Constant aching pain in the stomach causes

Constant nagging pain in the lower back is a symptom of many diseases, both the spine and joints, and internal organs. The human spine bears a large load, the main part of which falls on the lower back. This part of the spinal column is forced to cope with body weight, so it is most often affected. In addition, the intervertebral discs must spring back with each step; they can easily be damaged when lifting heavy objects and bending the body forward.

Types of dull lower back pain:

  • Primary low back pain indicates diseases of the spine: changes in the joints, intervertebral discs, ligaments or muscles.
  • Secondary pain is associated with spinal injuries, tumors, scoliosis, infection or diseases of the internal organs.

Dull aching pain in the lumbar region

Dull aching pain in the lower back on the left, or dull aching pain in the lower back on the right indicates two types of diseases.
The first option is various diseases of the spinal column. And the second option means diseases of the internal organs.

Due to constant stress on the spine, as a rule, it is the lumbar region that suffers the most. If a painful pulsation is felt in the lower back, this indicates that the discs between the vertebrae are being destroyed or destroyed. This pathology can occur due to frequent, excessive physical exertion on the lumbar region.

Constant dull pain prevents the patient from doing his usual daily activities, plus such pain becomes intrusive, creating a number of problems.

Complication of lumbar pain syndrome with other symptoms

However, dull, single aching lumbar pain is rather an exception. It is usually observed in the lateral areas of the back (right, left), in the legs, also localized in the lower abdomen, or a temperature may appear. What does each such symptom mean?

Thus, lumbar pain radiating to the left side of the back may indicate diseases such as:

  • ailments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pain on the left side may indicate heart disease;
  • diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • on the left the pain of the kidney in which the pathological process is observed is projected;
  • with damage to the pleura and lungs;
  • they can also manifest themselves on the left in women.

If we are talking about pain that, in addition to the lower back, affects the area in the lower abdomen, then we can talk about both acute and chronic ailments. With the former, the sensations are always more intense and sharper, but the constant nagging and aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen speaks, rather, of a chronic process. But only a doctor can make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region and lower abdomen are often signs of:

  • colitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of the reproductive system in both women and men;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is a companion to intestinal infections, as well as infections of the genitourinary system.

It should be noted that colitis and appendicitis are often accompanied by fever.

But an increase can also be observed against the background of diseases such as influenza, cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as muscle injuries. This symptom serves as a signal to seek medical help.

Pain syndrome with its projection on the right can indicate both an uncomfortable position and poor posture, and more serious diseases. Increased discomfort in the lower back on the right may again indicate kidney disease and ailments of the genital organs. Also, certain discomfort on the right may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Another cause of pain on the right side may be obesity.

If lumbar pain radiates to one or both legs, then it is likely that we are talking about lumboischialgia, sciatica, or radicular syndrome. These diseases are chronic, which means they have periods of remission and exacerbation. Recurrences of lower back pain, which radiates to the legs, provoke hypothermia and stress. Treatment consists of taking analgesics and reducing the load on the legs and lower back.

The cause of dull aching pain is osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

To understand this issue, you should consider all the possible reasons that cause dull aching pain in the lumbar region.

Spinal diseases are among the most common causes. For example, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

Osteochondrosis is understood as a degenerative-dystrophic change in the spinal column. Because of these negative, destructive changes, the patient often complains of dull and aching pain in the lower back. In addition, the pain is accompanied by dizziness and numbness in the limbs. The pain, localized in the lumbar region, radiates to the thigh and groin.

Nerve infection

It is rare, but it still happens that back pain, namely in the lumbosacral region, can occur due to an infectious lesion of the sciatic nerve. Typically, the infection reaches it through the bloodstream from other parts of the body, such as the genitourinary system. Such pain is always accompanied by general weakness, body aches and increased body temperature.

For pain relief, take an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. To fight the infection, you will need antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract almost always manifest themselves as aching pain in the lower back, which usually occurs on only one side. You can also suspect something is wrong by temperature fluctuations, frequent urge to urinate, cloudy urine and the presence of whitish flakes in it.

Causes of lower back pain – what you need to know

  • More often, the cause of lumbar pain lies in degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column - joints, intervertebral discs, ligaments, periarticular muscles. Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteoporosis, protrusion and herniation of the intervertebral disc - these and other diseases of the spine acquired over time are always accompanied by painful manifestations. It is important to determine the reasons that led to these violations. There are a dozen theories about the origin of these diseases. Excess weight has a negative impact on the spine, as a result of which the vertebrae experience increased stress, which leads to premature wear. Poor posture or incorrect body position during work will cause muscle strain, resulting in pinched nerves and displacement of the vertebrae. With a sharp overstrain of muscles, when lifting heavy weights or unsuccessful movement, sprains and microtraumas are inevitable.
  • However, back pain may be secondary , and not necessarily associated with spinal pathology. The cause may be an infectious process . For example, with brucellosis, damage to the vertebrae leads to sclerotic changes and the appearance of osteophytes (growths) that compress nerve tissue. In tuberculosis, the vertebral bodies are destroyed. With osteomyelitis, the structures of the spine are compressed due to the accumulation of purulent contents. In any case, pain appears in the lumbar spine.
  • Tumors (osteoblastoma, myeloma, osteosarcoma, metastasis to the spine, etc.) - benign or malignant, are usually accompanied by pain in the lumbar region of varying intensity, not responding to painkillers.
  • One of the common causes of lower back pain is numerous diseases of the internal organs. Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the appendages, prostate diseases, as well as problems with the intestines and even the lungs.

Are there any additional symptoms?

Back pain in the lumbar region or under the shoulder blades often appears in combination with other pathological signs. Patients may be concerned about:

  • visual disturbances (floaters before the eyes), fainting;
  • headache;
  • dizziness, especially with a sudden change in body position;
  • general weakness, weakness, decreased energy level;
  • rapid onset of fatigue;
  • numbness of the fingertips on the arms and legs, in the thighs, buttocks;
  • pain in the back, as well as under the shoulder blades, behind the sternum, in the abdomen;
  • disturbance is sensitive when emptying the intestines, bladder;
  • burning in the limbs;
  • change in gait, poor posture;
  • feeling of stiffness, heaviness throughout the body;
  • changes in blood pressure.

Moderate pain in the spine may be accompanied by periodic lumbago, which impairs motor activity. If even minimal manifestations of the listed symptoms appear, it is worth making an appointment with a neurologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and tell you how to get rid of the discomfort.

What to do for acute lower back pain?

Acute lower back pain occurs due to a variety of diseases. Protrusion and intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, lumbago and sciatica, injuries and spinal circulation disorders. As well as various diseases of the pelvic and abdominal organs. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of painful sensations on your own, so the person needs to be taken to a specialist.

  • If you suspect or vertebral injury,
  • Sprained muscles or ligaments. In the first minutes, you can apply cold, which will prevent the increase in swelling and reduce pain.
  • During an attack caused by diseases of the spine , you should first of all take the most comfortable position. Most often, a person experiences relief by lying on his back on a hard surface with his legs slightly elevated. If you cannot see a doctor immediately, you can take a pain reliever.
  • If back pain is a symptom of internal organ disease , the patient chooses the most comfortable position for him. It is important to remember: if the cause of lower back pain is not known, it is better to avoid warm compresses and ointments. Indeed, in the presence of an inflammatory process, they can aggravate the situation.

Treatment methods

Neurologists and orthopedists have numerous methods in their arsenal to cope with pain due to osteochondrosis. Manual therapy can bring great relief, as well as massage, reflexology, leech treatment, and physiotherapy methods. In parallel, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and painkillers, used in tablets or in the form of injections.

As the patient's condition improves, physical therapy begins, which helps slow down the further development of degenerative processes in the spine.

Diseases of other organs should be treated by an appropriate specialist.

Author of the article: Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich | Doctor of Medical Sciences general practitioner

Education: Moscow Medical Institute named after. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - “General Medicine” in 1991, in 1993 “Occupational diseases”, in 1996 “Therapy”.

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Most often, patients do not know which doctor to see. A neurologist provides comprehensive treatment for back pain. It is he who should be contacted for problems with the spine. However, before a specialist arrives or visits him, you need to provide first aid for back pain.

The most important thing is to relax. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach on a hard and flat surface. Best of all - on the floor. After a few minutes, you need to carefully roll over onto your back and raise your legs, fixing them so that your hips are at an angle of 90 degrees. This will take the load off your spine.

You can use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments and creams. After relieving the pain, you need to carefully get up and fix the painful area, for example, by bandaging it with a scarf or towel.

Severe pain can be relieved with something as simple as a cold compress. It will not give complete relief, but it will alleviate the condition. This could be a product from the freezer, an ice pack, etc. You can also help with pain by applying a heating compress or heating pad. It’s just important not to overheat the sore spot.

What else helps?

Light physical activity aimed at warming up the muscles and increasing blood circulation will help relieve discomfort. This could be a leisurely walk, muscle stretching exercises.

First of all, the disease that caused the pain is determined and its treatment begins. Along the way, medications are used to relieve discomfort and treat chronic pain:

  • analgesics, NSAIDs, in rare cases – narcotic painkillers;
  • B vitamins;
  • muscle relaxants.

The person is prescribed bed rest and wearing a fixing corset (for example, for neuralgia).

An important stage of treatment is physiotherapy. Its main methods:

  • electrophoresis with drugs;
  • phonophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy.

Reflexology is also provided:

  • electrical neurostimulation;
  • acupuncture techniques.

Massage, osteopathy, manual therapy, exercise therapy are effective for back pain. These techniques are used when pain is caused by diseases of the muscles and spine, during rehabilitation after injuries.

The use of drugs with an analgesic effect will help relieve pain in the lumbar region. But it will soon appear again if competent therapy for the underlying pathology is not carried out. Many diseases of internal organs respond well to treatment, including cancer. But it is impossible to completely restore destroyed intervertebral discs and deformed vertebrae with osteochondrosis. Treatment is aimed at achieving stable remission, during which low back pain does not occur.

The first choice drugs are always non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in tablets and capsules - Ketorol, Nise, Ibuprofen, Celecoxib, Ketoprofen.

In oncology, narcotic analgesics are used, for example, Tramadol. If the pain is caused by spasms of skeletal muscles, then patients are prescribed muscle relaxants. These are Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Baklosan. Taking No-shpa and Drotaverine can relieve increased smooth muscle tone. Analgesics Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Maksigan are also used in the treatment of pathologies of internal organs.

Ointments and gels

Products for external use are used to eliminate mild to moderate discomfort in the lower back. Ointments are also included in therapeutic regimens to reduce doses of systemic drugs (injections, tablets) and reduce the pharmacological load on the body.

External medications to relieve lower back painNames of medicinesTherapeutic effect
NSAIDsFastum, Voltaren, Artrosilene, Nise, KetorolAnti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant
Warming ointments, gelsCapsicam, Finalgon, Viprosal, Nayatoks, EfkamonAnalgesic, local irritant, distracting
Chondroprotectors for osteochondrosisTeraflex, Chondroxide, Chondroitin-AcosStimulating disc regeneration, analgesic, anti-inflammatory


When choosing painkillers, the doctor takes into account the type of pathology, the stage of its progression, and the intensity of the discomfort. To eliminate acute pain, drug blockades with glucocorticosteroids (Triamcinolone, Diprospan, Methylprednisolone) and anesthetics (Lidocaine, Trimecaine) are often used.

Intramuscular injection of NSAID solutions (Ortofen, Movalis, Xefocam, Meloxicam, Diclofenac) helps relieve severe pain. If the course of the pathology is complicated by muscle spasms, then Mydocalm is used, which contains the anesthetic Lidocaine.

When diagnosing existing pathologies or in order to prevent them, doctors recommend that patients do daily physical therapy exercises.

Regular exercise helps:

  • improving blood circulation in the lower back;
  • strengthening the muscular frame of the back;
  • reducing the severity of pain.

A set of exercises is compiled by the attending physician, taking into account the type of pathology, the number of complications that have developed, and the patient’s physical fitness.

Diagnostic methods for low back pain

There are many conditions that cause lumbar pain. To determine their origin and prescribe treatment, the help of a doctor is necessary. The cause of their appearance is not always spinal diseases. In this case, what matters, first of all, is the localization of painful sensations. For example, pain in the lower back on the right or left may indicate urological pathologies, intestinal diseases: appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, obstruction, etc. In some cases, pain above the lower back may be noted, for example, with hepatitis, cholecystitis, or taking toxic drugs. If your back hurts below the lower back, then such localization may indicate diseases of the genital organs, for example, the uterine appendages in women or the prostate gland in men.

You should start by visiting a therapist or neurologist, who will prescribe the necessary examinations. In some cases, consultation with a urologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, infectious disease specialist and other specialized specialists may be required. Thanks to existing diagnostic methods, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of pain in the lumbar region. X-ray of the lumbosacral spine is the most accessible examination method that allows one to determine structural disorders, the presence of an inflammatory process, osteoporosis and related disorders. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are the most effective diagnostic methods; thanks to the layer-by-layer image of internal structures, even the smallest abnormalities can be detected. In addition, a variety of laboratory tests may be prescribed, depending on the symptoms present.

Painful aching feeling in the stomach

According to gastroenterologists, pain syndrome refers to an unpleasant feeling that manifests itself as a result of a violation of the integrity of the tissue structures of organs and the development of inflammatory processes in them. There is a separate system that, when irritated, sends signals to impulses. They travel along nerve fibers to the cerebral cortex. From there they move to the thalamus. This part of the central nervous system is responsible for creating aching pain.

Many people react negatively to this sign. It acts as the first signal about the occurrence of an acute or chronic process and a violation of the integrity of anatomical structures.

Treatment for pain in the spine

In any situation, the patient should be kept at rest. However, treatment tactics are selected depending on the disease that caused the pain in the spine. For dystrophic and functional changes in the spine, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants aimed at relieving muscle spasms, as well as drugs that improve nutrition and tissue regeneration are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy), as well as massage, acupuncture and therapeutic exercises are very effective. In some cases, for example, with hernias or injuries, surgical treatment is indicated.

To reduce pain , relieve excess tension and muscle spasms, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. It is used as an addition to drug therapy for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, injuries and in the postoperative period. But a specialist must choose a model, since there are various types of corsets on sale.

If lower back pain is a symptom of diseases of internal organs , then treatment is selected taking into account the existing pathology: antibacterial agents in the presence of an infectious process, surgical treatment for a tumor, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, etc.

Pain in the right hypochondrium radiating to the back

If the pain radiates to the back, then the reasons may be as follows:

  1. The liver is inflamed, with viral hepatitis and other abnormalities in the functioning of the organ;
  2. For injuries to the intestines, gall bladder and right side of the diaphragm;
  3. For spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints;
  4. For inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary dyskinesia;
  5. For pancreatitis, ulcers and other pathologies of the pancreas;
  6. For renal pathology, abscesses, ulcers and kidney stones.

What to do if you have lower back pain?

We are so designed that when health problems arise, we try to get rid of painful sensations on our own. Especially in cases where movement is not limited, the condition does not worsen, and after taking painkillers, the pain seems to subside. But you should know that injury is the only cause of back pain that a person can determine relatively accurately on their own. In other cases, it is better to entrust the diagnosis to a specialist. But there are situations when emergency medical attention is needed immediately:

  • impossibility or limitation of movements;
  • decreased sensitivity in certain areas of the body, tingling in the limbs;
  • urinary or fecal incontinence;
  • severe pain, fever, nausea, etc.

How to maintain mobility for many years or a little about prevention

Many diseases that cause back pain do not appear suddenly. And serious diseases accompanied by pain in the lower back are quite possible to prevent. What is needed for this?

  • Treat existing diseases in a timely manner, as well as undergo regular preventive examinations.
  • Physical activity should be appropriate to age, weight, and general condition of the body. If it is impossible to avoid lifting heavy objects, then lift the load while keeping your back straight. In addition, there are special devices for carrying heavy loads, and you can also use a corset to support your back.
  • A straight gait, avoidance of heels, and correct posture when sitting will help avoid spinal deformation.
  • Inactivity and poor nutrition will certainly lead to excess weight - the main “culprit” of almost all diseases, including the spine. Correcting your diet, regular exercise, swimming in the pool, even walking in the fresh air will help you avoid many problems. In addition, an active lifestyle is an effective means of combating stress, the main problem of modern man. But frequent stressful situations can rightfully be called the main risk factor in the development of many pathologies.

Unfortunately, the desire for self-medication is ineradicable. Numerous recipes, supposedly miraculous rubs and widely advertised ointments often turn out to be useless if used uncontrolled. Remember - self-medication is a waste of money and time! By refusing the help of specialists, we risk acquiring an advanced form of the disease. Therefore, if you are worried about lower back pain, do not delay until later, make an appointment with a doctor!

Oksana Matiash, general practitioner

The child constantly whines

Imagine this situation. You've had a long bad day. You accidentally tore your favorite skirt. They set the children to cook porridge, but got distracted, the milk ran away and everything burned. Children demand one thing from you all day long, then another, a third... You feel exhausted. It seems like nothing terrible happened, but I feel kind of disgusting, everything is annoying, everything is disgusting.

You complain about something to the person closest to you. It could be a husband, a mother, a friend... And this person gets irritated by your words and says: “Stop whining! Why are you whining all the time?! You're already big. You constantly whine for no reason! Everything is fine, you are fed, dressed, your husband provides for you! I can’t stand it when you whine!”

How would those words make you feel? Now imagine what it’s like for children when we get irritated by their whining, forbid them to be capricious and expect them to be happy and not bother us with their emotions.

Children's emotions are much brighter than ours. And children are less able to understand what is going on in their heads. They cannot explain what the real reason for their behavior is. And our task is to remember that children never whine, are not capricious, or cry for no reason!

From our point of view, there may not be a noticeable reason. But there is always a reason. It could be simply a sluggish state of health, overexcitement, changes in the nervous system, many new emotions... Children have much more reasons to whine than adults. The adults have already grown up. Everything is more or less clear to them in this life. They already have a more or less stable nervous system. It's easier for them.

Children have new discoveries every day. Every day there are new emotions. They are growing every day. They change every day. For them, a lost beautiful stick is like a stolen car for us. They have their own world, but this world is very bright and emotionally rich.

If a child whines or behaves capriciously or defiantly, there is always a reason for this. We are not always able to see this reason. Yes, this is not necessary. An important point - there is definitely a reason!

Does your spouse always understand the reasons for your bad mood? Do you always know exactly what is going on inside you? And children are just children!

If the baby whines, he feels discomfort. Yes, it can be permanent. But this does not mean that there is no reason. There is some discomfort inside. And what do you think, when there is this discomfort... What behavior of the mother will be more useful? Should I demand that I stop whining? Or be soft, kind, accepting? How would you like to be treated?

I don't have to fulfill my baby's every whim. This is not always possible. And it's not necessary. But it’s better for me not to suppress the emotions of children. Yes, he whines. He is upset. He feels discomfort. But what will I achieve by demanding “Stop whining!”? Perhaps the child actually decides to suppress his emotions. But will the main problem be solved? Will he feel better and calmer?

The child has the right to emotions. He has the right to whine, cry, and be capricious. I need to stay reasonable and remember my strengths, my resources. I don’t have to indulge everything... But it’s not at all necessary to forbid whining, forbid crying, forbid demanding.

There's a big difference between saying, "Stop whining!" and “I understand you, but I can’t give you this now because I need to do something else. Let me show you something else?

I wish you success!

Causes and exact localization of nagging and aching pain in the lower back

All types of lower back pain can be divided into 2 types: primary and secondary.

The cause of primary pain is diseases of the spine, accompanied by irreversible changes in cartilage tissue, ligaments, muscles, and joints.

Secondary pain appears due to injuries, diseases of internal organs, and infectious lesions. To establish an accurate diagnosis, an X-ray examination, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is required.

Unpleasant symptoms may be concentrated in the lumbosacral region of the spine or on the sides. The exact location of the pain depends on the cause that triggered its occurrence.

If the pain is caused by damage to the spine, then it will radiate to the legs:

1–2 lumbar vertebrae

discomfort extends to thighs, front of knee
3–4knees and upper legs suffer
4–5discomfort extends to the outside of the toes
5 lumbar and 1 sacral vertebraethe pain is concentrated in the legs, reaching the 5th finger at the back

In adults, aching, nagging pain can be caused by:

In many diseases, discomfort is concentrated not only in the lower back, but also in other parts.

Among women

If discomfort occurs in the lumbar region, representatives of the fair sex may also need to consult a gynecologist.

The cause of pain can be:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • psychological problems.

Some pathologies of the development of intimate organs and inflammation of the appendages provoke painful sensations, which sometimes radiate to the lower back. The pain can be one or two-sided.

If there is a threat of miscarriage (spontaneous abortion or premature birth), accompanied by increased uterine tone, cramping pain may appear, radiating to the lower back. After the 5th month of pregnancy, discomfort in the lumbar region occurs due to increased load on the spine.

During menopause, painful sensations are provoked by impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This situation occurs due to fluctuations in hormone levels.

In some cases, when women complain of painful sensations, no pathologies are detected. Normalization of the psychological state helps to get rid of them.

In men

Among representatives of the stronger sex, discomfort in the lower back most often occurs due to excessive physical exertion and hypothermia.

In rare cases, secondary pain may be caused by:

  • prostatitis;
  • inflammation of the epididymis.

It is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis without examining a doctor.

Video: “Back pain: causes and classification”

Causes of secondary pain

Among women

Women more often than men suffer from pain in the lower back, and this is associated with childbirth. During pregnancy, a woman's spine experiences serious stress due to increased body weight, a shift in the center of gravity, and relaxation of muscles and ligaments resulting from hormonal changes. Increasing pain in the lower back can be a harbinger of imminent labor.

Many women complain that they “pull the lower back” in the first days of menstruation, most often the cause is changes in hormonal levels, accumulation of fluid in the tissues, and muscle contractions of the uterus. If there is a physiological backward deviation of the uterus, a woman more often suffers from nagging pain in the lower back during menstruation.

Diseases of the female genital area can manifest as dull aching pain in the lower back. If pain is constantly present, it is necessary to exclude adnexitis, fibroids, endometriosis, genital infections, and ectopic pregnancy.

Be sure to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • Bleeding from the vagina is profuse or continues for a long time;
  • discomfort appeared in the genital area - itching, discharge of an unusual color and odor;
  • increased body temperature, chills, aching joints;
  • lower back pain gradually intensifies and does not go away.

In men

Men are less likely to suffer from persistent low back pain than women or older people. But if it appears, men experience severe stress. The pain radiates to the groin area, genitals, lower abdomen or leg.

The cause is often prostatitis or prostatic hyperplasia; a urologist will help make the correct diagnosis. Most often, other symptoms appear: difficulty urinating, urine is released in a weak intermittent stream, and sexual weakness develops.

However, aching pain can be a sign of malignant diseases, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

After injury

Any falls, bruises, or blows to the back can have long-term consequences. Sometimes the result of a blow (a dull aching pain in the lumbar region) appears after some time - after several months or even after several years, when the person has already forgotten about the injury. A common type of injury that injures the lower back is a jump or fall from a height and landing on your feet. This area is affected not only by body weight, but also by the force of the impact.

The consequences of injury are bruises, dislocations or fractures of the spine. In addition to back pain, there are neurological disorders associated with pinched nerves - sensitivity disorders, decreased muscle strength and reflexes. A prolonged spasm of the paravertebral muscles may occur, which shorten over time, their fibers being replaced by connective tissue.

The sooner treatment of the injury is started, the greater the chance of complete restoration of spinal function.

Spine pain in the morning

In some people, often middle-aged and elderly, dull aching pain in the back manifests itself in the morning. And it is not associated with overload of the spine, but, on the contrary, with prolonged stay in bed. The intervertebral discs absorb fluid and increase slightly in volume. After an overnight recovery, they again experience the weight of the body, flatten out and put pressure on the nerve endings, which is manifested by mild pain in the lumbar region in the morning.

After intense physical activity

People who exercise intensively in the gym often complain of pain in the lumbar region, which is of a mild nature. The pain intensifies after turning the body, bending and other movements. Most often, their appearance was preceded by microtrauma of the spine, which is the result of severe physical overload. Excessive zeal in the gym can result in a sprain of the ligaments or muscles of the lumbar region, but such pain subsides quite quickly.

Inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract

Sometimes diseases of the urinary organs manifest themselves only as a nagging, mild pain in the lumbar region, and without some tests it is quite difficult to make a diagnosis. Pyelonephritis or cystitis is indicated by temperature fluctuations, chills, and general intoxication. Pain in the lumbar region is often one-sided and intensifies after tapping on the back.

Diseases of the urinary organs can be suspected by the appearance of frequent or painful urination, false urges, increased nighttime diuresis, and the release of cloudy urine with flakes and an unpleasant odor. The tests detect a large number of leukocytes, bacteria, proteins or red blood cells.

Urolithiasis disease

The disease usually begins with an attack of renal colic - a sharp pain to the right or left of the spine. The urinary tract is blocked by a stone, the passage of urine is disrupted, as a result of which it accumulates in the kidneys.

Sometimes a person does not suspect that he has urolithiasis, and only after jogging, traveling in transport, lifting weights and other physical activity does an acute attack of the disease develop. After separation of the stones in the urine, relief occurs.

Digestive system diseases

Inflammatory pathology of internal organs - pancreas, intestines, gall bladder - can make itself felt by prolonged dull pain in the lower back. As a rule, other symptoms also appear - abdominal pain, bloating and heaviness after eating, bowel problems, belching, heartburn. The accumulation of gases in the intestines is characterized by diffuse pain in the abdomen, as well as in the lower back.

Tumor processes

The cause of pain may be metastases that have penetrated into the bone tissue from other organs - lungs, thyroid gland, prostate, mammary glands. There are also primary tumor processes that initially develop in the tissues of the spinal column - the spinal cord, its membranes or exiting nerve bundles.

Pain in oncological pathology increases gradually, starting with a slight soreness, it progresses and becomes quite intense. Pain sensations can be localized along the entire length of the spine or only in the lumbosacral region, radiate to the leg and hip, and be accompanied by sensory disturbances and muscle weakness. If we add to this the depressed state, weakness, and weight loss of patients, then we should resort to X-ray examination or MRI.

Another malignant lesion of the spine and other bones is myeloma. This is a disease that can occur for a long time without significant symptoms. The tumor clone of cells settles in the bone marrow and subsequently destroys the bones and tissues of the vertebrae with the occurrence of pathological fractures.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Another name is ankylosing spondylitis. This is a chronic inflammatory lesion of the joints and spine with a tendency to limit movement. The first symptoms may be night pain in the lower back, which subsides in the morning when a person’s physical activity begins. Unfortunately, the disease is not always detected at an early stage. Once the diagnosis is made, the disease is already difficult to treat.

The disease manifests itself as mild pain in the lumbar or lumbosacral region, so the person turns to a neurologist and is treated for radiculitis for a long time. The inflammatory process spreads further and ends with immobility of the spine and such a pronounced stoop that a person can only move in a half-bent state.

Which doctors should I contact if I have constant pain?

The following specialists will be able to determine the cause of the pain syndrome:

  • Neurologist;
  • Orthopedist;
  • Gynecologist;
  • Urologist;
  • Gastroenterologist;
  • Vertebrologist;
  • Rheumatologist;
  • Infectious disease specialist.

In case of falls or spinal bruises, you should, of course, go to a trauma center.

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Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]