Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke
Hemorrhagic stroke - diagnosis, distinctive features
Hemorrhagic stroke is a serious disease that, if care is untimely or inadequate, can quickly
Head injuries
ICH or intracranial hypertension syndrome
Intracranial hypertension Brain image of a person with intracranial hypertension based on MRI ICD-10 93.293.2
cleaning blood vessels with folk remedies
How to effectively clean blood vessels using folk remedies?
With age, harmful substances in the form of cholesterol plaques accumulate in human blood vessels. This is negative
Retinal angiopathy
Retinal angiopathy
Retinal angiopathy is a pathology that occurs with damage to blood vessels in the eye area. Violation is not
causes of stroke
Rehabilitation after ischemic stroke
Causes of stroke Stroke is not an independent disease, but a consequence, the result of problems associated with
Arterial hypertension
What is arterial hypertension - symptoms and treatment
Scientific editor: Strokina O.A., practicing therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. September, 2020 Arterial hypertension (hypertension,
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