How does arterial blood differ from venous blood and why should everyone know this? How does venous blood differ from arterial blood?

To properly help a person with bleeding, you need to know exactly how. For example, arterial and venous bleeding requires a special approach. Arterial and venous blood are different from each other.

Blood in the human body passes through two circles - large and small. The large circle is formed by arteries, the small circle by veins.

Arteries and veins are connected to each other. Small arterioles and venules branch off from large arteries and veins. And they, in turn, are connected by the thinnest vessels - capillaries. They exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide and deliver nutrients to our organs and tissues.

Arterial blood passes through both circles, both arteries and veins. It flows through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. Carries and then gives oxygen to tissues. Tissues exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.

Having given up oxygen, a person’s arterial blood, saturated with carbon dioxide, turns into venous blood. It returns to the heart, and then, through the pulmonary arteries, to the lungs. It is the venous one that is taken for most tests. It contains fewer nutrients, including sugar, but more metabolic products, such as urea.

Functions in the body

  • Arterial blood carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout the body.
  • Venous, unlike arterial, carries carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs, metabolic products to the kidneys, intestines, and sweat glands. By folding, it protects the body from blood loss. Warms organs that need warmth. Venous blood flows not only through the veins, but also through the pulmonary artery.


  • The color of venous blood is dark red with a bluish tint. It is warmer than arterial water, its acidity is lower, and its temperature is higher. There is no oxygen in her hemoglobin, carbhemoglobin. In addition, it flows closer to the skin.
  • Arterial - bright red, saturated with oxygen and glucose. Oxygen in it is combined with hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin. The acidity is much higher than in the venous. It comes out to the surface of the skin on the wrists and at the neck. Flows much faster. That's why it's hard to stop her.

Signs of bleeding

First aid for bleeding is stopping or reducing blood loss before the ambulance arrives.

It is necessary to distinguish between types of bleeding and correctly use the necessary means to stop them. It is important to have dressings in your home and car first aid kits.

The most dangerous types of bleeding are arterial and venous. The main thing here is to act quickly, but do no harm.

  • During arterial bleeding, blood flows in bright scarlet intermittent fountains at high speed in time with the heartbeat.
  • With venous, a continuous or weakly pulsating dark cherry stream of blood flows from the injured vessel. If the pressure is low, a blood clot forms in the wound and blocks the blood flow.
  • With capillary, bright blood slowly spreads over the entire wound or flows in a thin stream.

What to do in case of arterial bleeding?

Bleeding from an artery is much more dangerous than venous bleeding. Blood quickly leaves the bloodstream, so immediate qualified assistance is required. Otherwise, hypovolemic shock develops, which leads to multiple organ failure - the gradual failure of all internal organs. To avoid this, it is important to clearly know how to act and what to do in case of arterial bleeding.

How to determine arterial bleeding?

First you need to make sure that the arterial vessel is directly affected. This is easy to do if you know what arterial bleeding looks like and the signs of this disorder. The main ones include:

  • bright, scarlet color of blood flowing from the vessel;
  • the blood flows in a stream, pulsates in time with the heartbeat;
  • Before our eyes, the patient becomes pale, lethargic, and loses consciousness.

How to stop arterial bleeding?

If arterial bleeding is diagnosed, first aid should be provided immediately. Depending on the location of the injury, different tactics are used:

  • if the limbs are affected, a tourniquet is applied;
  • if the wound is on the torso or neck, apply a splint.

The tactics for stopping bleeding, taking into account the damaged artery, look like this:

  • if the carotid artery is damaged, the vessel is pressed against the spinous processes of the neck;
  • the jaw artery is damaged - to the jaw muscle;
  • temporal artery - anterior to the edge of the auricle;
  • subclavian - press with a fist to the outer edge of the clavicle from the back side;
  • shoulder - presses against the inside of the muscle;
  • femur - to the pubic bone;
  • popliteal - to the kneecap.

First aid

When providing first aid for bleeding, it is important to determine its type and, depending on this, act.

  • If an artery in the arm or leg is affected, a tourniquet must be applied above the affected area. While the tourniquet is being prepared, press the artery above the wound to the bone. This is done with a fist or by pressing hard with your fingers. Elevate the injured limb.

Place a soft cloth under the tourniquet. You can use a scarf, rope, or bandage as a tourniquet. The tourniquet is tightened until the bleeding stops. You need to place a piece of paper under the tourniquet to indicate the time of application of the tourniquet.

ATTENTION. For arterial bleeding, the tourniquet can be held for two hours in the summer, and half an hour in the winter. If medical help is still not available, loosen the tourniquet for a few minutes while holding the wound with a clean cloth pad.

If a tourniquet cannot be applied, for example, if the iliac artery is injured, make a tight tampon with a sterile or at least clean cloth. The tampon is wrapped with bandages.

  • In case of venous bleeding, a tourniquet or tight bandage is applied below the wound. The wound itself is covered with a clean cloth. The affected limb needs to be raised higher.

For these types of bleeding, it is good to give the victim painkillers and cover him with warm clothes.

Good afternoon, Mikhail!

The blood “in the body,” as you put it, is arterial blood. It is fundamentally different from venous in appearance, place of circulation in the human body and composition.

External blood parameters

The composition of arterial blood includes hemoglobin, oxidized by particles of oxygen in the blood, which is called oxyhemoglobin. This component gives arterial blood a bright red and even scarlet hue. Venous blood does not contain oxygen, it is enriched with carbon dioxide, which is why it acquires a dark red, almost burgundy color. In this case, venous blood is warmer than arterial blood.

Composition of arterial and venous blood

Laboratory tests can distinguish arterial blood samples from venous blood by its composition. Normally, in a person in good health, the oxygen tension in arterial blood ranges from 80 to 100 mmHg. It also contains carbon dioxide molecules. Its indicators range from 35 to 45 mmHg. In venous blood, the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide is exactly the opposite. Thus, the oxygen tension in venous blood is normally about 38 - 42 mm Hg, and carbon dioxide - 50 - 55 mm Hg. In addition to gases, arterial blood contains a large amount of nutrients, while venous blood is dominated by cellular waste products, which are then adsorbed in the liver and kidneys. Laboratory tests show that the pH of arterial blood is 7.4, and venous blood is 7.35.

Functions of arterial and venous blood

The main function of arterial blood is to transport oxygen particles to the organs and tissues of the human body through the arteries of the systemic circulation and the veins of the pulmonary circulation. Arterial blood passes through all tissues of the body, delivering oxygen molecules necessary for metabolism. Gradually losing oxygen particles, it is filled with carbon dioxide molecules and turns into a venous type.

The venous system carries out the outflow of blood enriched with carbon dioxide and metabolic products. In addition, it contains hormones produced by the endocrine glands and nutrients that are absorbed by the walls of the digestive organs, i.e. a large number of metabolic end products.

Blood movement

Arterial blood moves away from the heart, and venous blood moves towards the heart. Blood circulation through veins is significantly different from blood circulation through arteries. Normally, when contracting, the heart ejects arterial blood at a pressure of 120 mmHg. Then, passing through the capillary network, the ejection force gradually decreases, and the pressure drops to 10 mmHg. Accordingly, venous blood moves much slower than arterial blood. In addition, in the venous system, blood moves, overcoming the force of gravity and experiencing the full extent of hydrostatic pressure. Because of this, arterial bleeding is easy to distinguish from venous bleeding. When arteries are damaged, the blood “spouts”, pulsates, and venous blood flows slowly.

Best regards, Ksenia.

The blood that constantly circulates in the body is not the same everywhere. In some parts of the vascular system it is venous, in others it is arterial. What is this substance in each case, and how does venous blood differ from arterial blood? This is discussed below.

General information

Among the functions of blood, the most important is supplying nutrition and oxygen to the tissues, as well as freeing the body from metabolic products. All this movement of vital fluid occurs along a closed trajectory. In this case, there is a division of the system into two sectors, called circulatory circles. Small - passes through the lungs, where oxygen enters the blood. Large - permeates the entire body, its organs and tissues.

The beats of the heart make the blood move. The largest vessels come directly from this organ. Gradually they narrow, branch and turn into capillaries. Arteries, veins and smaller vessels are depicted below and the movement of blood is shown:


Each type of blood has its own composition. Arterial

- This is the one that is saturated with oxygen. In addition, it contains a sufficient amount of useful elements, as it nourishes the cells of the body. In a large circle, such blood flows, respectively, through the arteries, in the direction from the heart. But in small things, despite the name, through the veins.

Everything happens the other way around in the case of venous blood. In the large circle it moves to the main organ through the veins, and in the small circle it moves from the heart to the lungs through the arteries. Such blood carries a lot of carbon dioxide and metabolic products, but there are practically no nutrients in it. Arterial blood turns into a liquid with the specified composition after releasing useful components to the tissues of the body. Thus, an important substance, circulating along a closed path, regularly changes its type when passing through certain sections.

Let us name other signs that make up the difference between venous blood and arterial blood. The visual differentiating factor is color. In venous blood

it is deep, dark red with a cherry tint. Arterial fluid, in turn, is brighter. It was revealed that her temperature was slightly lower.

Another feature by which comparison can be made is the speed of movement of the train of both types. Thus, venous blood has a more measured flow. This is explained both by the action of certain physical forces and by the fact that the veins are equipped with valves that control such movement. By the way, these vessels are clearly visible under the skin in certain areas of the body, for example in the wrist area.

Due to low pressure, venous blood, which is also thicker, comes out calmly when the body is damaged. It's easier to stop her. Meanwhile, arterial bleeding, which has an intense pulsating nature, is very difficult to cope with. This phenomenon is very dangerous for human life.

What is the difference between venous and arterial blood? The fact is that when determining diseases, the first type of material is more often collected. After all, it is venous blood, saturated with waste products, that can tell more about any problems in the body.

Blood performs the main function in the body - it supplies organs with tissues with oxygen and other nutrients.

It takes carbon dioxide and other decay products from the cells. Thanks to this, gas exchange occurs, and the human body functions normally.

There are three types of blood that constantly circulate throughout the body. These are arterial (A.K.), venous (V.C.) and capillary fluid.

Human arterial and venous blood, difference

From time to time, everyone wonders: is venous blood different from arterial blood? The entire human body is divided into numerous veins, arteries, large and small vessels. Arteries facilitate the so-called outflow of blood from the heart. Purified blood moves throughout the human body and thus provides timely nutrition.

In this system, the heart is a kind of pump that gradually pumps blood throughout the body. Arteries can be located both deep and close under the skin. You can feel the pulse not only on the wrist, but also on the neck! Arterial blood has a characteristic bright red hue, which when bleeding takes on a somewhat poisonous color.

Human venous blood, unlike arterial blood, is located very close to the surface of the skin. Along its entire surface, venous blood is accompanied by special valves that facilitate the calm and smooth passage of blood. Dark blue blood nourishes tissues and gradually moves into the veins.

In the human body there are several times more veins than arteries. If any damage occurs, venous blood flows slowly and stops very quickly. Venous blood is very different from arterial blood, and all because of the structure of individual veins and arteries.

The walls of veins are unusually thin, unlike arteries. They can withstand high pressure, since powerful shocks can be observed during the ejection of blood from the heart.

In addition, elasticity plays a key role, thanks to which blood moves through the vessels quickly. Veins and arteries provide normal blood circulation, which does not stop for a minute in the human body. Even if you are not a doctor, it is very important to know a minimum of information about venous and arterial blood that will help you quickly provide first aid in the event of open bleeding. The World Wide Web will help replenish the stock of knowledge regarding venous and arterial circulation. You just need to enter the word of interest into the search bar and in a few minutes you will receive answers to all your questions.

The vascular system maintains constancy in our body, or homeostasis. It helps him in the adaptation process, with its help we can withstand significant physical stress. Prominent scientists, since ancient times, have been interested in the structure and operation of this system.

If we imagine the circulatory apparatus as a closed system, then its main components will be two types of vessels: arteries and veins. Each performs a specific set of tasks and carries different types of blood. How venous blood differs from arterial blood will be discussed in the article.

The task of this type is the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues. It flows from the heart, rich in hemoglobin


The color of arterial and venous blood is different. The color of arterial blood is bright red.

The largest vessel through which it moves is the aorta. It is characterized by high speed of movement.

If bleeding occurs, stopping it requires effort due to its pulsating nature under high pressure. The pH is higher than that of the venous one. On the vessels through which this type moves, doctors measure the pulse

(on the carotid or radial).

What is arterial blood?

Most people believe that the arterial type flows through the arteries, and the venous type moves through the veins. This is an erroneous judgment. It is based on the fact that the name of blood is associated with the name of blood vessels.

The system through which the fluid circulates is closed: veins, arteries, capillaries. It consists of two circles: large and small. This contributes to the division into venous and arterial categories.

Arterial blood enriches cells with oxygen (O 2)

. It is also called oxygenated. This blood mass from the left ventricle of the heart is pushed into the aorta and flows through the arteries of the systemic circle.

Having saturated the cells and tissues with O 2, it becomes venous, entering the veins of the systemic circle. In the pulmonary circulation, the arterial mass moves through the veins.

Some arteries are located deep in the human body and cannot be seen. The other part is located close to the surface of the skin: the radial or carotid artery.

In these places you can feel the pulse. Read from which side.

Glucose level determination

In some cases, doctors prescribe a blood test for sugar, but not a capillary one (from a finger), but a venous one. In this case, biological material for research is obtained by venipuncture. The preparation rules are no different.

But the glucose level in venous blood is slightly different from capillary blood and should not exceed 6.1 mmol/l. As a rule, such an analysis is prescribed for the early detection of diabetes mellitus.

Venous and arterial blood have fundamental differences. Now you are unlikely to confuse them, but it will not be difficult to identify some disorders using the above material.

Blood constantly circulates throughout the body, providing transport of various substances. It consists of plasma and a suspension of various cells (the main ones are erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) and moves along a strict route - the system of blood vessels.

How is venous blood different from arterial blood?

The movement of this blood mass occurs in a completely different way. The pulmonary circulation begins from the right ventricle of the heart. From here, venous blood flows through the arteries to the lungs.

More information about venous blood -.

There it gives off carbon dioxide and is saturated with oxygen, turning into an arterial type.

The pulmonary vein returns blood to the heart.

In the large circulatory system, arterial blood flows from the heart through the arteries. Then it turns into V.K., and through the veins it enters the right ventricle of the heart.

The venous system is more extensive than the arterial system. The vessels through which blood flows are also different.

So the vein has thinner walls, and the blood mass in them is a little warmer.

Blood in the heart does not mix. Arterial fluid is always in the left ventricle, and venous fluid is always in the right.

Where does venous blood turn into arterial blood?

The transformation of one substance into another occurs in the lungs. At the moment of receiving oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, the blood fluid becomes arterial and continues its path through the body.

Isolation of flows is achieved by a perfect system of valves operating in one direction, so the liquids never mix anywhere.

The division of blood into arterial and venous is carried out according to 2 characteristics - the mechanism of its movement and the physical properties of the substance itself. However, these two indicators contradict each other - arterial fluid moves through the veins of the pulmonary circle, and venous fluid moves through the arteries. Therefore, the properties and composition of blood should be considered the determining factor.

Differences between the two types of blood

Venous blood is different from arterial blood. The difference lies in the chemical composition of the blood, shades, functions, etc.

  1. The arterial mass is bright red. This is explained by the fact that it is saturated with hemoglobin, which has added O 2. For V.K. Characteristic is a dark burgundy color, sometimes with a bluish tint. This suggests that it contains a high percentage of carbon dioxide.
  2. According to biology studies, the chemical composition of A.K. rich in oxygen. The average percentage of O 2 content in a healthy person is over 80 mmHg. IN VK. the indicator drops sharply to 38 – 41 mmhg. The carbon dioxide indicator is different. In A.K. it is 35 - 45 units, and in V.K. the proportion of CO 2 ranges from 50 to 55 mmhg.

Not only oxygen, but also useful microelements enter the cells from the arteries. In the venous there is a large percentage of breakdown and metabolic products.

  1. The main function of A.K. – provide human organs with oxygen and nutrients. VC. necessary in order to deliver carbon dioxide to the lungs for further removal from the body and to eliminate other breakdown products.

In addition to CO 2 and metabolic elements, venous blood also contains useful substances that are absorbed by the digestive organs. The blood fluid also contains hormones secreted by the endocrine glands.

  1. Blood moves at different speeds through the arteries of the large circulatory ring and the small circulatory ring. A.K. ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta. It branches into arteries and smaller vessels. Next, the blood mass enters the capillaries, feeding the entire periphery with O 2. VC. moves from the periphery to the heart muscle. The differences are in pressure. Thus, blood is ejected from the left ventricle under a pressure of 120 millimeters of mercury. Further, the pressure decreases, and in the capillaries it is about 10 units.

Blood fluid also moves slowly through the veins of the systemic circle, because where it flows, it has to overcome gravity and cope with the obstacle of the valves.

  1. In medicine, blood sampling for a detailed analysis is always taken from a vein. Sometimes from capillaries. Biological material taken from a vein helps determine the condition of the human body.


  • The color of venous blood is dark red with a bluish tint. It is warmer than arterial water, its acidity is lower, and its temperature is higher. There is no oxygen in her hemoglobin, carbhemoglobin. In addition, it flows closer to the skin.
  • Arterial - bright red, saturated with oxygen and glucose. Oxygen in it is combined with hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin. The acidity is much higher than in the venous. It comes out to the surface of the skin on the wrists and at the neck. Flows much faster. That's why it's hard to stop her.

The difference between venous bleeding and arterial bleeding

It is not difficult to distinguish between types of bleeding; even people far from medicine can do this. If an artery is damaged, the blood is bright red.

It flows in a pulsating stream and flows out very quickly. Bleeding is difficult to stop.

This is the main danger of arterial damage.

It will not stop without first aid:

  • The affected limb should be elevated.
  • Hold the damaged vessel a little above the wound with your finger and apply a medical tourniquet. But it cannot be worn for more than one hour. Before applying a tourniquet, wrap the skin with gauze or any cloth.
  • The patient should be urgently taken to the hospital.

Arterial bleeding may be internal. This is called a closed form. In this case, a vessel inside the body is damaged, and the blood mass enters the abdominal cavity or spills between organs. The patient suddenly becomes ill, the skin turns pale.

After a few moments, he becomes extremely dizzy and loses consciousness. This indicates a lack of O 2. Only doctors in the hospital can help with internal bleeding.

When bleeding from a vein, fluid flows out in a slow stream. Color – dark burgundy. Bleeding from a vein can stop on its own. But it is recommended to bandage the wound with a sterile bandage.

There is arterial, venous and capillary blood in the body.

The first moves through the arteries of the large ring and the veins of the small circulatory system.

Venous blood flows through the veins of the greater ring and the pulmonary arteries of the lesser circle. A.K. saturates cells and organs with oxygen. Taking carbon dioxide and decay elements from them, the blood turns into venous. It delivers metabolic products to the lungs for further elimination from the body.

Venous blood - what is it?

Venous – blood that returns to the heart and lungs from organs and tissues. It circulates through the pulmonary circulation. The veins through which it flows lie close to the surface of the skin, so the venous pattern is clearly visible.

This is partly due to a number of factors:

  1. It is thicker, rich in platelets, and if damaged, venous bleeding is easier to stop.
  2. The pressure in the veins is lower, so if a vessel is damaged, the amount of blood loss is lower.
  3. Its temperature is higher, so it additionally prevents rapid heat loss through the skin.

The same blood flows in both arteries and veins. But its composition is changing. From the heart it enters the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen, which it transfers to the internal organs, providing them with nutrition. The veins that carry arterial blood are called arteries. They are more elastic, blood moves through them in spurts.

Arterial and venous blood do not mix in the heart. The first passes along the left side of the heart, the second - along the right. They are mixed only in case of serious heart pathologies, which entails a significant deterioration in well-being.

The role and functions of venous blood

Venous blood is often used for human research. It is believed that it speaks better about human diseases, because it is a consequence of the work of the body as a whole. In addition, it is not difficult to take blood from a vein, because it flows worse than a capillary, so a person will not lose much blood during the operation. The largest human arteries should not be damaged at all, and if it is necessary to do a study of arterial blood, it is taken from a finger in order to minimize the negative consequences for the body.

Venous blood is used by doctors to prevent diabetes. It is necessary that the level of sugar in the veins does not exceed 6.1. Arterial blood is a pure liquid that flows throughout the body, nourishing all organs. Venous absorbs the waste products of the body, cleansing it. Therefore, it is by this type of blood that human diseases can be determined.

Bleeding can be external and internal. Internal is more dangerous for the body and occurs when human tissue is damaged from the inside. Most often, this occurs after a very deep external wound or a malfunction in the body leading to tissue rupture from the inside. Blood begins to flow into the crack, and the body feels oxygen starvation. The person begins to turn pale and loses consciousness. This occurs because too little oxygen reaches the brain. Venous blood can be lost due to internal bleeding and this will be harmless to humans, but arterial blood is not. Internal bleeding quickly blocks brain function due to lack of oxygen. This will not happen with external bleeding, because the connection between human organs is not disrupted. Although, the loss of a large amount of blood is always fraught with loss of consciousness and death.

What is the systemic and pulmonary circulation?

From the left ventricle, the contents are pushed out and enter the pulmonary artery, where they are saturated with oxygen. It is then distributed throughout the body through arteries and capillaries, carrying oxygen and nutrients.

The aorta is the largest artery, which is then divided into superior and inferior. Each of them supplies blood to the upper and lower parts of the body, respectively. Since the arterial system “flows around” absolutely all organs and is supplied to them with the help of a branched system of capillaries, this circle of blood circulation is called large. But the arterial volume is about 1/3 of the total.

Blood flows through the pulmonary circulation, which has given up all the oxygen and “taken away” metabolic products from the organs. It flows through the veins. The pressure in them is lower, the blood flows evenly. It returns through the veins to the heart, from where it is then pumped to the lungs.

Video: Differences between arteries and veins

In medicine, blood is usually divided into arterial and venous. It would be logical to think that the first flows in the arteries, and the second in the veins, but this is not entirely true. The fact is that in the systemic circulation, arterial blood (a.k.) actually flows through the arteries, and venous blood (v.k.) through the veins, but in the small circle the opposite happens: c. It enters from the heart into the lungs through the pulmonary arteries, releases carbon dioxide to the outside, is enriched with oxygen, becomes arterial, and returns from the lungs through the pulmonary veins.

How does venous blood differ from arterial blood? A.K. is saturated with O 2 and nutrients; it flows from the heart to organs and tissues. V. k. - “spent”, it gives O 2 and nutrition to the cells, takes CO 2 and metabolic products from them and returns from the periphery back to the heart.

Human venous blood differs from arterial blood in color, composition and functions.

What is venous blood rich in?

When the blood reaches the organs, it gives them oxygen, in return it is saturated with metabolic products and carbon dioxide, and acquires a dark red hue.

A large amount of carbon dioxide is the answer to the question why venous blood is darker than arterial blood and why veins are blue. It also contains nutrients that are absorbed in the digestive tract, hormones and other substances synthesized by the body.

Its saturation and density depend on which vessels the venous blood flows through. The closer to the heart, the thicker it is.

There are 2 types of blood:

  • arterial;
  • venous.

Arterial blood is characterized by a scarlet color. As it moves through the lungs, it is saturated with oxygen, due to which the formation of “oxyhemoglobin” occurs, which affects the color and makes it so bright.

Venous blood, on the contrary, is dark in color. Sometimes it is purple, almost black. Unlike arterial blood, such blood, moving through the vessels and capillaries, on the contrary, loses a significant part of the oxygen, which is replaced by carbon dioxide. It is carbon dioxide that makes its shade darker.

A little experience will help prove this. A small amount of venous blood will be required, which we will monitor. Only extracted from the vein, it will have a characteristic dark color, and after standing for a while and coming into contact with oxygen, it will turn scarlet.

If you have to take a blood test for the first time, do not be alarmed by its excessively dark color.

Why are tests taken from a vein?

This is due to the type of blood in the veins - saturated with metabolic products and vital functions of organs. If a person is sick, it contains certain groups of substances, remains of bacteria and other pathogenic cells. In a healthy person, these impurities are not detected. By the nature of the impurities, as well as by the level of concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases, the nature of the pathogenic process can be determined.

The second reason is that venous bleeding when a vessel is punctured is much easier to stop. But there are times when bleeding from a vein does not stop for a long time. This is a sign of hemophilia, a low platelet count. In this case, even a minor injury can be very dangerous for a person.

How to distinguish venous bleeding from arterial bleeding:

  1. Assess the volume and nature of leaking blood. The venous flows out in a uniform stream, the arterial flows out in portions and even in “fountains”.
  2. Determine what color the blood is. Bright scarlet indicates arterial bleeding, dark burgundy indicates venous bleeding.
  3. Arterial is more liquid, venous is thicker.

How to stop venous bleeding?

With minor damage to the veins of the extremities, it is often enough to create an artificial outflow of blood by raising an arm or leg above the level of the heart. A tight bandage should be applied to the wound itself to minimize blood loss.

If the injury is deep, a tourniquet should be placed above the damaged vein to limit the amount of blood flowing to the injury site. In summer you can keep it for about 2 hours, in winter - for an hour, maximum one and a half. During this time, you need to have time to deliver the victim to the hospital. If you hold the tourniquet longer than the specified time, tissue nutrition will be disrupted, which threatens necrosis.

It is advisable to apply ice to the area around the wound. This will help slow down your blood circulation.


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