How to avoid myocardial infarction ⋆ Heart Treatment

Ischemic disease

Coronary artery disease is a pathological condition in which the blood supply to the myocardium is completely or partially disrupted due to damage to the coronary arteries.
A healthy body maintains a balance between the amount of incoming blood and the metabolic needs of the myocardium. In coronary heart disease, this balance is not maintained. The heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen, which can result in a person having a heart attack or angina attacks. A heart attack is one of the most complex manifestations of coronary heart disease (CHD). Timely prevention of myocardial infarction helps to avoid problems and maintain health and performance.


Myocardial infarction most often occurs due to rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary artery with secondary arterial spasm and blood clot formation.

Other reasons are:

  • angina pectoris, ventricular hypertrophy,
  • hypoxia,
  • coronary artery embolism from cholesterol, air or sepsis,
  • use of cocaine, amphetamines, ephedrine,
  • arteritis, coronary anomalies, including coronary artery aneurysm,
  • increased cardiac output, which increases myocardial O2 demand,
  • Marfan syndrome, Kawasaki disease, Takayasu arteritis,
  • progeria, medial cystic necrosis.

Risk factors that can cause myocardial infarction

Unchangeable risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis:

  • old age,
  • male gender,
  • presence of atherosclerotic heart disease in the family.

Modifiable risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis:

  • smoking,
  • diabetes,
  • hypertension, dyslipidemia,
  • obesity.

Obesity and MI

Other risk factors for atherosclerosis:

  • high level of homocysteine,
  • passive lifestyle,
  • psychosocial stress,
  • the presence of peripheral thrombotic vascular disease,
  • poor oral hygiene.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction:

  • anxiety,
  • headache with or without fainting,
  • cough,
  • nausea,
  • sweating,
  • wheezing.

Elderly and diabetic patients may experience vague clinical manifestations and may complain of fatigue and weakness. They can also be mentally altered. Those with dementia cannot provide information about past ischemic attacks.

Myocardial infarction is one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose and does not cause the classic symptoms described by patients. Suspicion of myocardial infarction in elderly patients with heart failure, diabetes, and dementia is considered objective.

Physical signs are:

  • mild fever,
  • the phenomenon of hypotension or hypertension, depending on the degree of myocardial infarction,
  • a murmur can be identified on auscultation,
  • limbs, cold, sweaty, cyanotic,
  • irregular pulse and arrhythmic heart rhythm.

Signs of congestive heart failure include:

  • gallop rhythm,
  • swelling of the lower extremities,
  • increased jugular pressure, with visible swelling.

Myocardial infarction sometimes begins suddenly and intensely. But, in most cases, the onset is slow, with mild pain and discomfort. Patients do not understand what is happening and wait too long before seeking help.


A woman’s life after a heart attack requires rehabilitation, which is aimed at:

  • adaptation of the body to the new state of the heart;
  • prevention of severe post-infarction complications;
  • minimizing the risk of recurrent infarction.

The consequences of a heart attack in women depend on the size of the lesion, the presence of complications, concomitant diseases and age. With a large-focal infarction with complications (heart failure, aneurysm, arrhythmias), the prognosis is less favorable than with a microinfarction.

Drug treatment aimed at restoring heart function is prescribed by a doctor according to individual indications.

General principles of rehabilitation relate to lifestyle after a heart attack. Taking them into account allows you to quickly recover from the disease.

Principles of rehabilitation:

  1. Rejection of bad habits.
  2. Nutrition correction: inclusion in the diet of foods that improve blood properties and microcirculation (nuts, citrus fruits, fatty fish) and avoidance of excess animal fats and salt.
  3. Gradual expansion of physical activity. Walking in the air, exercise therapy.
  4. Body weight control.
  5. Correction of blood pressure, lipids and glucose levels.
  6. Help from a psychologist in overcoming stressful situations.

You should not give up doing what you love and communicating within your capabilities. A positive attitude and interest in life are the best helpers on the path to recovery.

Heart-healthy foods

To avoid a heart attack, both primary and secondary prevention are important. In the first case, we are talking about medical examination of patients, as well as those who belong to the risk group, i.e. suffering from arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic neuropsychic overload. As for secondary prevention, it is mandatory for those people who have already suffered a myocardial infarction, so now it is important for them to exclude relapses.

Primary prevention is the treatment of coronary heart disease and the elimination of risk factors. The secondary goal is to prevent a reoccurrence of the situation, and action must be taken literally immediately after the patient’s acute phase of the pathology ends.

An important role in prevention is played by the elimination of risk factors, which requires significant changes in the patient’s life. To change your lifestyle, you need to understand what adjustments need to be made to it.

The risk group includes men over 45 years of age and women over 50 years of age. Moreover, in the post-Soviet space, about 30% of cases of myocardial infarction end in death, while in Europe only 5-10%, and even this is considered a fairly high figure.

More about heart attack

A heart attack is the death of some part of the heart muscle as a result of interruption of blood supply. The blood flow can be blocked by cholesterol plaques or a blood clot in the artery. The process develops very quickly and is irreversible. Even if a person was saved, it is impossible to restore the area susceptible to necrosis; in this place, muscle tissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue. In the future, the scar prevents the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Most often, the heart muscle (myocardium) is susceptible to a heart attack. But a heart attack of the brain, part of the intestine or kidney can occur.

Balanced diet

Heart attack prevention also includes proper nutrition. If the patient is obese, all efforts should be aimed at losing weight, since obese people have a higher load on the heart.

In such patients, the level of “bad” cholesterol is always higher. But atherosclerosis also threatens thin people if they consume too much fatty meats, cheeses, and dairy products. It is recommended to monitor the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the diet from at least 35-40 years of age.

It is necessary to avoid products such as:

  • fatty meats (lamb, pork, duck);
  • sausages, sausages, various smoked meats;
  • ready-made semi-finished products (cutlets and dumplings) - they contain hidden fats, which increase cholesterol and cause atherosclerosis;
  • pates and liver dishes;
  • fat cottage cheese and cream.

Preventing cardiovascular diseases is much easier for those people who include a lot of vegetables and fruits in their diet. For example, pomegranate fruits contain polyphenols that lower blood pressure. Garlic contains sulfides that prevent the formation of blood clots. Legumes contain saponins that fight inflammatory processes. And almost all plants contain phytosterols - hormone-like substances that lower cholesterol levels.

To protect yourself from a heart attack, it is recommended to include in your diet not only vegetables and fruits, but also foods such as:

  • dietary meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit); When cooking poultry, be sure to remove the skin and fat;
  • whole grain porridge;
  • fatty fish, which is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

It is necessary to regulate not only the amount of fat, but also the amount of sugar in the daily diet, since there is a direct connection between this indicator and myocardial infarction.

Large feasts, overeating, fatty dishes, fried meat, buns and sweets are the daily diet for many. But prevention of heart attack in this area is aimed at switching to a balanced diet. A person should get the required amount of protein, but at the same time avoid fatty foods, choosing dietary meats (chicken breast, turkey, rabbit).

How to detect microinfarction in men?

The symptoms of a microinfarction are rather mild, so in most cases the disease is diagnosed when it develops into extensive damage to the heart muscle tissue. If adequate treatment is not provided, the patient’s quality of life will change dramatically for the worse. If a microinfarction is given time, it develops into a large infarction, which can cause death.


An important problem is to determine the first signs corresponding to a heart attack of the type in question. If this is successful, then with timely diagnosis and prescribed adequate treatment, it is possible to avoid the spread of damage to large areas of the heart muscle.

Most often, difficulties arise in determining the disease in men, since the symptoms of initial myocardial damage during a microinfarction are similar to a mild cold. Therefore, the stronger sex usually leaves them unattended, continuing their daily affairs. A microinfarction is almost always diagnosed accidentally, during a preventive medical examination, if electrocardiography is used. In order not to miss the disease, every man over 40 years old should be examined at least once every 12 months.

First symptoms

An attack of microinfarction usually lasts no more than 40 minutes. Before this, a man may experience the following negative phenomena:

  1. Serious discomfort in the heart and chest area.
  2. Slight compression of the abdomen on the left side.
  3. Your head may start to feel dizzy.
  4. Sudden general weakness throughout the body.
  5. Some men begin to feel nauseous during a microinfarction.
  6. Aches may begin throughout the body.
  7. Nagging pain in joints and muscles.
  8. A slight jump in temperature.
  9. Coldness in the fingers of the lower and upper extremities.
  10. The patient may be emotionally agitated.
  11. Feeling of fear of death, causeless anxiety, panic. Patients cannot explain their condition until a microinfarction is diagnosed.

Many elderly men suffering from such chronic ailments as diabetes mellitus and severe atherosclerosis may not pay attention to pain impulses during a microinfarction, since they are able to endure severe pain. The attack passes, and such patients continue to be physically active, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Feelings during a heart attack

During an attack, some men complain of pain on the left side of the chest, radiating to the forearm. In this case, the pain impulse can move to the neck and lower jaw. It becomes difficult to raise your left arm. You often feel dizzy, which can lead to loss of consciousness. Patients complain of nausea, difficulty breathing, and general weakness.

After the attack of a microinfarction has begun, blueness or cyanosis can be observed for a short time in the nasolabial triangle, as the level of oxygen in the man’s blood drops sharply.

The severity of symptoms depends on the consequences of the disease and the condition of the heart muscle. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, low mobility of men, and lack of healthy and proper nutrition can have a negative impact. Factors such as obesity and overwork have a negative impact.

Due to these phenomena, atherosclerotic plaques appear on the vessels, which clog the lumens, preventing blood from circulating normally. In this case, the heart does not receive the necessary doses of oxygen and weakens. Necrotic processes begin on its tissues and a scar appears.

All these phenomena contribute to the development of microinfarction, which initially begins to manifest itself not as pain, but by the development of a runny nose, cough and other forms characteristic of diseases of the respiratory system. This confuses the man, as he is sure that he has a mild cold. Usually the patient takes flu medicine and calms down. But a week after this, he is struck by acute pain in the area where the heart muscle is located.

Then the pain syndrome can wander to the above areas of the patient’s body, since a microinfarction completely affects the heart. At this moment, the patient’s pulse in his hands is difficult to feel, and the blueness of the upper lip and the area under the nose is clearly visible. The man's eyes are usually widened due to panic and fear of death. If you feel his legs and arms, you can feel their strong cooling. Cold, sticky sweat may appear, and the patient may feel chills.

But in some men, a microinfarction does not cause any other symptoms other than some tightness in the chest on the left.

But this feeling goes away within a few hours, so the patient does not pay attention to the disease, because he thinks that everything has passed. After about a month, such a man becomes ill, he is hospitalized, and upon examination a trace of a microinfarction is discovered, which has developed into extensive damage to the heart muscle.

What is secondary prevention

In many cases, heart attack prevention is not possible without medications. Antiplatelet therapy plays an important role. There is a whole group of drugs with this effect, the use of which reduces the risk of heart attack.

These are acetylsalicylic acid and thienopyridines (for example, clopidogrel, which is sold under the trade name Plavix, and ticlopidine, also known as Tiklin). There are drugs intended for intravenous administration - Tirofiban, Eptifibatide, etc.

The most accessible and well-studied in this group is Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid. In modern conditions, it can be used both as an independent remedy and in combination with the drugs listed above.

Aspirin has biochemical properties that help prevent myocardial infarction. But the drug has side effects, so the importance of thienopyridines is growing.

Since people with manifestations of hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and high blood pressure are most prone to heart attacks and strokes, doctors often prescribe medications to prevent heart attacks. The drugs, for example, prevent the formation of blood clots. The most common prescription after forty years is Aspirin.

Acetylsalicylic acid, which is what this medicine is most often called in pharmacies, is prescribed in a minimal dosage - 100 mg once in the afternoon. Aspirin reduces the ability of blood cells to aggregate (stick together into clots). As a result, microcirculation improves and the risk of thrombosis is reduced. But the drug has a number of contraindications, the main of which are a tendency to bleeding, hemophilia, and ulcers.

Several medications have been created based on aspirin and are used to prevent heart attacks. The drugs are produced under the names: “Trombo ACC”, “Trombogard 100”, “Aspirin Cardio”, “Cardiomagnyl”.

An important task is the prevention of heart attacks and strokes due to hypertension. In this case, drugs block calcium channels, stimulating vasodilation. Drugs for the prevention of stroke and heart attack in patients with high blood pressure are always selected individually. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. Appointments often include Norvask, Plendil, Carden and others. Additionally, beta blockers may be prescribed.

Drug prevention of heart attack includes drugs to lower cholesterol levels. For this, statins are prescribed: Lipitor, Crestor, Vytorin and other medications. The drug "Ovencor" is very popular among doctors. It allows you to influence cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the size of plaques in blood vessels.

Prevention of heart attack is divided into primary and secondary. Primary measures include treatment of coronary artery disease and cholesterol control. This also includes normalizing blood pressure. It is not always possible to achieve the necessary results only by using medicinal drugs. Most often, you have to further reconsider your lifestyle.

Nutrition of the heart muscle depends significantly on regular physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle not only leads to obesity, but also contributes to the deposition of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. That is why doctors recommend race walking, running and swimming to their patients as a means of preventing heart attacks. What is important here is regularity of exercise, not sports records.

If you are prone to atherosclerosis and ischemia, you should not engage in weightlifting and other strength sports. You should also remember that any physical activity should be accompanied by rhythmic breathing. Holding your inhalations and exhalations during sports is harmful.

Secondary prevention of heart attack is a set of measures aimed at preventing a recurrent heart attack in the patient. Even if rehabilitation after partial myocardial necrosis is successful and the person feels completely healthy, from a medical point of view he will never be healthy again. It is this thought that is most difficult for patients to come to terms with.

Prevention after a heart attack includes all the positions mentioned earlier. However, physical activity will now require additional supervision from specialists. Most often, physical activity begins with a calm, leisurely walk for 10 minutes. Optimization of the diet is carried out by a nutritionist together with the attending cardiologist. The diet not only limits fatty and fried foods, but also reduces the amount of salt and liquid.

Social rehabilitation of the patient is of great importance for secondary prevention. It is necessary to eliminate constant anxiety and fear of a second heart attack; this can be achieved by prescribing sedatives. It is important that the patient does not dwell on his problems and does not try to evoke sympathy from family and friends. He should strive to restore activity and try to take care of himself independently.

Gradually, following the doctor’s recommendations and taking prescribed anticoagulants and statins, a person can return to their normal rhythm of life. However, preventive examinations for him should now become a regular addition.

Secondary prevention is necessary for those patients who have already experienced myocardial infarction. In such people, even after successful treatment and rehabilitation, the risk of a second attack is very high, since irreversible changes have already occurred in the heart.

Secondary prevention includes all of the above primary measures, but now everything is under strict medical supervision. Exercising too hard can only make the situation worse. In addition to non-medicinal means, in this case taking medications is indicated.

The following drugs are used to prevent myocardial infarction:

  • antianginal (Nitroglycerin, Sustak) - help prevent angina attacks;
  • antiplatelet agents (Aspirin, Clopidogrel) - they help prevent thrombosis;
  • antiarrhythmic (Novocainamide, Amiodarone) - for the treatment of arrhythmias;
  • antihypertensive drugs (beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics) - to lower blood pressure;
  • cardiotonics (Digoxin, Korglykon) - to improve heart function;
  • statins (Atorvastatin) – reduce cholesterol synthesis.

Patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) are recommended to periodically undergo a course of treatment and additional examination in a hospital. You should also see a doctor when symptoms begin to appear more frequently.

Main symptoms of stroke in men

Everyone knows that a stroke is dangerous and often leads to death, but not everyone can name the main signs of the disease. However, the ability to recognize alarming symptoms in time will help not only save life, but also avoid disability. Doctors say that if medical care is provided within the first 3 to 5 hours after the first signs appear, the consequences may be minimal.

According to statistics, men die from stroke more often than women. This is one of the most common causes of death in men. Do not think that the disease threatens only the elderly; people of any age can become its victims.

What is a stroke?

When there is a blockage, spasm or rupture of one of the brain vessels, the corresponding part of the brain is no longer supplied with blood, and therefore oxygen. As a result, cell death occurs, and the longer there is no help, the more the brain is damaged.

What are the warning signs of a stroke?

To successfully fight the disease, or even prevent it, you need to know about the earliest signs - the warning signs of a stroke.

There is reason to be wary if men are bothered by frequent headaches, weakness, dizziness, and nausea. Perhaps these are the first signs of a dangerous disease. In addition, symptoms such as a rare pulse, sweating, blood flow to the face, disturbances in movement and speech, and numbness of the limbs, usually on one side, may occur.


Every man should know the main signs of a stroke, the severity of which can vary. These include:

  1. Sudden weakness and severe headache.
  2. Unsteady gait due to lack of coordination of movements.
  3. Speech disorder.
  4. Visual and hearing impairments.
  5. Foggy consciousness.
  6. Difficulty in perceiving what is happening around.
  7. Numbness of the right or left side of the body.
  8. Drooling and difficulty swallowing.

These stroke symptoms are short-lived, mild, and may disappear soon. But it should be remembered that such a mini-attack may soon be followed by a real stroke (mild, moderate or severe). To prevent a recurrent attack, you should consult a doctor immediately after the alarm.

Depending on the location of the damaged area of ​​the brain, dysfunction may be temporary or irreversible. During a stroke, signs such as a rare pulse and pressure changes are observed. The frequency and depth of breathing changes, complete or partial paralysis occurs, and coma is possible. In severe cases, cardiac arrest may occur.

Types of strokes

There are two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. The first occurs more often in men (about 80% of cases), while the second is more dangerous.

The causes of ischemic stroke are narrowing or blockage of a blood vessel in the brain. In this case, the increase in symptoms occurs gradually. Before the attack occurs, men experience weakness, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, and periodic numbness of the leg or arm for several days or several hours. The sensations gradually intensify, eventually the limbs on one side cease to function. As a rule, there is no loss of consciousness, but vomiting and clouding of consciousness may occur. Sometimes the affected area stops expanding, and then some improvement is noted, but this is temporary.

Hemorrhagic stroke is less common, but more often leads to death and almost always to disability. It develops as a result of rupture of a vessel and hemorrhage in the brain, which is possible with high blood pressure. It begins suddenly, with dizziness, pain and heaviness in the head. Patients describe their condition as a sudden blow to the head, causing the person to lose consciousness. The breathing is loud and hoarse, the face is purple, involuntary urination and defecation usually occur, and convulsions are possible. Symptoms such as paralysis of the limbs and facial asymmetry are observed. When the patient regains consciousness, he remains lethargic and suffers from headaches, nausea and vomiting. For a hemorrhagic stroke, it is important to be in the hospital within the first three hours.

Stroke can be left-sided or right-sided. In the first case, organs located on the right are affected, in the second case, respectively, on the left.

How to quickly recognize a stroke?

In order to find out whether a man really had a stroke, you need to conduct a simple test consisting of three stages: smile, raise your hands, say something.

  • You need to ask the patient to smile. In case of a stroke, the smile will be asymmetrical.
  • You need to ask the man to raise his hands and hold them in front of him. If there is a stroke, one arm will drop.
  • You need to ask to say a simple phrase or sentence. With a stroke, it is difficult to pronounce and understand words.
  • You can ask to stick out your tongue, which in case of a stroke will be asymmetrical or sunken.

If you discover these signs of a stroke, or at least one of them, you must urgently call an ambulance.

Why do women suffer from heart attacks less often than men?

To prevent a heart attack in men, you need to follow all the rules listed above. But it is recommended to focus on getting rid of bad habits.

Numerous studies have confirmed that about 40% of heart muscle damage is associated with alcohol consumption. In addition, people who regularly drink at least a glass of alcoholic beverages a day have a weakened immune system. This increases the risk of infection, which can affect the heart.

The basic rules for preventing heart attacks in men are giving up bad habits and moderate physical activity.

Although the fairer sex is less susceptible to such diseases, preventing heart attacks in women is also an important task

It is believed that 10 years after the onset of menopause, they should undergo a special stress test to determine their risk level. This is especially important for those who have a genetic predisposition. Also, a stress test is needed for those patients who are overweight in old age, feel symptoms such as pain in the sternum, are overweight, have high blood pressure, or shortness of breath when walking up the stairs.

To prevent heart attacks in women, the same measures as listed above are necessary. But special attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Reduced levels of emotional stress. Avoiding it in modern conditions is becoming increasingly difficult, but stress can be reduced through physical therapy, yoga, and meditation.
  2. Compliance with drinking regime. During air travel, it is important for women to drink more still water, get up and move periodically to reduce the risk of blood clots.
  3. Limit alcohol consumption.

In addition, it should be remembered that in women, a heart attack may present with less than typical symptoms. This may include fatigue, nausea, or jaw pain. If they appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

It all depends on the functional class of heart failure, which is determined by the doctor using stress tests.

Patients of the first two classes need to visit a cardiologist at least once every 4-6 months. For patients with the third and fourth - every month.

For those who have already suffered a heart attack, there is the following scheme:

  • the first month after the attack - every week;
  • second to sixth months - once every 2 weeks.
  • next six months – once a month;
  • the second year and beyond - quarterly.

It has been proven that men have more risk factors leading to heart attack. The stronger half of humanity is more aggressive, has a tendency to compete, often makes scandals and experiences stress. In addition, men smoke more and drink alcohol more often, many of them are obese, but continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Neglect of a healthy lifestyle leads to manifestations of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and arrhythmia. Therefore, preventing heart attack in men is of great importance. If a man does not want to take care of his health, then he has a high probability of not even living to retirement age. Moreover, the symptoms of a heart attack in men are often mild.

According to statistics, women suffer from this pathology 2 times less than men. This is explained by the action of estrogen hormones, which contribute to the dilation of coronary vessels, but in postmenopausal women the amount of these hormones is reduced and this ability is lost. Every day, about 250 women die due to myocardial infarction.

First aid for myocardial infarction: signs and treatment features ::

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a dangerous disease that often ends in death. For a person having a heart attack, there are two critical periods: the first 3 hours (the first place in the number of deaths), the first 3 days (the second place in the number of deaths). Patients who survive both periods usually recover.

Knowledge of the first aid algorithm for myocardial infarction and the ability to apply it can really save the life of one of your loved ones, acquaintances or passers-by.


The stages of heart attack development have the following names:

  • The severe stage, which lasts about 6 hours. This stage of the development of the disease can be successfully treated, but in the vast majority of cases, death occurs before the victim is taken to the hospital. The first sign of a severe stage is cardiac arrhythmia and severe complications, expressed in loss of consciousness and a strong jump in blood pressure.
  • Acute stage. Despite the fact that this is not a severe form, this stage is the most dangerous for humans. This stage appears suddenly and can bother a person for two weeks with severe pain. This stage is characterized by the appearance of scars on the heart, which can only be detected using an ECG.
  • Subacute stage. This stage is formed over the course of a month. During this period, scars gradually form and all symptoms of necrotizing syndrome disappear. When performing an ECG for suspected subacute myocardial infarction, signs of metabolic stabilization will be displayed.
  • Post-infarction stage. In the overwhelming majority, it forms at the beginning of the second month of the disease and directly depends on the degree of damage. This stage is characterized by adaptation of the heart to new conditions.

Well, the final stage is the formation of a scar.

First aid for a heart attack is very important. Whether a person survives or not depends on the correctness and timeliness of assistance.

Many people are concerned about the question of what contributes to the emergence of such a dangerous disease. And what are the reasons and prerequisites for this. This is exactly what will be discussed below.

Potential Risks

In case of myocardial infarction, experts identify the following potential risks:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • pericarditis;
  • ruptures of the heart muscle;
  • shock;
  • hypotension of various origins.
  • thromboembolism;
  • cardiac aneurysms;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • Dressler's syndrome.

Signs that can help identify myocardial infarction

The following signs indicate a heart attack:

  • severe pain in the chest;

Such painful sensations have their own characteristics; as a rule, they appear both during physical activity and at rest. In duration, they can disturb a person for about 15 minutes and practically do not go away after consuming nitroglycerin. The pain may also increase or decrease.

These may be the first signs of a heart attack in a woman. First aid must be timely.

It is worth emphasizing that the symptoms of a heart attack may also be atypical. Sometimes it resembles an asthma attack or pancreatitis. In this case, the accompanying symptoms will appear in the form of abdominal pain, vomiting and even severe flatulence.

It is for this reason that all the signs should be taken into account as a whole, and it is imperative to take into account the fact whether the person has had heart attacks in the past.

Emergency care before the ambulance arrives. What to do?

If you suspect a myocardial infarction, you should immediately call an ambulance and provide the dispatcher with the following information:

  • about suspected myocardial infarction;
  • describe the symptoms observed in the victim;
  • ask for a team of cardiologists and resuscitators to arrive.

Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to immediately begin carrying out emergency assistance measures:

  1. Help the patient find a comfortable position: lay him on his back and place a cushion under the back of his head, or give him a semi-sitting position by placing a pillow or folded clothes, a blanket, etc. under his back.
  2. Unbutton and remove clothing or accessories (scarf, belt, tie, etc.) that interfere with free breathing, and ensure the most comfortable temperature conditions (for example, open a window in hot weather or cover with a blanket in the cold season).
  3. Explain to the victim that he must remain still and remain emotionally calm. You need to talk to a person in the state of an attack of myocardial infarction in an even, firm and calm tone, and you should not make sudden movements that could frighten him. If the patient has manifestations of motor agitation, then give him a sedative (tincture of valerian, motherwort, Valocardin, etc.).
  4. Measure blood pressure: if it is not higher than 130 mm Hg. Art., then give the patient a tablet of Nitroglycerin or another drug available under the tongue, the active component of which is organic nitrates (for example, Isoket, Nitrocor, Nitrogranulong, Izodinit in the form of sublingual tablets or spray). Before the doctors arrive, Nitroglycerin should be taken again 1-2 times (that is, 2-3 tablets can be given in total). If after taking the first dose of this drug the victim has a severe throbbing headache, then the subsequent dose should be halved. And if after taking Nitroglycerin there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure, then repeated use of this nitrate-containing drug should be discontinued. When using Nitroglycerin analogues (for example, medicine in the form of Izoket spray), each dose should be 0.4 mg. Before injecting the product, the first dose should be released into the air, as it may not be complete. After this, the patient must take a deep breath and hold his breath, then an injection is performed, the mouth is closed, and breathing for 30 seconds should be carried out only through the nose.
  5. To prevent blood clots, thin the blood and reduce the load on the heart muscle, give the patient up to 300 mg of crushed Aspirin.
  6. You can put a mustard plaster on the area where the pain is localized. Constantly monitor it so that the skin does not burn.
  7. Count the patient's pulse, and if he does not have a history of bronchial asthma, and the heart rate does not exceed 70 beats per minute, then give him 25-50 mg of Anetolol or a dose of any other beta-blocker (for example, Bisopropol, Propranolol, Nebivolol and etc.). This measure will reduce the risk of arrhythmia and sudden death, limit the area of ​​necrosis of cardiac muscle tissue, protect the myocardium from toxic effects and increase its tolerance to stress.

Sometimes during an attack of myocardial infarction the patient faints. The following measures can help him in such situations:

  • lay the patient on his back and place a cushion under his shoulders;
  • remove dental structures from the mouth (if present);
  • tilt the victim's head back or turn him to one side if the patient begins to vomit;
  • ensure prevention of aspiration of vomit.

Remember! If a patient with signs of myocardial infarction has stopped his heart and breathing, or his breathing movements have become intermittent (agonal), then he should immediately begin performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures - chest compressions and artificial respiration.

Before resuscitation begins, a precordial blow is performed - 2 strong and short blows are applied to the sternum area (at the border of the middle and lower third) from a height of 20 - 30 cm. After their execution, the pulse is immediately felt. If it does not appear, then cardiopulmonary resuscitation (indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration) is performed:

  • pressing on the heart area with a frequency of 75 - 80 per minute;
  • 2 breaths into the patient’s mouth after every 15 to 20 chest compressions.

The duration of such actions should be at least 10 minutes.

What if this happened on the street?

It happens quite often when a person becomes ill outside the home, and in this case it is quite difficult to find the necessary medicine. If trouble occurs, then it is necessary to carefully check the victim’s pockets or bag; as a rule, people suffering from heart disease always carry such medications with them.

How to give medicine to a patient? The use of the above-described drugs occurs according to the following scheme: the first nitroglycerin tablet is placed under the person’s tongue, and after 6 minutes the second is given, provided that the pain has not decreased.

Common mistakes

During a heart attack, any physical or emotional stress is contraindicated. After all, the heart is working at its limit. Any movement or experience causes it to contract even faster, which wears out the organ. Therefore, during a heart attack, it is forbidden to walk, sit without leaning on the back of a chair, sofa, pillow, stand, or go for medical help on your own.

If you are transporting a patient to the hospital yourself, they should not be allowed to move independently. The victim is carried on arms or on a stretcher. At the hospital, ask for a gurney.

It is not recommended to take a blood pressure (BP) pill during a heart attack. Many of them are contraindicated in case of a heart attack, its complications or diseases with similar symptoms.

Smoking is strictly prohibited. Cigarettes cause an acceleration of the heart rate, increase blood pressure, and impair ventilation of the lungs. The use of alcohol for pain relief is also strictly contraindicated.

For suspected cardiac arrest, some sources recommend using the precordial shock technique. A properly executed kick really helps get the heart going.

However, you need to practice for a long time to apply it correctly, leaving the ribs intact and without causing injury to the internal organs.

Therefore, no authoritative manual recommends using the precordial stroke technique.

What are the differences between female and male heart attack symptoms?

Women suffer from heart attacks much less frequently. This can be explained by the characteristics of their body. Signs of a heart attack also manifest themselves in different ways, for several reasons:

  1. A woman's heart is smaller in size compared to a man's.
  2. The heart rate in the female body is up to 90 beats per minute, and in men it is only 70-80.
  3. Female hormones estrogens provide additional protection for the heart and blood vessels. There are no such protectors in the male body.

Despite the different manifestations and different signs of a heart attack, first aid practically comes down to the same thing for both men and women.

The patient is discharged from the hospital and changes the prescribed treatment

If everything goes well, the patient is taken to the vascular center, where he undergoes a coronary intervention procedure: a stent is placed in the damaged vessel and blood flow is restored. After treatment in a hospital, the patient receives prescriptions and is sent under the supervision of his district clinic. Where very often his prescribed treatment is changed.

Sometimes this happens on the initiative of the patient.

“Patients today are not the same as they were 20-30 years ago,” Simon Matskeplishvili shares his observations. “They come having already read everything about their diagnosis, they know in advance what complications they will have, side effects from the drugs that we prescribe for them, and they begin to choose: “I don’t want to take this drug, I want this one.”

Replacing an expensive drug with a cheaper or free one from a limited set available in the clinic is also a very common occurrence. Sometimes this decision is pushed by a clinic doctor, sometimes by a pharmacy employee.

“Ideally, patients should continue to be treated in the same place where they began to be treated,” Dr. Matskeplishvili is sure.

— All hospitals have consultative and diagnostic centers for this purpose; you can get there using a compulsory medical insurance policy.

We have every opportunity to save the patient’s life in the acute period and avoid the need for re-hospitalization - but only with continuity of treatment and fulfillment of our prescriptions.


  • First of all, you need to follow a diet. Limit the amount of fats and sugars in your diet, but at the same time, increase the amount of foods containing Omega-3. (fish, vegetables, fruits, seafood, vegetable oils).
  • Limit alcohol and tobacco consumption.
  • Moderate physical exercise will bring undoubted benefits to your health.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations, treat everything with a clear head, calmly, and balancedly.
  • If the doctor, according to your diagnosis, has prescribed you medications that need to be taken long-term or for life, then you need to do so. You cannot skip taking medications!
  • It is necessary to increase potassium-rich foods in your diet: dried apricots, raisins, baked potatoes. It has been proven that 2-3 dried apricots per day completely satisfy the body's potassium needs.
  • Let there always be nitroglycerin in your first aid kit or purse. If necessary, it can be used for self-help or to help others. A drug such as Corvalol, Valocordin or Valoserdin will also not hurt. You can have motherwort or valerian preparations. It is also necessary to have analgin or another painkiller. If necessary, you can use it.

Summing up

First aid for a heart attack should be provided even before the arrival of a team of qualified doctors. But quite often people do not know what to do to save the patient. According to statistics, approximately 50% of all cases of heart attack die due to fear or ignorance of others who failed to provide timely assistance.


Help from traditional medicine

The first thing to do is call an ambulance. The sooner the doctors begin their work (optimally within half an hour), the greater the woman’s chances of surviving and remaining a full-fledged person.

  • The woman must be laid on a flat surface with her upper body slightly raised and all conditions must be created for the resumption of normal breathing - unfasten the collar, belt, open the window. The victim should not be in a sitting or standing position, since the heart will not be able to push blood out of the chambers.
  • The victim should be given one tablet of nitroglycerin and aspirin. After half an hour, if the ambulance has not arrived, you need to repeat taking nitroglycerin.
  • To relieve a panic attack, one of the group of sedatives is given: Corvalol, valerian tincture, valocardine.
  • To relieve a painful attack, you can give an analgin tablet.

All this time, you should stay next to the victim and carefully monitor breathing, blood pressure (normal) and heart function. If cardiac arrest occurs, resuscitation measures should be taken:

  • a short and fairly strong blow with a fist to the area of ​​the sternum, which is effective in the very first seconds of cardiac arrest;
  • indirect cardiac massage;
  • ventilation of the lungs using mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose methods.

Traditional medicine cannot replace taking aspirin or statins, but it can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack. So, to reduce cholesterol levels, a special alcohol infusion is used, which contains:

  • half a glass of dried radish peel (black);
  • half a glass of dried horseradish leaves;
  • one pod of dried red pepper;
  • several handfuls of walnut partitions.

All components are poured with alcohol and infused in the dark for 2 weeks. The composition is used for rubbing.

An infusion of white willow bark is highly effective. Its action is similar to Aspirin, but does not completely replace taking this drug.

To lower cholesterol, you can drink a decoction of herbs with honey. The collection includes: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The product is infused for several hours before use.

Everyone can maintain healthy blood vessels and heart. The simple recommendations outlined in the article will help you avoid such troubles as a second heart attack. Prevention and treatment are very important for the patient, so they should not be neglected. A heart attack is not a death sentence. With the right attitude towards your body, you can ultimately achieve a rich and long life.

Prevention of heart attack must be comprehensive. If folk remedies are excluded in its treatment due to their low effectiveness, then they are suitable for secondary prevention.

Various herbal decoctions and infusions help prevent myocardial infarction. For example, to strengthen the vascular wall, it is recommended to drink a decoction of onion peels - 1 tbsp. vegetable raw materials per glass of boiling water. This amount is divided into 3-4 servings, which are drunk throughout the day. Onion peels contain a lot of rutin, which is good for the heart.

You can take a decoction of plantain (1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water), an infusion of hawthorn flowers (prepared in the same way). You need to be careful with decoctions and infusions of birch buds recommended by traditional medicine - they are allergic.

Folk remedies in the fight against disease

The development of a heart attack in young women is quite rare. This manifestation mainly worries patients before and during menopause. This is due to changes in hormonal levels in women.

In addition, the development of a heart attack is less common than in men, since the fair sex usually:

  • lead a more moderate lifestyle;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • tolerate stress more easily;
  • take their health more seriously.

The development of the disease in women is most often observed after 50 years. It is at this age that all representatives of the fair sex need to pay special attention to the issue of how to prevent a heart attack.

In the early stages of a heart attack, women experience symptoms similar to ordinary fatigue. In addition, the same clinical manifestations as during a flu or cold may occur.

All this makes it difficult to diagnose and make a correct diagnosis. Because of this, the development of a heart attack in women in the early stages is usually missed and detected at a later stage. The most common clinical manifestation is shortness of breath and problems with the respiratory system after physical activity.

It is very important for women to monitor their health, and at the slightest suspicion of a heart attack, consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a full examination and prescribe treatment. A timely detected problem is the key to successful treatment.

How to protect yourself from a heart attack using alternative medicine? Of course, traditional medicine cannot replace the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. They can only act as supporting agents that improve the general condition of the body.

Among the herbs that prevent the development of the disease are:

  • dried black radish;
  • dried horseradish leaves;
  • dried red pepper;
  • walnut partitions.

An alcohol tincture is made from these medicinal herbs, which is infused for 14 days. This tincture cannot be used internally; it is only suitable for rubbing. The alcohol infusion ensures stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood.

White willow bark can be used for treatment. In addition, the combination of herbal tea with honey is excellent.

This fee includes:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • birch buds;
  • immortelle.

How to avoid a heart attack using traditional medicine? Of course, no one can give a guarantee that taking herbs will help avoid illness, but such drugs can be used as prophylaxis. Before use, you must obtain permission and consultation from a physician.

To prevent the pathologies in question, representatives of traditional medicine often recommend using homemade products, based on medicinal plants, fruits, and herbs.

For example, a tincture made from 125 grams of dry radish peel and a similar amount of dry horseradish leaves has an excellent preventive effect.

Before cooking, add two chopped red peppers and a handful of ground walnuts to these ingredients.

The prepared raw materials are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and infused for ten days. The drug is rubbed into the skin after a sauna or hot shower. It is believed that this recipe perfectly removes cholesterol from the body.

The following recipe ideally normalizes blood pressure. To prepare it, take oat stalks and grind them in a meat grinder.

Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with one glass of vodka and left in the dark for two weeks. Take the drug twenty drops twice a day, always before meals.

Using this herbal mixture works great: equal parts of medicinal chamomile, immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort, pre-mixed.

A tablespoon of the resulting mixture of herbs is brewed in a glass of boiling water, like tea. Leave for an hour and then drink twice a day. The infusion has a general strengthening and tonic effect.

Summing up, it is also important to say that in the prevention of the described pathologies, a positive attitude is no less important. It is the absence of stress, a kind attitude towards others, a smile on your face, and self-confidence that are often ready to work miracles!

Competent and effective prevention of attacks is possible, since a person is able to keep a number of provoking factors under his own control. We cannot stop time and prevent the transmission of a predisposition to cardiovascular disease from our parents.

  1. High blood pressure. There are a large number of remedies, methods and medications against hypertension. You should not start taking medications right away. Only if the pressure consistently exceeds 160/100. If it is less, then exercise, adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Check your blood pressure at least once a week. If abnormal increases occur, consult a doctor.
  2. Diabetes. Methods to combat it depend on what type of disease is diagnosed in a person. Recommendations are individual, so you should consult your doctor.
  3. Excess insulin. A well-designed menu will help here. It is recommended to eat low-carbohydrate foods. They have a positive effect on hypertensive patients and reduce insulin levels.
  4. Increased iron levels. No medications are used here. Donation is considered the most effective way to reduce iron. By donating your blood 3-4 times a year, you will help yourself and other people. Also avoid excessive intake of vitamin C, as it tends to increase the absorption of iron from food.
  5. Oxidative processes. They occur when free radicals lack an electron and steal it from another atom. This causes damage and further chain reactions. A direct path to atherosclerosis. To avoid this, give up cigarettes, avoid second-hand smoke, and minimize the amount of sugar and baked goods you consume. Focus on green vegetables as a source of fiber. If this is not enough, add pharmacy vitamin complexes to your diet, which include alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins C and E.

All of these are officially recognized causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, take them seriously and try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This is the best prevention not only from a heart attack, but also from many other pathologies.

Myths and misconceptions

There are some common opinions and stable judgments about the factors causing heart attacks and ways to prevent them. We will tell you about them so that you do not make these mistakes when preventing myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Elevated cholesterol levels lead to atherosclerosis. No, blood cholesterol itself is not to blame for the formation of the disease. The reason lies in a sluggish inflammatory process.
  2. LDL cholesterol is very harmful. This is low density lipoprotein. Many believe that it is dangerous for the body and can provoke cardiovascular diseases. But this is a misconception. This substance plays a vital role in the functioning of the human body. It produces hormones, including testosterone. It will be completely safe and useful until oxidative processes begin due to free radicals.
  3. To reduce cholesterol you need to give up fat. Dietary fat is healthy and necessary for our body. It helps maintain optimal levels of good high-density cholesterol. Therefore, you should not exclude meat, butter, eggs and cheese from your diet. But at the same time, it is recommended to add green vegetables to the menu, which are characterized by a high fiber content.
  4. Cholesterol tests can help determine your risk of having a heart attack. The risk of heart attack and cholesterol levels have almost no connection with each other. Therefore, it is better to use other markers to identify the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Fruits have a beneficial effect on the heart. We will surprise many, but this is not so. Fruits contain fructose. This is a special type of sugar that can do more harm than good. Fructose causes obesity. Try to use seasonal fruits and eat them in limited quantities. It is better to focus on green vegetables. They are better for the heart because they contain vitamins and fiber, but do not contain fructose.
  6. It is better to eat margarine because it does not contain cholesterol. A common and serious misconception. This product is extremely dangerous because it contains trans fats. They cause enormous harm to the cardiovascular system. Avoid margarine, factory-made mayonnaise, sausages, processed foods and chips if your health is important to you.
  7. To prevent cardiovascular diseases, you need to take only medications, not supplements. This is wrong. Many supplements, such as Magnesium B6 or Coenzyme, are excellent for preventive purposes. Taking them protects against attacks, reduces the risk of strokes and prevents the development of hypertension. Yes, they should be used after consulting a doctor.
  8. Statins will help with prevention. No, these drugs are used only for treatment or when there is a high risk of a heart attack. For prevention, you should not drink them, since statins entail a number of side effects.

Follow these rules to prevent complications in a timely manner. This will help with both secondary and primary protection against heart attack. Protective measures include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and treating diseases that could potentially lead to problems with the cardiovascular system.


Prevention of heart attack also involves psychotherapeutic measures, since an ischemic attack often develops against a background of stress. In addition, people suffering from hypertension, which is one of the risk factors, experience emotions such as anger. Constant suppression of the latter leads to increased stress, and a vicious circle is formed.

For elderly patients, social support and empathy are important; they need to choose a social circle.

Weight loss

In this case, we are no longer talking about an attractive figure, but about the need to reduce fat deposits. Prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke and other manifestations of coronary artery disease includes mandatory weight normalization. The fact is that adipose tissue has many blood vessels, and this increases the load on the heart muscle.

A special mass index indicator is recommended for weight control. To calculate it, body weight is divided by the square of a person's height. If the index is above 30, weight correction is necessary.

Prevention of recurrent heart attack and stroke

People who have previously had heart attacks and strokes are prescribed β-blockers to prevent relapses. Medicines reduce the number of heart contractions, increase the tone of arterioles and general vascular resistance, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and blood pressure. Therapy allows you to avoid the development of complications and recurrent attacks. Drugs in this group include:

Taking β-blockers for the prevention of heart attack and stroke is contraindicated in bronchial asthma; therapy causes a decrease in libido in both sexes and weakens the effects of stress. In men, there is a lack of androgens and oligospermia.

After a heart attack or stroke, patients take polyunsaturated long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and normalize heart rhythm.

Prevention helps reduce inflammatory processes in the body, suppresses the immune system’s response to autoimmune damage to the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of complications and prolongs life. The main food sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids are: fish oil, flaxseed oil, mustard oil, and camelina oil.

Bad habits

Giving up bad habits can be considered one of the main ways to prevent a heart attack. Smokers do not agree that nicotine causes heart attacks; they argue that there is no direct evidence of this. However, there is direct evidence that cigarettes provoke a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, and this increases the risk of heart attack. Therefore, heart attack prevention includes quitting smoking.

It's more difficult with alcohol. Of course, calling alcoholics healthy people can only be done in an ironic context, but small doses of alcohol have a positive effect on blood vessels. A person who drinks a few sips of dry wine during lunch or dinner is less likely to suffer from atherosclerosis. But our mentality often requires “continuing the banquet.”

Prevention of arterial hypertension

The lower your blood pressure, the better. Modern research has proven that arterial damage begins at the level of 115/75. Above these values, the risk of death from myocardial infarction doubles for every 20-point increase in systolic or 10-point increase in diastolic.

You should maintain normal blood pressure, and this can help:

  1. Reduce sodium intake - table salt.
  2. To give up smoking.
  3. Refusal of coffee in favor of chicory and tea.
  4. Refusal to eat flour products made from high-grade flour in favor of rye flour with bran.
  5. Increasing physical activity - daily physical education (30-60 minutes) with a variety of exercises that train strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Regular rest and just a good mood will help keep your blood pressure normal. It is known that a positive attitude improves health.

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