Doctor studying the disease
Thalassemia is a disease caused by hemoglobin
Often children can inherit from their parents not only characteristic traits and positive qualities,
Blue lymphocyte under magnification
Health and healthy lifestyleLym in a blood test is normal in children
The role of lymphocytes in the body Lymphocytes are found in large numbers in the blood, lymph and lymphoid tissues.
What is lipid metabolism or about the main hormone responsible for fat metabolism
General characteristics of lipid metabolism The daily human need for fat is about 70-80 grams. Large
How to clean the blood vessels of the brain at home: simple and effective cleaning methods, medications
Poor environment, consumption of harmful products, unhealthy lifestyle, old age negatively affect
Pulmonary stenosis in children - detailed information
Pulmonary stenosis in children - detailed information
Symptoms and signs, frequency of occurrence The first pronounced symptoms of heart disease appear already when
Stenosing atherosclerosis of the brachiocephalic arteries treatment
Stenosing atherosclerosis of the brachiocephalic arteries (BCA): treatment and what is the prognosis for life?
Systemic pathology atherosclerosis has several types, which depend on the location of atherosclerotic plaques, and
How can you effectively dilate the blood vessels of the brain?
Why does vasoconstriction occur? To dilate the blood vessels of the brain, it is necessary to first establish why
It is used in the treatment of hypertension syndrome. Hypertension syndrome: what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment. Manifestations in children.
What is GGS? In a healthy body, all systems and organs work as intended
happy couple
Esophageal varicose veins: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Phlebectasia is a complex pathological disorder that affects the veins of the esophagus. Phlebectasia or varicose veins
Manifestation of dyscirculatory encephalopathy 2 degrees
MRI signs of discirculatory encephalopathy If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a neurologist who will refer
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