Causes of vascular pain


Pain in the veins of the legs and arms, which is also accompanied by bloating of blood vessels and swelling of the limbs, is not a cosmetic problem.

Venous pain may appear for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance in women, including during pregnancy and menopause;
  • obesity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • injuries;
  • walking in high heels or using uncomfortable shoes;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • excessive physical stress on the limbs;
  • bad habits;
  • decreased physical activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • congenital vascular pathologies.

More often, pain in the veins occurs due to inflammatory processes and poor circulation.

If pain in the veins in the arms appears after an IV, then phlebitis may be the cause. An unsuccessful injection leads to a drug embolism.

Hands hurt: how not to miss vascular diseases

It is common knowledge that stress affects our mood, heart and thoughts.
But few people know that adrenaline storms in the body can cause serious hand diseases. Spasms of the blood vessels of the upper extremities lie in wait not only for those whose hands are constantly at work: in a plant, factory, or field.

But also those who are in damp rooms, experiencing hypothermia, spend a long time driving or using a computer keyboard, and even those who are engaged in routine household duties.

But determining the cause of the disease can be very difficult.

As a result, some patients develop severe neurological and even trophic disorders due to an unidentified diagnosis and improper treatment.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

With diseases of the blood vessels, patients most often complain of pain in the legs. With age, diseases of the joints and blood vessels become more pronounced. The cause of illness is often venous disease, which affects almost 60% of the adult population. Subsequently, it would seem that these diseases can lead to very serious complications.

But here’s a paradox: when people have pain in their arms, they pay much less attention to this discomfort than to the pain in their legs: just think, they overworked, lifted heavy things, they say - who doesn’t happen to...

And the causes of the disease seem quite clear.

Patients assume, and doctors often confirm, without delving into the problems in detail and being captive of traditional thinking, that pain in the shoulder joint and hand is due to salt deposits and osteochondrosis.

But few patients and even doctors know that pain in the hands is often caused by pinched nerves. The weak point is the area of ​​the wrist joint and the so-called carpal tunnel (in this case, the median nerve is compressed in the wrist area due to changes in surrounding tissues and other reasons). As a result, patients experience numbness in the fingers, palms, and various other manifestations.

The condition, known as carpal tunnel syndrome, usually occurs after fractures (such as a fracture of the radius) and can also occur for no apparent reason. Recently, those who are forced to work at a computer for a long time have been complaining of pain in their hands, especially in the right hand.

This disease has acquired the name carpal tunnel syndrome (or carpal tunnel syndrome) and could be classified as an occupational illness. Unfortunately, in Ukraine this disease is diagnosed relatively rarely and, therefore, is treated incorrectly.

But in Europe, operations for carpal tunnel syndrome are performed quite often.

Additional cervical rib and other anomalies

If the hand becomes less sensitive, goes numb (and not the whole hand may go numb, but, as often happens, the fourth, fifth fingers and often the inner surface of the shoulder, forearm), certain movement disorders are observed, it is quite possible that the cause of the disease is related to the neurovascular thoracic outlet compression syndrome.

This disease occurs in women 6-7 times more often than in men, which is to a certain extent due to anatomical features. Thoracic outlet syndrome usually appears after the age of twenty; Compression of blood vessels and nerves can occur in different anatomical areas.

Quite often this change is congenital (for example, a person has an extra rib, the so-called cervical rib).

It happens that there is a narrow space between the first rib and the collarbone (due to an anomaly in the development of the upper ribs, collarbone, cervical vertebrae) or its narrowing with age, when the muscles weaken and the vessels are compressed...

In children, an additional cervical rib is usually detected at 12-13 years of age. Unfortunately, people are not interested in how many ribs a person has until complaints and complications arise.

As a rule, an additional rib can only be seen on an image, but sometimes even radiologists do not “identify” it.

It happens that the rib is not fully formed, and the dense fastial cord compresses the vessels and nerve trunks of the brachial plexus...

Elements of compression are often observed in people who consider themselves completely healthy. But compression syndrome can significantly reduce the quality of life and, most importantly, cause serious complications.

First of all, compression of the neurovascular bundle occurs in a certain position of the hand (“behind the head”, hand raised up and abducted, or turned “right-left”). As a result of microtrauma of the vascular wall repeated in this position and due to its compression, thrombosis of large main vessels or vessels of the hand can occur with the formation of small blood clots.

If, for example, thrombosis of the subclavian artery occurs as a result of the disease, this can lead to gangrene of the fingers and even the hand, and to the loss of a limb. In some cases, this disease leads to paralysis.

The clinical manifestations of hand diseases are so varied that a diagnosis can only be made by a specialist who is very well versed in this issue. Over the past thirty years, hand diseases have begun to be studied more closely in our country, and surgeons have developed appropriate operations. Moreover, it was Ukrainian specialists who took the leading positions in this matter.

Raynaud's disease

In addition to compression of large vessels, the regulation of small vessels is often disrupted - the so-called Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's disease. Its target is often the hand, a very specific organ in which small vessels play a huge role, especially in the area of ​​the fingers. And if the functioning of blood vessels is not regulated correctly, this causes serious illnesses.

Surely you have noticed how blood vessels react to our mood: when we are worried, some people’s hands turn pale, others turn red... Some people’s fingers become “numb” from excitement. If you wash your hands under cold water and your fingertips seem to go numb, you may suspect Raynaud's syndrome (as is the case with the so-called cold allergy).

If you pick up a cold object or, say, touch cold metal, white and red spots and a burning sensation may appear. As we age, this cold allergy—a symptom of Raynaud's disease—occurs quite often.

Sometimes, as a result of this disease, small foci of necrosis may occur. The “death” of the skin on the fingertips occurs gradually: due to stress or cold, first paleness occurs, then cyanosis, numbness of the fingers...

Sometimes, due to tissue necrosis, the phalanges of the fingers have to be removed.

Raynaud's syndrome can have up to eighty causes, and the root of all troubles lies in the disruption of the natural function of small vessels: in their expansion and contraction, structural changes in the vessel wall itself, as a result of which more or less blood is passed through. This whole process is primarily regulated by nerves, and secondly by so-called humoral factors, that is, chemical and biological substances that are formed in our body during physical activity.

What to do?

All these so-called neurovascular diseases of the upper extremities are problematic to treat. Because it is quite difficult to influence deep factors - the same endocrine glands. Moreover, at a certain stage it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis.

The true cause of the disease can become clear only after 5-7 years of observation of the patient. Sometimes, continuous observations over several years are needed to find out the cause. But we should not forget about the disease.

Look for a doctor and a clinic where you can be given the correct diagnosis and begin treatment and surgery in a timely manner - so as not to wait for serious complications.

"Legend" about the disease

Pain in the arms - from the wrist to the shoulder - occurs for various reasons, which are investigated by specialists in various fields. But in the list of medical specialties there is no doctor who would deal with hand diseases. So it turns out that even specialists do not know everything about many vascular diseases.

This is a classic situation: for example, a patient complains that the pain makes him wake up at night from numbness in his arm.

In this case, the therapist advises contacting a neurologist, who finds osteochondrosis and, in turn, refers the patient to a traumatologist.

He basically looks at the joints, finds something, and then another “legend” about the disease is created - a reason for prescribing the wrong treatment.

And only as a last resort does the patient go to a vascular surgeon, who also detects the pathology. The patient undergoes treatment again, but the measures taken help little.

As practice shows, in order to relieve a patient of pain, an interdisciplinary approach is needed - examination by a neurologist, traumatologist, and vascular surgeon.

After all, no one excludes the manifestation of osteochondrosis or, say, a pinched nerve.

To make a correct diagnosis of sore hands, doctors need to understand diseases of the spine, joints, blood vessels and peripheral nerves.


Diseases that cause vein pain

Veins in the legs and arms hurt due to the following vascular diseases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • postphlebitic syndrome.

The nature of vascular pain in the legs depends on the type and severity of the disease.

With varicose veins, the veins in the legs hurt and swell. Such symptoms are observed due to vascular inflammation. They lose their firmness and elasticity and expand.

Inflamed vessels become purple and tortuous. A swollen vein hurts in the evening. The pain is pronounced, aching. As the disease progresses, pain does not leave patients even at rest.

Without treatment, the walls of the affected vessel become very thin, causing them to burst. Bleeding occurs, which can lead to death.

Varicose veins appear not only on the legs, but also on the arms. The cause may be overheating or excessive physical stress. Foci of pain are localized in the hand area. The disease also manifests itself as numbness of the limbs.

With varicose veins, even a vein on the finger can tug.

With thrombophlebitis, pain in the veins becomes even more pronounced than with varicose veins. Diseased veins become dense, swell, pulsate and become visible through the skin. The skin is swollen, body temperature may rise to 38 °C.

With thrombophlebitis, pain is localized in the upper part of the lower leg or under the knee. Vessels in the arms, neck or chest area hurt much less often.

Thrombosis of the leg veins is accompanied by pain, cramps, swelling of the lower extremities and cyanosis of the skin. The most pronounced pain syndrome is at the location of the thrombus. For example, if the veins behind the knee hurt, this may indicate the formation of a blood clot in the area of ​​the knee joint.

Postphlebitic syndrome is manifested by pain in the vessels of the legs, but it is not as severe as with varicose veins or thrombosis.

Bursting blood vessels in the hands: possible causes, treatment of fragility and fragility of capillaries

The fragility and fragility of blood vessels is due to the loss of elasticity of the vascular wall. In patients, blood vessels in the arms burst due to minor injuries or spontaneously. Clinically, this is manifested by the formation of hematomas (bruises), petechiae, and bruises. As a result of a traumatic injury to the upper limb, blood penetrates the skin and accumulates there.

In healthy people, the walls of blood vessels are strong and elastic, they are able to withstand short-term pressure. When a certain amount of force is applied, blood vessels in the arms burst and bruises appear. If hematomas occur for no reason, you should think about it and consult a specialist.

Bursted blood vessels in the hands indicate existing disorders in the body that require proper treatment. Patients complain that capillaries periodically appear on their fingers. After some time, they burst and a hematoma forms under the skin. Such phenomena are accompanied by severe pain and require seeking medical help from a phlebologist.

Older people are more likely to burst blood vessels in their hands than young people. This is due to the deposition of salts, lipids on the walls of blood vessels, and deterioration of blood supply due to cholesterol plaques. Blood vessels in older people wear out, become fragile and brittle.

Vessels can burst in the hands for no apparent reason. To understand why this happens, it is necessary to examine the patient and analyze the results. The formation of bruises and hemorrhages is a pathological process caused by the influence of certain factors. If you do not pay attention to them, unpleasant consequences may develop.

The main reasons for the appearance of bruises on the arms include external and internal factors.

Endogenous (internal) etiological factors of pathology:

  • Hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body during pregnancy, menopause, after abortion, as a result of long-term hormone therapy.
  • Thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus.
  • Chronic kidney and liver diseases.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

the abundance of capillaries in the hand and regular stress on the hands are a reason for their frequent damage

Hemorrhagic syndrome, hemorrhagic diathesis in children (thrombocytopenic purpura).

Hysteria, neuroses, emotional turmoil. Excess body weight. Hypertension. Acute violation of cerebral or coronary circulation. Systemic lupus erythematosus is manifested by prolonged inflammation of the vascular wall, leading to fragility of blood vessels. Allergies to certain medications, causing thinning of the capillary walls. Acute infections weaken the vascular walls, which leads to vessel fragility. This is observed in scarlet fever, measles, influenza, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and rheumatism. HIV infection. Oncopathology. Lack of vitamins C and P due to the lack of appropriate foods in the menu or impaired absorption of food. Age-related degeneration is characterized by loss of elasticity and thinning of all body tissues.

If a vessel on your finger bursts or spider veins appear on your forearm, you should not wait to continue. These phenomena are quite enough for a visit to a specialist.

  1. Traumatic injury.
  2. Peeling, solarium and some other cosmetic procedures.
  3. Physical inactivity.
  4. Jumps in atmospheric air pressure and temperature changes.
  5. Burns or frostbite.
  6. Negative effects of direct sunlight.
  7. Long-term use of antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory or anti-asthmatic drugs.
  8. Stress and strong feelings.
  9. Physical overexertion and heavy strength training.
  10. Chemicals, low-quality household chemicals: detergents, liquid soap, shower gel, hand cream.

Nature of pain

The vein hurts in a special way. The patient feels tension, pulling, tingling or aching pain.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • the area that hurt may become swollen;
  • swelling is evident on the extremities;
  • bothered by burning and itching;
  • heaviness is felt;
  • inflamed veins swell;
  • bluish or purple spots appear on the skin;
  • the vascular network appears.

Pain in the veins can become severe and cause problems with movement. This happens with vascular diseases, as well as in the second trimester of pregnancy, especially with varicose veins of the groin area.

Severe pain may be accompanied by nighttime cramps.

Paget-Schroetter syndrome

This disease involves blockage of the subclavian vein, which is accompanied by:

  • swelling of the hands;
  • manifestation of a network of blood vessels (especially when they rise to the top);
  • sometimes veins may bulge in some areas;
  • acute bursting pain;
  • bluish color of the skin;
  • dilated veins;
  • the appearance of heaviness in the upper limbs;
  • loss of sensitivity.
  • More often one limb is affected, and the syndrome occurs after physical exertion on the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Also, the cause of the development of the syndrome can be the introduction of a catheter into the subclavian vein, which is used for long-term intravenous infusions.

    • swelling of the hands;
    • manifestation of a network of blood vessels (especially when they rise to the top);
    • sometimes veins may bulge in some areas;
    • acute bursting pain;
    • bluish color of the skin;
    • dilated veins;
    • the appearance of heaviness in the upper limbs;
    • loss of sensitivity.

    More often one limb is affected, and the syndrome occurs after physical exertion on the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Also, the cause of the development of the syndrome can be the introduction of a catheter into the subclavian vein, which is used for long-term intravenous infusions.

    Of course, in some cases, for example, when the wall of a vessel is irritated by the injected drug (popularly called “burnt a vein”), local therapy relieves the patient of unpleasant sensations. The area above the “sick” vein is lubricated with an ointment containing heparin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), dry heat, physical therapy, etc. may be prescribed.

    For thrombophlebitis of superficial vessels, additional medications are prescribed orally (general conservative therapy). These are most often antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and thrombolytic therapy is prescribed.

    They also use drugs that strengthen and protect the vascular wall, venotonics (after an acute period), drugs that improve hemodynamics (thin the blood), improve tissue nutrition, etc. In case of deep thrombophlebitis, the patient is treated by a vascular surgeon.

    We must not forget that the main function of blood vessels in our body is nutrition and blood supply to organs. Of course, when one vessel suffers, another takes over its function. For example, when the deep veins suffer, the superficial ones expand in order to cope with the entire volume of blood.

    Principles of treatment

    Pain in the veins should be treated as soon as it appears. Therapy depends on the disease. May include conservative techniques, surgery and physical therapy.


    Diet therapy is an important part of the treatment of pain in the blood vessels of the legs. The diet must be followed not only during drug therapy, but also for the prevention of vascular diseases.

    The diet should be dominated by foods high in vitamins A, B and C, as well as calcium, selenium and rutin. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and dairy products are healthy. You should avoid fatty and fried foods with high cholesterol levels. It is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy and too sweet foods, as well as smoked foods.


    If the veins in the legs hurt, you need complex treatment, which consists of taking systemic medications and using local remedies.

    The therapy is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, getting rid of the external manifestations of vascular disease, as well as resolving blood clots and strengthening the veins.

    Treatment for pain in the veins in the legs looks like this:

    • anticoagulants (prevent the formation of blood clots) – Heparin;
    • NSAIDs (reduce inflammation and pain in the veins) – Diclofenac, Nurofen, Indomethacin;
    • phlebotonics (improves microcirculation) – Troxevasin, Detralex, Phlebodia;
    • blood thinners - Venolife, Curantil, Lyoton.

    Local remedies relieve pain in the vessels of the legs, as well as external manifestations. Systemic medications eliminate leg pain, heaviness and swelling, prevent the formation of blood clots, improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.


    If after treatment with medications the blood vessels still hurt, then they resort to surgical intervention. The following surgical techniques exist:

    • laser coagulation – the procedure involves “sealing” the diseased vessel;
    • thrombectomy – surgery to remove a blood clot;
    • balloon angioplasty - a procedure to restore lumen and normalize blood circulation;
    • sclerotherapy is a technique of introducing a sclerosing substance into the affected vein;
    • miniphlebectomy – removal of a diseased vessel through a puncture;
    • venectomy – removal of the affected vein.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures

    To eliminate pain in the limbs, the following techniques are used:

    • magnetic therapy;
    • diadynamic currents;
    • UHF therapy;
    • electrophoresis;
    • paraffin applications;
    • pneumocompression;
    • ozone therapy.

    All these procedures should be used simultaneously with drug treatment.


    To reduce pain, the following folk remedies will help:

    • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches);
    • ingestion of tincture of horse chestnut fruits, white acacia flowers or shells of young walnuts;
    • compress based on apple cider vinegar and aloe vera;
    • foot baths based on a decoction of nettle, lemon balm, burdock or birch buds;
    • applying aromatic oils of orange, lemon, mint or lavender.

    How to eliminate pain in the veins after IVs and injections?

    Painful sensations in the veins after placing an IV or drawing blood can occur for various reasons. Perhaps the nurse used a blunt or incorrectly sized needle, or the insertion technique was incorrect. Insufficient septic treatment, as well as puncture of a vein, can cause pain and the formation of a bruise or hematoma at the injection site.

    To get rid of painful sensations that occur mainly when bending and straightening the arm, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • during the procedure, strictly follow everything the medical professional says;
    • after removing the needle, you need to sit for 5-10 minutes with your arm bent at the elbow;
    • if the story is very strong, you can apply a compress with any ointment containing heparin for a day;
    • the affected vein can be treated with “Troxevasin” or “Leoton” (rub in with slow movements 2-3 times a day until the pain completely disappears).


    To prevent pain in the veins of the legs, there are the following recommendations:

    • observe the work and rest schedule;
    • avoid excessive physical activity;
    • adhere to a diet to maintain normal vascular condition;
    • do exercises for your legs every day; short walks are useful;
    • take a contrast shower;
    • do a foot massage.

    At home, you should do the following exercises: step from foot to foot, walk on the inside and then on the outside of the foot, as well as alternately lifting on your toes and heels.

    Pain in blood vessels cannot be tolerated. This is always a signal of diseases of the venous system that need to be treated on time.

    Author: Oksana Belokur, doctor, especially for

    Deep vein thrombosis

    This pathology often appears in people who are unable to lead a physically active lifestyle. Usually these are bedridden patients, people with paralysis of the limbs, those who had to remain in bed for a long time. In advanced form, the vessels become swollen and painful.

    Many patients note swelling and high temperature of the affected parts of the body. When the veins in your arms hurt, the cause is unlikely to be this disease.

    Such a disease often does not manifest itself for a long time until it acquires advanced forms. It is very difficult to diagnose, and in the later stages, blood clots clog the vessels, which can lead to life-threatening consequences.

    However, there are some symptoms that should cause you to sound the alarm:

    • Pain in the veins in the legs.
    • A vein in the thigh is swollen.
    • Swelling on both limbs.
    • The temperature of the feet rises.
    • The skin acquires a bluish tint.
    • If the veins in your legs hurt, this is already a sufficient reason to worry.
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