • heredity;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • unhealthy diet, etc.

In turn, hypertension, if left untreated for a long time, can provoke the same kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, brain diseases, heart attacks and strokes. This creates a dangerous vicious circle. In rare cases, hypertension develops independently under prolonged exposure to negative factors.

Vitamin B6 – helps treat hypertension

The effect of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is due to the fact that it helps remove excess fluid from the body, which will lower blood pressure. In addition to its diuretic effect, this vitamin can thin the blood. And patients with hypertension know that if the blood is thick, this contributes to the formation of blood clots that block the vessels. Blood is not able to move normally inside them, accumulates there, and as a result, strokes and heart attacks. The use of vitamin B6 in adequate dosage will help reduce the risk of sudden death several times.

Harvard scientists conducted an experiment and found that people who do not receive enough vitamin B6 are twice as likely to die from a heart attack than those whose bodies contain the required amount of it.

In addition, regular intake of it with food or in the form of dietary supplements helps:

  • Stimulate immunity.
  • Normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Contribute to the normalization of nervous activity.
  • Smooth out discomfort in women during PMS.
  • Strengthen nails and improve skin condition.

If an average of 2 mg of this vitamin per day is enough for healthy people, then those suffering from hypertension will have to increase the dosage slightly, up to 20-50 mg. Experts warn that sometimes this amount can cause a feeling of numbness in the feet and hands, but this should not be feared. This phenomenon is temporary, and if you take other vitamins from the same group, it will go away even faster.

What foods contain vitamin B6?

This vitamin, important for the treatment of hypertension, is present in many products, for example, it can be found in potatoes, beans, and corn.

But the undisputed leader and record holder in this area are pine nuts. Just 100 grams of this healthy product contains 122 mg of vitamin B6. There is something to be surprised about, because of the daily dose required by a person, this is 6120%. However, there is one caveat - this amount can only be found in nuts that are raw. If they are dried, the important vitamin will evaporate from them and its amount will decrease to 0.1 mg.

However, this rule also applies to other food products. You should know that cooking has a negative effect on the vitamin. During this process, it loses some of its beneficial qualities. So, by boiling or frying meat, a person will “remove” more than 50% of the beneficial vitamin B6 from it. When preparing porridge, these losses increase to 90%. It is not only heat treatment that has a negative effect. If food is frozen, the vitamin in it will be destroyed by 70%, and if it is preserved, then even more - by 80%. When you need to get the maximum benefit, then you shouldn’t store foods for a long time, because the longer they sit, even just in the fresh air, the less vitamin B6 will remain in them.

Here are some interesting facts about different types of food processing:

  • The amount of vitamin B6 in bread made from white flour will decrease by 80% after baking. This is compared to the pyridoxine content of unrefined wheat grain.
  • By pouring out the water in which rice was cooked, people unknowingly flush 93% of vitamin B6 down the sink. A similar situation occurs with potato broth.
  • If you preserve vegetables or fruit juices, you can lose up to 77% of the pyridoxine they contain.

Based on these facts, you can get a vitamin useful for treating hypertension even from food, and not destroy it during its preparation.

Important: the minimum dosage of vitamin b6 is 2 mg/day. But therapeutic - from 20 mg! Poisoning begins when taking more than 80 mg. per day.

Therapeutic exercise and breathing exercises

Experts in the field of therapeutic exercises answer the question of whether hypertension can be cured without the help of pills and medications. There are several complexes developed by doctors to get rid of high blood pressure and other unpleasant symptoms of hypertension.

The complex includes only three simple exercises. They can be performed lying down, sitting or standing, at any time of the day.

  1. During the exercise, deep abdominal breathing occurs. With your palms on your stomach, you need to inhale very deeply, while inflating it strongly. Continue inhaling, filling your chest with inhaled air. The chest should be extended forward and the shoulder blades should be retracted. Hold your breath for a few seconds (7-8) and exhale very slowly through your nose. When exhaling, you need to tilt your head a little forward and squeeze your shoulders and again hold your breath for 5-6 seconds. This exercise is performed in three approaches and with a break (1 minute).
  2. After 10 days of performing the first exercise, you should add a second one, very similar, but without holding your breath, but exhale as slowly as possible. Do the same 3 approaches, but without breaks.
  3. After another week of training, a third exercise is added to the complex. The execution is exactly the same, but after a full, slow exhalation, you need to pause your breathing for 20-40 seconds, lowering your chin as close to your chest as possible. To perform this exercise you need 2 approaches, resting between them - 1 minute.

Positive side effects of such activities will be: improved functioning of the digestive system and lung capacity. The gymnastics course is carried out for 3 weeks with constant monitoring of blood pressure (measure daily, 15 minutes after exercise).

Exercises according to Shishonin

Alexander Shishonin did not specifically work on how to treat hypertension. He developed a complex for the treatment of osteochondrosis, but in the process of using his exercises, patients and doctors recorded a decrease in blood pressure in those who regularly exercised using this system. Now it is recommended for hypertensive patients. It consists of exercises that must be repeated several times (this is strictly individual):

  1. Standing straight, tilt your head to the right and left shoulders alternately.
  2. Standing straight, tilt your head down, trying to touch your chin to your chest, fixate for 5 seconds.
  3. Slow rhythmic turns of the head to the right and left, while simultaneously raising the face up.
  4. Place your left palm on your right shoulder and turn your head to the left, raising your face up. Do the same with your right hand, while turning your head to the left.
  5. Raise your arms up with your elbows bent and clasp your palms above your head. Turn your head right and left, lifting your face up.
  6. While sitting, stretch your chin forward and upward. At the same time, the elbows are retracted as far back as possible.
  7. Standing, turn your chin forward and stretch to your left, then to your right shoulder.

At the beginning of training, exercises should be performed daily, and over time (when blood pressure levels stabilize) - every other day.

Gymnastics according to Strelnikova

Another set of breathing exercises designed for hypertensive patients. Using this complex will help overcome dizziness and high blood pressure. All exercises are performed while sitting.

  1. Spread your arms to your sides, palms forward. Breathe quite slowly and, as you inhale, clench your fingers tightly into fists, and as you exhale, straighten them.
  2. Bring your hands tightly clenched into fists to your stomach, bending at the elbows. As you inhale slowly, sharply straighten your elbows, and as you exhale, return them to your stomach.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your back straight. Breathe slowly, while inhaling deeply, lean forward slightly, and while exhaling slowly, return to the starting position.
  4. Inhaling air, turn the body to the side, and exhaling, return it. Perform left and right alternately.
  5. Slight tilts of the head in different directions, forward and backward.

Amino acid taurine

Western doctors actively use the amino acid to treat a wide variety of diseases: vision problems, seizures, asthma. Hypertension is also no exception. Its action is similar to the action of diuretics, which are so popular for the treatment of this disease. That is, the use of amino acids helps remove excess fluid from the body. But the radical difference between this diuretic and chemical drugs is that it is absolutely natural and harmless. There will be no irreparable damage to the kidneys while taking the amino acid.

By relieving spasm in the arteries and relaxing their walls, taurine significantly improves blood flow. This also normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of blood clots. More than one study has been conducted, each of which has proven that the amino acid really helps to cope with “heart” ailments. It helps to get rid of such a terrible disease as heart failure by strengthening the main motor muscle of the human body. In addition to the fact that taurine lowers blood pressure, it also helps strengthen the immune system, improves vision, and also relieves swelling.

It is imperative to take taurine for hypertension, because its positive effect is recognized not only by unofficial medicine. Ordinary doctors also actively use it in their practice. Recognition of amino acids by official medicine is the strongest evidence of the effectiveness of this remedy.

For normal functioning of the body, the amino acid taurine must be received in a dose of 1 to 4 grams. The exact amount will depend on the person's body weight and age. One important condition is that if a decision has been made to use the product in the form of a dietary supplement, then it is necessary to do this before meals, at least 20 minutes before the start of the meal, so that the beneficial drug is not digested. If a person suffering from hypertension also has edema, then taking amino acids is a prerequisite for successful treatment.

What foods contain taurine?

The amino acid is not only possible, but also necessary to be obtained with food. It is present in many products of animal origin, but plant foods cannot boast of a high taurine content.

So, to get amino acids through food, you need to consume the following foods:

  • Fish and seafood: all red fish - 130 mg, tuna - 284 mg, oysters - 70 mg, mussels - 53 mg, squid - 32 mg, cod - 31 mg, carp - 9 mg, sea cucumber - 7 mg, mackerel - 6 mg, goldfish - 5 mg, stone crab - 4 mg, iwasi - 2 mg, starfish - 2 mg. Depending on the specific type of fish and its habitat, seafood may contain taurine. It is also somewhat destroyed during heat treatment.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese - 0.5 mg, milk - 2.4 mg, yoghurts - 3 mg.
  • Poultry: turkey – 360 mg, chicken – 170 mg. In this case, the amino acid content will vary depending on the part of the bird that will be eaten. So, there will be more of it in dark meat, and less in light meat.
  • Mammals: pork – 50 mg, beef – 43 mg, rabbit – 37 mg.
  • By-products: chicken heart and liver – 118 mg, beef heart – 65 mg, beef liver – 19 mg, pork liver – 16 mg. In this case, the level of taurine content will decrease depending on how the offal is processed.

So, the most useful amino acid is found in dark poultry meat and seafood. All figures are given per 100 grams of weight.

Drug treatment for hypertension

Any doctor will say that herbs are good, but the treatment of hypertension should be medicinal. And you can't argue with them! Mortality statistics are growing at a terrible rate.

Cardiologists shrug their shoulders, saying that the person could have been saved by prescribing the right drug in time. But a person always looks for alternative ways, bypassing a meeting with a doctor.

If a diagnosis of stage 2-3 hypertension is made, treatment should be lifelong. This means that the disease is chronic. The patient must constantly take the pills, following the doctor's regimen.

Modern pharmacology has many drugs that lower blood pressure. However, each drug is individual and is prescribed after diagnosing the patient.

If a person drinks a chemical drug simply by seeing its advertisement, then more often than not, blood pressure will decrease for a short period of time, and then increase even more.

This is due to the fact that the drugs are released in different doses and with different effects. Some tablets dilate blood vessels, others are calcium channel blockers. They are always prescribed individually, depending on the patient’s condition.

Effective drug treatment for arterial hypertension is a treatment prescribed by a doctor after examining the whole body.

Deviation from the drug regimen in 95% of cases leads to an increase in blood pressure, which can cause serious consequences.

The doctor may reduce the dose of medication during treatment! But it is unlikely to be possible to completely stop taking pills.

Omega – 3

Taking Omega-3 is a prerequisite for treating hypertension without medications. It is found in fish oil, which in addition to this component includes: efcosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (EPA and DHA, respectively). It is the lack of Omega-3 in the daily diet that has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system and the development of a number of diseases. Popular diets that most women indulge in are often to blame. Also important is the false fear that eating fat will contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol. But this is completely misleading. Without exception, scientific studies prove that regular inclusion of fish oil in food helps reduce the risk of developing not only hypertension, but also other heart and vascular diseases.

If a person suffers from high blood pressure, then he should definitely include fish that live in cold seas in his diet.

The fat it contains will help:

  • Blood pressure will gradually return to normal.
  • The walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle will become stronger.
  • The risk of death from other diseases will decrease by 28%.

Convincing evidence of the benefits of fish oil is the life expectancy of the Greenlandic Eskimos. They mostly feed on whale oil and seal meat. And it is these peoples who occupy the last place among all people living on earth in the incidence of heart disease.

Two more solid and large-scale studies support the use of fish oil. They started in 1994 and ended in 1997, and were carried out by American and Canadian scientists.

So, here's what we managed to prove:

  • If it is not possible to regularly consume marine fish that live in cold seas, then it can be completely replaced with fish oil preparations. The effect will be the same.
  • Mortality among people who took part in the experiment and consumed fish oil decreased by 29%, compared to the second, control group.

In order for fish oil to have its positive effect in the treatment of hypertension, it must be consumed at least 4 grams or more per day. In addition, it Omega-3 will enhance the effect of vitamin B6, the amino acid taurine and magnesium. By including fatty acids in your diet, a person will reduce blood clotting, which will prevent blood clots from forming. In addition, the myth about cholesterol accumulation has been completely debunked. Consuming fish oil will help bring the balance between “good” and “bad” cholesterol back to normal. Plaques that are harmful to the body will not form in the arteries, which means that a person will never know about such a disease as atherosclerosis.

But that’s not all: with the right combination of an increased dose of Omega-3 with taurine, magnesium and potassium, angina attacks will bother a person much less often. The risk of sudden death due to cardiac dysfunction will decrease, and its rhythm will return to normal.

In addition, fish oil will be an excellent help in helping a person forget about problems such as:

  • Arthritis.
  • Some cancers.
  • Dry skin.
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • Serious asthma attacks.
  • Depression and emotional instability.

The benefits of fish oil are undeniable, so it is not wise to refuse to use it.

On the subject: Interesting experiments and studies on the amazing benefits of omega 3

How to get rid of initial hypertension forever

Maintaining normal blood pressure levels in case of stage 1 vascular pathology is quite easy without medications. Doctors advise:

  • give up alcohol, strong coffee and tobacco;
  • follow a low-salt and low-carbohydrate diet;
  • use herbal medicine and sedative herbs;
  • exercise even at home.

Such recommendations will help, but will not eliminate the disease if there have already been hypertensive crises, vascular atherosclerosis has been detected, and harmful cholesterol in the blood has been increased. In this case, treatment must be carried out with medications, which are individually selected by the doctor.

Stable positive dynamics without recurrence of pathology are achieved even with 2nd degree hypertension. Special antihypertensive drugs help to do this, which:

  1. Do not affect the concentration of electrolytes in the blood.
  2. They do not retain fluid in the body, but rather remove it.
  3. Do not disrupt carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  4. They are not addictive even after sudden upward increases in blood pressure are cancelled.
  5. They do not depress the central nervous system and do not cause drowsiness or other side effects.

The therapy will be complemented by collections of medicinal herbs that strengthen the circulatory system and cleanse it of cholesterol, salt deposits and free radicals, normalize the functioning of the kidneys and relieve them of stones.

Hawthorn extract

To treat hypertension, you can use another non-drug remedy - hawthorn extract.

It has the following effects:

  • Relaxes the walls of blood vessels.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Increases blood flow to the heart muscle.
  • Enriches the heart muscle with oxygen.

But, having decided to take hawthorn extract, you should remember that this is a very potent remedy. Its use is possible only after consultation with your doctor and under his strict supervision. This is especially important if at the same time a person is being treated for hypertension with pills. Since the combined use of the extract with medications can lead to an overdose and the development of side effects.

Symptoms of hypertension

When blood pressure rises, a person experiences a number of symptoms:

  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Headache and dizziness;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Confusion, helplessness, memory loss;
  • Bleeding from the nose.

The disease is often asymptomatic. Many people learn about the diagnosis by chance, while undergoing a routine medical examination at their place of work. It gets even worse after a stroke or heart attack.

High blood pressure may be a symptom of another medical condition. This condition is commonly called secondary hypertension. More often, blood pressure increases in diseases of the kidneys, spine and endocrinological diseases.

If you are too lazy to choose the right products

It is important to understand that it will be quite problematic for an ordinary person to select and arrange these elements so that they can be obtained only from food. Even if you manage to create the “ideal” menu, only a robot can stick to it always and everywhere.

It is for this purpose that special dietary supplements have been developed. If there are no financial problems, then supplements with any elements can always be purchased at almost any pharmacy or chain company.

This will be much easier than sticking to a strict menu and independently calculating the milligrams of a particular element contained in products. However, even when taking dietary supplements, you should not forget about proper nutrition. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of hypertension and forget about problems with blood pressure.

On topic: 5 popular folk methods for hypertension

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