10 causes of headaches in the back of the head

Unfamiliar to many, the diagnosis “TTHN” is the most common verdict for headaches in the world. More than 70% of people experience its manifestations throughout the year. Although the phrase “tension type headache” is quite rare, this does not exclude its prevalence.

Most people simply ignore the symptoms of tension headaches. Let's figure out today what manifestations you should pay attention to, what tension headaches are, and what treatment for tension headaches should be used.

general information

The manifestation of tension headaches, according to the international medical classification, is a separate disease. The phrases “muscle tension headache,” “idiopathic,” or “stress” pain are synonyms for tension headache.

Tension pain in the head is a diffuse, bilateral, pressing discomfort of moderate intensity. It is an independent and primary pain, that is, no accompanying diseases are needed for its occurrence. Even if a person has other diseases, they should not cause headaches, which is when we talk about tension pain.

Dizziness and headache after exercise

After a workout, a person usually feels slightly weak and tired. But there are other sensations that are not usually considered normal. Should these signs be cause for concern?

When training at higher intensity, the blood vessels in the muscles dilate, pulse and blood pressure increase. After a sudden stop, blood pressure and heart rate drop sharply, but the blood vessels remain dilated longer. This causes blood deficiency in the upper body. A person may experience dark vision, dizziness and headaches, and blocked ears. Rarely, clouding and even loss of consciousness are possible. The condition is not dangerous. As a rule, it passes quickly.

Headaches after or during exercise are not completely normal. Especially in hot weather, they can be caused by a large loss of minerals and dehydration. It is important to drink enough fluids to prevent discomfort.

The cause may be low blood sugar. Therefore, it is important not to train on an empty stomach, but to quickly replenish carbohydrates after finishing physical activity.

Poor sports technique causes severe pain and dizziness due to increased tension in the neck muscles. Sometimes the cause is the processes leading to migraine, i.e. increased blood flow through the cerebral vessels.


Headache occurs from nervous tension, stress, prolonged tension of skeletal muscles. If we briefly consider the causes of the disease, then work associated with chronic excessive muscle tension (sitting at a computer, sewing, jewelry making) leads to muscle tension. It is important to understand that this result is caused by tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and facial groups, as well as the muscles of the eyes.

Neurological tension headaches appear as a result of long-term use of antidepressants, analgesics and tranquilizers. Usually all these factors come together and the result is chronic headaches. Stress caused by pain and additional factors, such as weather changes, poor nutrition, wind, heat, alcohol intake, aggravate the situation.

The circle closes - a person has a headache when tense, he experiences stress, increasing spasms, which increase the headache and the stress caused by it. Therefore, if your head starts to hurt, you need to think about medicine.

HDN is formed under the following set of circumstances:

  • depression;
  • disruption of pain mechanisms: chronic tension headache reduces the pain threshold, and a person becomes more sensitive to the slightest unpleasant sensation in his head;
  • tonic muscle spasms lead to vascular spasms, which impairs blood supply to the muscles. Toxins begin to accumulate in them; the resulting irritation of muscle tissue is accompanied by signal transmission to the brain; in response to this, a headache occurs.

“The suddenly increased sensitivity of the nervous system greatly reduces the body’s ability to adapt to external stimuli. The situation is further complicated by disturbances in the antinociceptive and psychosocial systems, which together greatly reduce the patient’s quality of life.”

The body of a healthy person has a mechanism for suppressing discomfort, pain-relieving hormones are produced by the human endocrine glands, and the situation returns to normal. The “pain behavior” caused by chronic headaches disrupts this system, destroying the pain-relieving properties of hormones.

Reasons for development

Experts identify several explanations for why chronic spasm of the muscles of the neck and collar area occurs:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine.
  • Vascular pathologies that lead to ischemia (insufficient blood supply) of tissues.
  • Deforming spondyloarthrosis.
  • Scar changes in ligaments and tendons that occur after abnormal load on the shoulders and neck.
  • Myositis (inflammation of muscle fibers, which develops mainly after hypothermia).
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms of the spine and adjacent anatomical structures.
  • Poor development of neck muscles (often observed in severely ill patients after prolonged bed rest).

Exhaustive physical labor leads to the development of these diseases; previous back and neck injuries; hypothermia, poor sleep hygiene, sedentary lifestyle. The thinning of the cartilage structure that makes up the intervertebral discs causes hormonal changes. They develop against the background of endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, pituitary gland.


Once the etiology of TTH is understood, the symptoms and treatment of the disease should be considered.

The clinical picture of the disease requires attention first of all, because before you figure out how to treat tension headaches, you need to make sure that you have it.

The clinical signs of HDN are as follows:

  • bilateral pain, it can be asymmetrical, but always on both sides;
  • it appears as a hoop or helmet, but does not pulsate;
  • cephalalgia of low or moderate intensity, severe pain is characteristic of migraines, not tension-type headaches;
  • a tension headache does not get worse with additional physical activity;
  • with pain from overexertion, a person may be irritated by loud sounds and sharply turned on lights, but there is no vomiting or nausea.

“Paradoxically, the frequency of pain is the same in newborns, young and elderly people. Sometimes people get so used to it that they begin to believe that headaches, even chronic ones, are an integral part of life.”

Muscle spasms: causes

Among the many reasons that provoke muscle spasms, experts highlight those that are considered the main ones.

  • Muscle tension during prolonged monotonous work: sitting at a table, eye strain, a certain posture during work.
  • Diseases of the cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis, its consequences and other features of the spine.
  • Mechanical and other injuries that cause a response to pain in the form of muscle contractions.
  • Nervous breakdowns, overwork, stress.
  • Excessive sports and excessive physical activity.
  • Features of the pregnancy period.

There are a number of concomitant reasons, which, according to experts, are provocateurs for the appearance and development of muscle spasms.

  • Imbalance of microelements in the human body. Recently, the factor has manifested itself against the backdrop of the popularization of exercise in gyms, as a consequence of the improper use of various concentrated sports drinks. The result is an imbalance of certain microelements, by removing them from the body along with sweat. This occurs with increased consumption of various drinks during physical activity, which ultimately affects muscle function.
  • A decrease in the amount of intracellular fluid, which is usually observed with a lack of calcium in the body. The consequences lead to irritation and spasms, and the failure of nerve impulses does not make it possible to reduce muscle tension to complete relaxation.
  • With muscle fatigue, their size decreases, this in turn reduces the load on the tendons, increasing it on the neuromuscular spindles, and when simultaneously manifested, a spasm occurs as a result of a failure in the cycle of muscle compression and relaxation.
  • Lack of carbohydrates. Various types of low-carb diets can negatively affect muscle mass, which in turn provokes the appearance of cramps.

Physiological causes of muscle spasms

In the category of physiological causes of spasms, experts distinguish the category of myoclonic spasms of arrhythmic and rhythmic origin, when one or more muscles are twitched. The muscle fibers of the larynx and diaphragm fall into this category when the vagus nerve is irritated. Vegetative manifestations occur against the background of fear, during sleep, and this is especially common in children.

Myoclonus, which is triggered as a defensive reaction to an irritant, but does not affect the mental state, and does not leave a mark in the form of deterioration and a feeling of discomfort, does not cause cause for concern.

Progressive myoclonic spasms of a rhythmic nature, when a certain muscle group or the entire body twitches, can be reflected in the form of a malfunction of the speech apparatus, a disturbance in the process of swallowing or chewing food, and cause anxiety. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice, since manifestations most often occur against the background of diseases of the central nervous system.

Muscle tension pain

The main reason why you get a headache if you are an adult, working person. Of all the possible types, it is the most common. In fact, the reason for its occurrence is oxygen starvation of muscle tissue. The muscles of the face, neck and eyes, as explained above, being under prolonged tension, reduce the volume of blood circulation. Muscles, irritated by oxygen starvation, signal to the brain, which triggers the pain mechanism.

A specific sign of this type of pain can be called:

  • a heavy pain load pressing on the temples and running in a stripe from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • overwork of the neck and facial muscles.

Additionally, it is worth noting that it is necessary to change your position and do exercises more often.

Changing jobs is too radical a measure; you just need to warm up more often and do small exercises. By the way, the Soviet “minute of gymnastics” had much more meaning than just annoying the workers.

“The vast majority of patients who experience tension headaches and their symptoms require treatment at working age, because this type of headache does not occur in older people, just like in children.”

Reasons why headaches occur in the back of the head

Arterial hypertension

In people who are regularly under stress and in the elderly, a headache in the back of the head may appear when blood pressure rises.

The pain in this case is usually pressing or bursting ; sometimes patients complain of temporary visual disturbances, manifested in the form of “floaters” in front of the eyes. Most often it is observed in the morning.

Headaches caused by high blood pressure can be relieved with antihypertensive medications. However, before doing this, you should definitely measure your blood pressure to make sure that hypertension is the cause of the pain.


If a person is constantly under emotional stress, is subject to various types of depression, and at the same time works a lot at the computer, and for a long time is in the same position, in which the head and neck are slightly tilted forward, sooner or later he will develop a spasm of the muscles located in the occipital region and neck will occur.

Muscle spasm in the occipital region in itself is considered a source of pain , but tense muscles can also cause tension in the tendon aponeurosis of the skull, to which the muscles of the temples and forehead are attached.

As a result, a headache from the occipital region quickly spreads to the temples and forehead, and the patient feels as if his head is being squeezed by a steel hoop.

Pain from muscle strain and psycho-emotional overload is usually pressing and progressive mostly in the occipital and frontal parts of the head, often bilateral. The nature of the pain is usually non-spasmodic and moderate, but quite constant.

When you press on painful areas, you feel their tension, and in some areas even compaction, while any touch responds with pain. At the same time, the pulsating pain syndrome is so pronounced that the person is unable to concentrate on anything and cannot think about anything other than his pain.

In addition, tension headaches often include dizziness and tinnitus, but without nausea . Often, fixing the neck in a certain position helps reduce pain.

This disease can occur in people of absolutely any age, but more often people over 30 years of age are susceptible to it.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Pain in the occipital part of the head is often caused by diseases affecting the cervical spine.
So, with cervical osteochondrosis, pain increases even with a slight turn of the neck and any movements of the head.

It can be caused by compression of the spinal roots or limited mobility in the upper spine.

Due to the exacerbation of pain when moving, the patient tries to limit motor activity in the problem area as much as possible.

Cervical osteochondrosis occurs most often in elderly people. The diagnosis can be confirmed using radiography or MRI of the cervical spine .

Cervical spondylosis

Intense pain in the back of the head and neck with spondylosis is caused by the growth of the lateral processes of the vertebrae (osteophytes) and their deformation. It is generally accepted that the formation of osteophytes is associated with salt deposition, but this is not the case.

The lateral processes of the vertebrae begin to grow as a result of the degeneration of ligament tissue into bone tissue. More often, cervical spondylosis affects older people, but if a person leads a passive lifestyle, the disease can manifest itself much earlier.

Find out more about the causes of pain under the ribs on the right side. I am sure that after reading this article, you will take discomfort in the right hypochondrium more seriously.

If you have problems with your feet, and more specifically, your heel hurts, you can find out about the methods of treating this problem at this address

I hope you have figured out the pain under the right rib. If you are interested, you can also read about the symptoms of pain in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium, more details here.

Myogelosis - thickening of muscle tissue in the cervical spine

This disease can be caused by the following reasons:

  • long stay in a draft;
  • muscle stiffness caused by being in an uncomfortable position;
  • posture disorders;
  • frequent stressful situations, etc.

The characteristic signs that myogelosis usually makes itself felt, in addition to headaches in the back of the head , include regular dizziness, stiffness in the shoulders and pain in the shoulder girdle .

Occipital neuralgia

Neuralgia is characterized by acute, cramping pain in the back of the head, which can radiate to the back, cervical spine, lower jaw or ears. Sharp pain can be caused by coughing, sneezing, or sudden movement of the head or torso.

Therefore, in order to reduce discomfort, the patient tries to constantly keep his head in one position.

If neuralgia of the occipital nerve is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, then it is quite likely that hyperesthesia will develop on its basis - a condition in which sensitivity in the area of ​​the entire back of the head is extremely aggravated.

Note that frequent colds and hypothermia increase the risk of this disease..

Cervical migraine

Intense pain in the temples and back of the head, often radiating to the brow ridges, indicates the presence of cervical migraine. In addition, this disease is often accompanied by pain and a feeling of sand in the eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, hearing impairment or tinnitus.

Vertebrobasilar syndrome

The most common symptoms include various kinds of vestibular disorders (noise or ringing in the ears, dizziness, fog before the eyes and other visual or hearing disorders), nausea, vomiting, hiccups, pale skin on the face, impaired coordination of movements and, of course, pain in the occipital part of the head.

In addition, with vertebrobasilar syndrome, fainting without loss of consciousness may occur, which is accompanied by loss of balance and immobility.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

A fairly rare cause of headaches in the back of the head, but very dangerous. With subarachnoid hemorrhage, the pain is very sharp and, as a rule, sudden. It quickly spreads to other areas of the head.

Also with this disease, stiffness of the cervical and occipital muscles is observed. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a type of stroke and requires immediate hospitalization.

Traumatic brain injuries

One of the causes of occipital headaches can be traumatic brain injuries, most often complicated by the formation of hematomas or cysts that put pressure on the meninges, thereby causing pain.


It is also a dangerous and, fortunately, quite rare cause of headaches in the occipital region. Often with meningitis, along with pain, stiff neck muscles are also observed. In this case, all of these phenomena occur, as a rule, against the background of fever.

Nervous pain

People who often strain their nervous system, exhaust it with constant stress and incessant mental work, are guaranteed to pay with chronic headaches. Constant nervous stress, especially if the situation is like “you push, but nothing in return,” triggers a reaction in the brain.

Such traumatic situations for the psyche do not pass without a trace; each of them leaves a microtrauma, which a psychologist and good rest will help to cope with. It is for this reason that, hiding from pain and stress, some try to distract themselves with computer games or alcohol. Life may not be in danger, but its quality under such circumstances is quite questionable.

“It may look stupid, but happy people extremely rarely suffer from such pain; this type is the lot of hardworking, but for some reason, unhappy people.”


The first step in treatment is eliminating the primary disease. If this is not possible or there is no improvement (for example, with arteriosclerosis), only the symptoms are treated. The doctor prescribes medications to relieve pain (Paracetamol tablets or capsules, Analgin, etc.), calm the vestibular system (sedative antihistamines - substances that block histamine receptors, improve blood flow to the inner ear, and have a calming effect).

Diazepam (injections), which reduces irritability of the vestibular apparatus, is suitable for relieving severe dizziness.

The brain is an adaptable organ; After some time, he may become accustomed to the changes caused by the drugs and begin to process signals in an abnormal way. Therefore, treatment is limited in time.

Ginger can be used as an aid for dizziness and headaches. It is used in powder or capsule form. Herbal medicines that improve blood flow also include extracts of ginkgo biloba, garlic. To improve blood circulation in atherosclerosis, mistletoe preparations are recommended.

Men and women suffering from cervical spine blockage are advised to sleep in the correct position and do the following exercises.

  • Sit on a chair.
  • Straighten your spine.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • Maintain a right angle between your chin and neck.

Before each exercise, slightly stretch your neck, pulling your head up.

  • Slowly turn your head to the right, back to the center, slowly to the left.
  • Close your eyes and watch the smooth, slow movements.
  • Tilt your head left and right (do not make a wide range of movements).
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed.

Headaches in babies

Headache caused by tension requires specific treatment when it comes to our children. Children suffer from the disease no less often than adults: an uncomfortable desk, a computer desk and many other circumstances in which the baby is in an uncomfortable position cause characteristic symptoms.

In essence, such a headache in children is a pain of muscle tension.

The clinical picture in children is specific: in addition to the above symptoms are added:

  • heart pain and rhythm disturbances;
  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • possible fainting.

How to relieve pain and unpleasant symptoms

Each pathology, depending on its variety and complexity, requires an individual selection of medical procedures and medications. It is not enough to ease headaches and eliminate visible signs; it is important to get to the cause and get rid of it.

Nausea and vomiting, convulsions, headaches, spasms in the limbs should be the reason for a full examination of the body. This is a warning sign that one of your systems is not working correctly.

In the absence of a serious illness, relaxation sessions, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, walks in the fresh air, and some sports with minimal impact (swimming, cycling, fitness, yoga) will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

In more severe cases, medication is required. If headaches, nausea and vomiting occur due to stress, it is necessary to take a course of antidepressants that act on the serotonergic system. You should not prescribe the drug yourself; only the attending physician selects the type and acceptable dose to obtain a positive result. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the course or abuse the dosage.

You can use folk remedies:

Medical diagnostics

Before moving on to the direct answer to the question: “How to get rid of tension headaches?”, Let’s look at how a doctor confirms a diagnosis, what he pays attention to, and what the complex of medical examination consists of.

The first thing the doctor will pay attention to is the condition of the trapezius and other muscles of the cervical group. If there is an increase in pain when you press on certain points, then this is a problem of muscle tension; if this is not the case, and there are no unjustified physical overloads in the patient’s life, then this is a neurological tension-type headache.

Then a brain tomography and a general blood test are prescribed, this is done to exclude signs of brain damage.

Afterwards, psychological testing is carried out: studying the patient’s mental portrait helps to choose the right therapy.

How to relieve spasm and relax your neck and shoulders?

Elimination of the causes of the disease and relief of symptoms should be carried out by a specialist based on the diagnostic data obtained.

There are situations when you urgently need help, but it is not possible to get an appointment with a doctor. Knowledge of how and with what you can relieve a spasm will help.

Use of medications

Remedies will help relieve pain quickly:

  • Hydrocodone.
  • Propoxyphene.

To relax muscles and relieve tension, muscle relaxants are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets. They also have the effects of reducing pinched nerve endings and roots, improving blood circulation and metabolism.

To completely eliminate the causes of spasms and osteochondrosis, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with muscle relaxants .

Muscle relaxants are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Antispasmodics – relieve muscle spasms. Reduces muscles from a hypertensive state to normal tone.
  2. Neuromuscular blockers - completely paralyze skeletal muscles.

The drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since the dose is calculated individually for the patient.

To relieve spasms, it is also recommended to take the following medications:

  • Painkillers – taken in cases of severe, deep spasms. Medicines contain lidocaine, analgin.
  • Anti-inflammatory – non-steroidal drugs.
  • Vitamins - daily intake prevents seizures.
  • Ointments – relieve tension and have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.


  • Exercises for SCS are carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since physical activity during a spasm leads to tears in the muscle fibers. Read about the best types of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis that you can do at home in our material.

  • Exercises are carried out for 15-30 minutes using five to seven types. If pain or discomfort occurs, exercise should be stopped.
  • For the health of the spine, increasing overall muscle tone and general health, therapeutic exercises according to Norbekov have been developed. Before using this method, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To relieve spasms and pain, depending on the location of the inflammation, experts recommend the following types of exercises :

  1. Tilt your head down, then up. Make turns to the side. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  2. Keep your shoulder tense, but in a straightened position. Then bring your head towards it.
  3. In a sitting position, raise your shoulders as high as possible, towards your ears. Hold for 10 seconds. Afterwards, lower your hands and take a deep breath.


To relieve spasms, doctors advise taking a course of massage. Professional therapeutic massage has a good effect . It stimulates blood flow to damaged tissues and starts recovery processes. A full course of massage sessions will strengthen the muscle corset and spine, correct posture and relieve muscle tension and pinching. Regular exercises relax the psyche and normalize sleep, improve nutrition of the cervical tissues.

Self-massage will also help. The procedure can be carried out even at the workplace. Regular self-massage will eliminate neck spasms.

To perform a massage correctly, you must follow the following rules::

  • The neck is massaged simultaneously with the shoulders.
  • Massaging movements are made from top to bottom, starting from the back of the head.
  • The movements are performed with both hands (if it’s uncomfortable, you can take turns).
  • Pressing movements are not allowed, only light and stroking movements.

The following exercises for self-massage are recommended::

  1. Stroke the back of the head with light movements of the palms of your hands - 2 minutes.
  2. You need to perform the exercise in a circular motion. Gently stretch your neck with your fingertips.
  3. Grasp and release the skin.
  4. Stretch your muscles from side to side.
  5. Pat the back of the neck.

Other methods

To quickly get rid of pain and relieve muscle tension, experts recommend acupuncture.

The process of placing needles on biologically active points relaxes muscles, improves blood flow and muscle tone.

Several sessions are enough to eliminate pain . The following methods are used to remove tension in muscle tissue.


During physiotherapy, medicinal substances are injected under the skin and penetrate into the tissue under the influence of current. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The procedure helps to relax and stimulate blood flow.

The following types of procedures are prescribed in physiotherapy::

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Microcurrent stimulation.
  • Laser therapy.

Hot baths and compresses

Hot baths and cold compresses have an antispasmodic effect . The scheme - from cold to heat helps to quickly relieve muscle tension and eliminate spasms.

  1. To do this, you need to take a plastic bag, fill it with ice and wrap it in the material.
  2. Then apply to the sore spot and hold for about 20 minutes.
  3. After a cold compress, you need to relieve tension and warm up your neck by taking a hot bath.
  4. To enhance the relaxation effect, you can add a few drops of horseradish juice, aromatic lavender or pine needle oils, and flavored sea salt to the water.

Cold compresses are applied for 2 days and no more than 3 times a day. Long-term use will no longer bring results.

Traditional medicine recommends making a pain-relieving compress from the following ingredients:

  1. Chop horseradish, oregano and raw potatoes and make a decoction.
  2. Moisten a thick cloth with the resulting medicine and apply to the neck.


Herbal treatment refers to folk methods that recommend a wide range of medicinal herbs that help with muscle spasms. Herbs recommended for brewing :

  • valerian;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • peppermint.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment is divided into:

  • Treatment of episodic pain;
  • Treatment of chronic pain.

In case of episodic tension-type headache, in order to stop the attack, take NSAIDs, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol.

Antidepressants are prescribed to prevent relapse.

The therapist will determine which medications you need to relieve the symptoms of the disease and treat its cause.

Means intended to combat chronic tension-type headache are divided into three groups:

  1. Rare episodes - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Frequent attacks - the same drugs at the maximum dose, a course lasting 3-4 weeks;
  3. TTH with pronounced muscle tension - muscle relaxants.

As an addition to the course of treatment for episodic tension headaches, nootropics, B vitamins and sedatives are added, and non-drug treatments include massages, acupuncture, and psychotherapy.

Muscle spasm: treatment

Muscle spasms can manifest themselves anywhere and anyhow: on the street, during sleep, at work, at home, and if such manifestations are repeated regularly, you need to learn how to deal with the disease. There are several treatments that help cope with the situation:

  • Taking medications.
  • Folk remedies.
  • With the help of massage and water treatments.
  • Prevention of muscle spasms.

In any case, if muscle spasms regularly bother you, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause.

How to relieve muscle spasm?

When the first signs of cramps appear, you immediately need to choose a comfortable position for relaxation. In terms of effectiveness, massage is considered one of the best remedies for muscle cramps. By massaging an area of ​​the body, kneading increases blood flow, relieves tension, and reduces pain.

In cases of damage to the muscles of the legs, neck, back, cold can be used to relieve pain; an ordinary plastic bag is used as an ice bag, which, tied, is applied to the area cramped.

Another way to quickly relieve a spasm is to use medications that unblock the muscle group affected by the spasm. The symptom itself can be removed in almost a few minutes, but it is necessary to find out what caused the manifestation and this can only be done by a specialist who has studied in detail the problem that caused such a reaction in the body.

Chronic pain

Painkiller tablets will not help here. The solution to the treatment problem is so complex that it should be considered separately. Drug therapy here borders extremely closely with traditional methods of treatment. Anything that can defuse the current situation will do.

Drug treatment offered by classical medicine consists of taking tricyclic antidepressants, selective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This therapy lasts for many months, and many therapists recommend treatment with folk remedies.

“Among folk remedies, the most popular are those based on thyme, golden mustache leaf, various massages and daily exercises”

Identifying the cause is the basis for successful treatment

There are many diseases that cause pain and dizziness. The doctor determines what to do to alleviate a person’s condition based on the diagnostic results. Its goal is to identify the primary disease. The basis is taking an anamnesis and considering the signs. Blood pressure and ECG are measured. These methods help determine the presence of circulatory problems, heart disorders, etc. In the absence of accurate results, additional examinations are carried out, incl. psychological tests.


In conclusion, I would like to note that if you take a number of simple preventive actions, you won’t have to undergo treatment at all. The main thing is to listen to your body and follow a few simple rules:

  1. If possible, have a work and rest schedule that suits you.
  2. Exercise daily.
  3. Visit a psychologist once every six months.
  4. Get healthy while on vacation, at least at health resorts.
  5. Don't forget about water procedures.
  6. Strictly follow doctors' orders.

The task of the first point may be difficult to complete, but the other five are completely in your hands. Good health to you, and may your head never hurt.


What to do to prevent this from happening again

After the body has recovered, do not forget that unpleasant symptoms may occur again. Incorrect posture during work, a sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition, various diseases and disorders weaken muscle tissue. As a result, muscle spasms become more frequent.

Simple exercises will help prevent this:

  • strengthening the muscles located on the inner thigh (half-squatting with alternating legs);
  • strengthening the quadriceps muscle (lunges forward followed by shifting the center of gravity);
  • strengthening the calf muscles (small lunges with the foot placed 20cm from the floor).

Compliance with an active regimen, preventive examinations, regular treatment of existing diseases is half the success of good health and functioning of all body systems. And then the hodgepodge of muscle spasms, cramps and headaches will become a rare occurrence for you.

AiF.ru, Anna Shatokhina: Sergey Alexandrovich, what types of cerebral circulatory disorders are there, besides stroke, and what can they be fraught with?

Sergey Gulyaev: Basically, there are two large groups of cerebral circulatory disorders: ischemic (arising against the background of local death of parts of the brain and manifested by focal neurological disorders - editor's note) and hemorrhagic (caused by hemorrhages - editor's note). Any disturbance of cerebral circulation causes the development of irreversible reactions in the nervous tissue. But the nervous system has plasticity, and after suffering a disaster, it is capable of functional rehabilitation, i.e. recovery.

— How long can such a violation develop and persist until the situation becomes critical?

— Any situation with cerebrovascular accident is critical and requires prompt provision of qualified medical care.

— How can you quickly and accurately identify the problem? Is it possible to confuse symptoms with other pathologies?

— The main symptoms of cerebrovascular accident are symptoms of impairment and loss of functions, manifested by the development of central (caused by the shutdown of brain mechanisms) paralysis. With the development of hemorrhagic types of stroke, symptoms of irritation of the nervous tissue and meninges may come first - this is when an unbearable headache, rigidity (increased tone - editor's note) of the neck muscles, sensitivity to light and sound, and sometimes convulsions appear.

It is possible to make a mistake in diagnosis, so only a specially trained specialist can evaluate these symptoms, since a symptom is only an integral part of the overall clinical picture of the disease.

— How do they correct the situation, and is it possible to provide first aid to a person?

— Only doctors treat cerebrovascular accidents and only in a specialized neurological hospital. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the more favorable the outcome of the disease will be, all other factors being equal. Treatment for a stroke is lengthy, the diagnosis of stroke itself persists for a year, when the risk of a recurrence of the disaster is greatest, and recovery sometimes requires many years. First aid can only be provided in this way: call a doctor or take the patient to a specialist as quickly as possible.

— Who is at risk? And is it possible to somehow prevent the development of such a problem?

— Unfortunately, in modern society, any person is associated with the risk of developing acute cerebrovascular accident. Previously, this pathology was relatively rare in young women with preserved reproductive function, since female sex hormones have a protective function. But in recent years, due to changes in the social activity of women, the development of stroke is becoming common.

— Can cerebrovascular accidents be inherited?

— As a rule, constitutional factors and disorders of the blood coagulation system are inherited, but this does not mean that a person, with other equal opportunities, will necessarily develop a stroke. Rather, these are aggravating factors, but nothing more. On the other hand, there may be certain food addictions and certain behavioral stereotypes in the family, which can lead to the development of cerebrovascular accidents more often than genetic factors.

— What are the options for preventing the problem?

— Most often, ischemic stroke develops in older patients, while hemorrhagic stroke variants are the lot of the young and able-bodied.

To prevent this problem, you need to monitor your health, follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid harmful effects on the body, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.

Dizziness and headaches are symptoms and not independent illnesses, as one might assume. The first symptom occurs when the brain does not have a clear idea of ​​the orientation and position of the body in space; the second is a consequence of circulatory disorders and muscle tension. Approximately every 10th person encounters them. Pain and dizziness are most common in people over 65 years of age. Dizziness is the 2nd most common symptom (after headache) that brings a person to the doctor. This is not surprising since both manifestations occur in more than 100 diseases.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

The Clinical Brain Institute offers individualized screening programs to help determine the cause of your headaches. Procedures are prescribed only according to indications. Among them are electroencephalography, radiography of the cervical spine, MRI, Doppler sonography, laboratory blood tests and other techniques.

As a result of a complete examination, a diagnosis can be made and treatment can be prescribed. When selecting medications, doctors at our clinic take into account the patient’s general condition and the body’s response to taking medications. The process takes place under the supervision of specialized specialists, even if it takes place at home.

All materials are published under the authorship or editorship of medical professionals (about the authors), but are not a prescription for treatment. Contact the specialists!

When using materials, a link or indication of the source name is required.

Author: Marina Klimova, edited by first category doctor Z. Nelly Vladimirovna

Vasospasm is a condition in which the lumen between the walls of blood vessels narrows. This occurs when the vascular walls contract intensely and for a long time. Spasm of cerebral vessels leads to disruption of blood flow and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness with spots in the eyes;
  • Tinnitus that worsens with physical activity;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Impaired speech and spatial coordination, memory loss (in severe cases).

Headaches can be felt anywhere on the head. It can be triggered by stress or changes in weather. In the latter case, this occurs especially often in weather-dependent people. If you measure your blood pressure at this moment, you will find that it is high or low.

Previously, symptoms of cerebral vasospasm were observed mainly in older people, since the elasticity of blood vessels decreases with age. But lately this often happens to young people, especially in large cities. The reason for this situation is the general deterioration of the environment, when there are large amounts of toxic substances in the air and the amount of oxygen is decreasing. Getting into the lungs, and then into the brain, these substances cause a narrowing of its blood vessels, which, coupled with a lack of oxygen, manifests itself in painful and unpleasant sensations in the head.

How to treat chronic and paroxysmal pain

In order for treatment to be adequate, you need to find out the causes of headaches. For this purpose, after visiting the therapist, the patient is sent for preliminary examinations, including X-rays and MRIs of the cervical spine. With this problem you need to contact a traumatologist, neurologist, physical therapy doctor, or physiotherapist. If occipital pain is caused by neuralgia of the occipital nerves, stress, myogelosis, cervical osteochondrosis, increased intracranial pressure, massage or manual therapy sessions can help. Spondylosis and hypertensive crises are direct contraindications for massage.

At the very beginning of an attack, light self-massage can alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve discomfort. Physiotherapy, such as magnetotherapy, ultrasound, laser therapy and electrophoresis, helps with chronic pain. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are indicated for cervical spondylosis, osteochondrosis, increased ICP, myogelosis, vascular spasms, and occipital neuralgia. Exercise therapy is useful for any pain in the occipital region, but is not recommended for people with malocclusion. They should see an orthodontist.

Occupational position pains can be cured by changing the workplace or increasing its comfort. The main thing is that it is comfortable to work while sitting. If this is not possible, you should purchase a special orthopedic cushion. And during night sleep, the neck should be as relaxed as possible.


Occipital pain is varied in its manifestations, so they can be grouped into main types.


Occurs with diseases of the cervical spine or muscle strain in this area.

Unpleasant sensations are not localized only in the back of the head, but also appear in the area of ​​the ears and parietal part. You can alleviate the condition by placing a small fabric cushion under your head, thus relaxing the shoulder area and neck.


This type of pain is typical for people who are forced to remain in one position for a long time or who experience strong emotional experiences. As a result, muscle tissue is overstrained and prolonged headaches occur.

You can reduce the sensitivity threshold by using a cool compress on the forehead and temple area, or by using a light massage of the neck-collar area.


Such pain is dangerous and signals high blood pressure. You should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • severe dizziness;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • congestion, tinnitus;
  • feeling of numbness in the arms and legs.

All these signs indicate the presence of serious diseases - from infectious to closed glaucoma. The most dangerous thing is that the presence of pulsation may indicate vascular damage and possible hemorrhage in the brain. Therefore, this type of pain requires immediate consultation with a specialist.


Constant pain in the occipital region can be caused by diseases of the cervical spine, poor circulation in this area, or severe hypothermia.

The pain comes suddenly in paroxysmal bursts, radiating to the ears, lower jaw, eyes and interscapular area. You can ease acute attacks by taking a comfortable position and relaxing your muscles as much as possible.

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