Chylous serum and triglycerides
Plasma, or serum, is the most important liquid part of the blood, which is separated from other elements in a laboratory device. To identify quality and quantity, the laboratory technician uses special chemical materials. Normally, the serum is transparent and yellowish in color. But sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, it becomes white, very viscous, and cloudy. Such changes are called chylous serum - plasma with foreign inclusions.
Chylous plasma is considered uninformative for research. Fatty components hinder accurate, high-quality diagnosis.
Experts use the term “chylosis”, or lipemia, when identifying excess triglyceride (TG) levels. They, along with cholesterol, take part in the formation of energy, which saturates tissues and cells. TGs enter the body along with food and are, as it were, degenerated, converted into fatty acids and glycerol. Already in a modified form they reach the intestines, through the mucous membrane of which they are transported to all organs. Normally, the amount of fatty elements in plasma should not exceed 1.77 mmol/l.
Triglyceride levels may fluctuate throughout the day. For example, after eating, the concentration of neutral fats increases several times. It decreases gradually when all the fats are distributed in the human body.
Traditional methods of treating chylosis
It is also possible to eliminate the manifestations of chylosis using traditional medicine.
In cases where it is necessary to cleanse the lymph from impurities, a tincture prepared with garlic and dill has a good effect.
But to reduce blood density, in addition to water and lemon juice, the following are recommended:
- Decoction of raspberry leaves;
- Infusion of meadowsweet;
- A decoction of currant leaves;
- Cranberry infusion;
- Eating tomatoes;
- Adding thyme, ginger, cinnamon, curry, mint, cayenne pepper, oregano and other spices that contain satylates to food;
- Eating berries (viburnum, cranberries, sea buckthorn, etc.);
- Fruits (pomegranates, citrus fruits, black currants);
- Flax seed oil;
- Rice bran;
- Activated carbon;
- Weed lemon oil;
- Adding omega-3 fats to the diet (walnuts, mackerel, salmon, cod, fish oil, etc.);
- Hirudotherapy.
Before treating chylosis yourself, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.
Blood is a biological fluid that circulates in the body through veins and arteries. Through the functions of the cardiovascular system, blood provides organs with nutrients and oxygen for cell division and growth. The heart of an adult, contracting, pumps about six liters of blood.
An important physical property of blood is fluidity. With the help of blood, redox processes are carried out in the body. Human blood consists of plasma and formed components. Plasma is a yellowish liquid substance that contains elements necessary for the full functioning of the body. Red blood cells are the main elements of blood responsible for color. The structure of the red blood cell resembles spongy tissue, the pores of which are filled with hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that can bind small portions of carbon dioxide and remove it through the lungs.
As the number of red blood cells increases, the hemoglobin level increases. Excess red blood cells causes a number of complications in the body. In this case, blood circulation is disrupted, the blood becomes thick, and a problem with blood clotting appears. Thick blood is fraught with complications - myocardial infarction, acute thrombosis of blood vessels, stroke. A diet with thick blood and a special drinking regime will reduce the viscosity of the main body fluid, relieve the cardiovascular system, and improve well-being.
In medicine there is a term - chylous serum. Fatty blood, or blood chylosis, is a condition in which triglyceride levels increase. In the normal state, blood plasma is clear, while chylous plasma is cloudy. After separation into fractions, the consistency of the blood becomes similar to thick sour cream. There is no possibility of analysis because it is impossible to isolate the components of interest. Fatty blood is not used as donor blood. If tests show elevated levels of triglycerides, which should normally be absent, the term fatty blood should be used. Diet is the primary treatment, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of complications.
Causes and symptoms of lipemia
Blood chyle is not a disease, but a kind of sign that improper preparation for laboratory research was carried out. For example, on the eve of blood sampling, a person had a heavy dinner or drank alcoholic beverages. It is food that often provokes the appearance of “fat blood”. In this case, they speak of weak chyle.
Lipemia can sometimes occur in the following conditions:
- myocardial infarction and other heart pathologies;
- metabolic disease;
- changes in lipid metabolism;
- arthritis, gout, arthrosis, polyarthritis;
- liver and kidney diseases;
- diabetes;
- blood clotting disorder;
- hyperthyroidism and other thyroid diseases;
- acute, chronic pancreatitis;
- arterial diseases;
- hemophilia, Down syndrome;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- hypercalcemia;
- bronchial asthma;
- anorexia, exhaustion;
- stressful conditions.
Information! The provoking factor is genetic predisposition. Often, increased concentrations of triglycerides are associated with heredity.
Lipemia is difficult to determine by any symptoms, because... the condition is not a disease. The occurrence of clinical manifestations is recorded with a significant increase in triglycerides in the blood. A person complains of general weakness, aching joints, swelling, increased sweating, and fatigue.
What is blood chyle and how to prevent it?
- Causes of chyle
- How to treat?
- Finally
In medicine, there is such a thing as blood chylosis, or chylous serum. This term refers to a condition in which triglyceride levels are elevated, which cannot be considered normal. In this case, they say that the blood has become oily.
Chylosis is not a disease, and there are no symptoms. In the normal state, blood serum is transparent and slightly yellowish, while chylous serum is cloudy, with white impurities. After dividing the blood into fractions, it becomes thick, resembling sour cream in appearance. In this case, it is impossible to isolate individual components, and therefore carry out analysis.
"Fatty" donor blood cannot be used for transfusion.
Causes of chyle
First of all, this condition is caused by gastronomic habits, that is, eating large amounts of fatty foods. As is known, triglycerides enter the plasma from food, mainly from vegetable oils.
During digestion, fats are broken down to form glycerol and fatty acids, after which they are absorbed in the small intestine and then transported through the bloodstream into adipose tissue.
Most of them are found in fat cells, and only a small amount in the blood.
Triglyceride levels fluctuate throughout the day. It rises approximately 20 minutes after eating and returns to its original value only after 10-12 hours. That is why the test is taken on an empty stomach, usually after a night's sleep.
The main causes of chyle are as follows:
- The most common is failure to follow doctor’s recommendations when preparing for tests. In this case, chylosis is caused by eating fatty, spicy, smoked foods, as well as alcoholic beverages, butter, eggs, bananas, and dairy products on the eve of the study, which leads to the accumulation of lipids.
- The causes of “fatty” blood are diseases based on metabolic disorders. These include hypothyroidism, obesity, and diabetes.
- Chylosis may be associated with hepatic and renal pathologies, such as alcoholism, viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, and renal failure.
- In rare cases, an increase in triglyceride concentrations is the result of a hereditary lipid metabolism disorder. In this case, the level of neutral fats can exceed the average values by several tens of times.
- Another reason is disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system, due to which blood impurities are present in the lymph.
Chylosis may be one of the manifestations of the following diseases:
- cardiovascular: myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, cerebral vascular thrombosis;
- musculoskeletal system: polyarthritis, gout, arthritis;
- chronic or acute pancreatitis;
- blood clotting disorders;
- lipid metabolism disorders;
- glycogenosis;
- stress;
- impaired glucose tolerance;
- hypercalcemia;
- Down syndrome.
How to treat?
Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after examination and determination of the causes of chyle. First of all, diet is indicated. To reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood, you need to give up fatty, salty, sweet, flour, spicy, fried foods, as well as eggs, fatty dairy products and alcohol.
To thin the blood, it is advised to drink more. This should be regular drinking or non-carbonated mineral water, to which you can add lemon juice.
If you have chylous blood, it is useful to drink water with lemon.
Drug treatment is prescribed on an individual basis. Drugs that improve metabolism and normalize liver function are usually indicated.
Traditional medicine suggests including the following foods and decoctions of medicinal plants in your food:
- decoction of currant leaves;
- infusion of meadowsweet leaves;
- cranberry infusion;
- decoction of raspberry leaves;
- infusion of dill and garlic;
- spices: thyme, cinnamon, ginger, mint, oregano;
- viburnum berries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, currants;
- fruits: citrus fruits and pomegranates;
- linseed oil;
- tomatoes;
- Activated carbon;
- foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
If chylosis was detected during blood donation, it is possible that the result was due to non-compliance with the diet on the eve of the test. It is necessary to undergo the examination again, following all the recommendations of doctors in preparation for the procedure. If a repeat test gives the same result, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes of “fat” blood and subsequent treatment.
Therapy methods
Lipemia can occur in both healthy and sick people. Therefore, if chylous serum is detected, a repeat test will be required. In most cases, the indicator corresponds to the norm. Treatment is necessary when repeated laboratory testing confirms the presence of “fatty blood.” A therapist or hematologist should tell you what blood chyle is.
The following therapy methods are used to lower triglyceride levels:
- taking medications;
- use of folk remedies;
- dieting.
Treatment with medications
The goal of drug therapy is to reduce neutral fats and thin the blood. The use of antioxidants is indicated, the action of which is aimed at lipid oxidation. Popular drugs of the group:
- Lipin;
- Synergin;
- Gulatargin, etc.
You can correct fat metabolism and lower cholesterol levels with the help of drugs of the fibrate class (Clofibrate, Fenofibrate). They are usually used for obesity, varicose veins, and ischemia. Medicines that improve metabolic processes and liver condition are often prescribed. To normalize blood circulation, Glycerol, Aspirin or Nicotinic acid are prescribed.
Medical nutrition
Diet for blood chylosis is an important part of therapy. Doctors recommend avoiding foods that affect its quality. These include:
- flour and confectionery products;
- candies, chocolate;
- eggs and dishes made from them;
- fatty dairy products;
- seasonings, sauces;
- alcoholic drinks.
Fried, smoked, salted, fatty, spicy foods are prohibited. It is better to steam, boil or bake foods. It is necessary to increase fluid intake. The best drink option is plain water, medicinal mineral water without gas, herbal decoction, green tea, fruit juice, fruit and berry compote.
The patient’s diet is enriched only with environmentally friendly food and properly prepared dishes. The menu should primarily consist of the following types of products:
- fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs;
- fish, lean meat;
- nuts, beans, grains.
Important! Plain water with the addition of a slice of lemon perfectly cleanses blood plasma.
Alternative medicine
Lipemia responds well to treatment with traditional medicine. To eliminate viscosity and cleanse the blood, decoctions are used based on:
- raspberry leaves, black currant;
- chamomile;
- rosehip;
- dill;
- rhubarb;
- sea buckthorn;
- cranberries;
- flax seeds.
The positive effect of garlic infusion has been proven. To prepare, you will need a small bunch of dill and a peeled clove of garlic. The ingredients are placed in a glass container (0.5 l), poured with vodka (500 ml). Place the container in a dark place and leave for 5-6 days. The product is ready for use.
Blood chylesis - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment
The term blood chyle does not mean a disease, but a temporary condition in which an increased amount of triglycerides is found in the blood.
The latter should not be present in the blood test. Chylous blood occurs in all people, regardless of age, gender and occupation.
Triglycerides: what are they?
Triglycerides are derivatives of the 3-hydric alcohol glycerol and higher fatty acids. They are components of vegetable oils. Triglycerides, like cholesterol, are energy generators for the full functioning of cells.
Once in the body with food, triglycerides acquire new forms: they become glycerol and fatty acids. In their transformed form, they are absorbed by the mucous membrane of the small intestine and transported to the organs.
The level of triglycerides in the blood varies constantly throughout the day. Their number increases several times half an hour after eating - this is weak chyle. Triglycerides return to the original amount only after 10 hours.
Triglycerides and fatty acids
Blood plasma is normal and with chylosis
Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It contains shaped elements. The color of plasma is yellow and it is transparent in appearance. The color of chylous serum cannot be determined - it is cloudy and contains white impurities.
Why is blood cloudy or, in common parlance, “fat”?
Turbidity is caused by excess triglycerides in the blood. After centrifugation, such blood becomes white and excessively thick, its appearance resembles sour cream.
Chylous serum does not allow the isolation of blood components from it. Therefore it is not suitable for research. It is also not suitable for transfusion.
Why does blood chyle occur?
The causes of blood chylosis mainly lie in incorrect preparation for blood collection. Eating heavy food or alcoholic beverages on the eve of the test contributes to the appearance of “fatty” blood.
It is food that provokes an upward jump in the level of neutral fats in the blood.
Chylous serum is also formed due to metabolic problems. Chylosis is determined in diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism.
Fat is detected in blood tests when:
- Diseases of the renal apparatus (renal failure, nephrosis),
- Liver pathologies (cirrhosis, viral damage),
- Hereditary disorders of fat metabolism,
- Malfunctions of the lymphatic system.
If a genetic factor is present, then they speak of pronounced chyle when the level of triglycerides in the blood is several tens of times higher.
A number of diseases can contribute to blood chyle:
- Pancreatitis (chronic and acute form),
- Down syndrome,
- Gout,
- Atherosclerosis,
- Anorexia (neurotic type),
- Angina pectoris
- Acute porphyria,
- Hemophilia,
- Vascular thrombosis,
- Hypercalcemia of unknown origin,
- Myocardial infarction.
How does blood chylosis manifest?
Chylosis may be accompanied by a clinical picture similar to symptoms of obesity and liver problems.
The patient has:
- Drowsiness,
- Increased sweating
- Swelling,
- Weakness,
- Pain in the spine and joints,
- Constipation.
More often than not, people who have been diagnosed with chylosis do not notice any changes in their health.
Is treatment necessary for blood chylosis?
Like any deviation from the norm, chyle requires a qualified medical assessment. Treatment is prescribed after identifying the causes that influenced the occurrence of chylous blood.
For this condition, doctors prescribe:
- Medications,
- special diet
- Folk remedies.
Medicines are selected for each patient individually. Medications are used, the purpose of which is to normalize and improve the activity of the liver and metabolic processes.
Treatment of chylosis with diet
A diet for chylosis is the first thing that patients with such test results need. It should reduce blood viscosity and improve its circulation. The list of foods that should be included in your diet, and which should be avoided, is presented in the table.
Useful foods for chyle | Stop products |
Fruits (lemon, orange, pomegranates) | Flour and sweet products (cakes, cakes, pies) |
Tomatoes | Sausages |
Linseed oil | Pickles |
Berries (currants, viburnum, cranberries) | Fried food, sauces |
Fish oil and seafood | Eggs |
Nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews) | Alcohol |
Spinach, broccoli, greens | Fatty dairy products |
The use of hot seasonings remains prohibited: red pepper, wasabi, ginger, Tabasco, mustard.
For cooking, you can use less “hot” spices:
- Thyme,
- Oregano,
- Mint,
- Cinnamon.
To make the blood less thick, it is recommended to drink more fluid. This can be still mineral water or regular water, to which a small amount of lemon juice is added.
You are allowed to drink natural juices based on fruits and vegetables, green tea, and compotes.
Does traditional medicine “work” for blood chylosis?
Traditional medicine recipes often help with increased blood viscosity, which is characteristic of chyle.
For this purpose, decoctions and tinctures from the following plants and berries are most often used:
- Currants,
- cranberries,
- Garlic,
- Raspberries,
- Sea buckthorn.
Simple and affordable recipes for blood chyle:
- A decoction of currant leaves. In addition to currant leaves (5-10 pieces), you will need honey (1 tsp), mint (5 sprigs), water (1 l). The plant ingredients are washed well under running water and placed in a thermos or kettle. The greens are poured with boiling water. The decoction is brewed for 2 hours, then honey can be added to it.
- Infusion of garlic and dill. Peeled garlic (1 clove), dill (1 bunch) are placed in a 0.5 liter jar and filled with vodka (0.5 liter). Infuse the liquid for 4 days in a cool, dark place. The contents are carefully filtered. The infusion is ready for use.
Tips for those who donate blood
A blood test will be reliable if you follow several rules before the test:
- You can’t eat (even a light breakfast is prohibited),
- It is prohibited to purchase or consume any type of alcoholic beverages,
- Take medications (birth control pills, diuretics).
If chylosis was detected for the first time during blood donation, then it can be assumed that non-compliance with the diet contributed to its appearance.
Therefore, in order to achieve correct results during the study, it is recommended to follow all the doctor’s instructions in preparation for the procedure.
If repeated blood donation also reveals chylosis, you should seek help from a therapist to determine the causes and solve the problem.
Consequences of blood chyle
If the cause of lipemia is not identified in time and therapy is not started, chylous blood serum can become a prerequisite for the development of the following conditions:
- cardiovascular pathologies – atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertension, myocardial infarction;
- joint changes - gout, arthritis, arthrosis;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system.
The disease, which occurs against the background of blood chylosis, can significantly worsen a person’s quality of life. Only a hematologist can recognize a negative condition. He will identify the cause and prescribe treatment. Only timely therapy will rid the blood of excess fat and prevent the development of associated diseases.
How to eliminate the disease?
Once oily blood and its cause are detected, treatment is not prescribed immediately. First, you need to undergo another laboratory test, but be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations. If the analysis again shows the same result, then therapy is prescribed.
If chylous blood is detected in an infant or adult, treatment is selected on an individual basis. It depends on the condition of the patient and what results the diagnostics show. First, they discover the factors that caused the disease and eliminate them.
This will prevent the development of adverse consequences and prevent recurrent chyle. If such a condition is detected in newborns, vaccination is not carried out, because this can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, the elevated triglyceride levels are eliminated first, and then the vaccine is given.
There are many methods to combat chylosis. These include taking medications, folk remedies, and following a diet. It is recommended to undergo complex treatment, combining techniques to achieve an effect.
Taking medications
Men and women can get rid of chylous blood and its symptoms with the help of medications. Treatment is carried out using several means. Antioxidants are required to prevent the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels.
In addition, for hyperlipemia, nicotinic acid is prescribed. It prevents the development of sclerotic disease, the formation of fatty acids, and removes excess cholesterol from the body. As a supplement for chyle, it is recommended to take fibrates, which help enhance the metabolic process.
During the treatment of chylosis, medications are prescribed that have a positive effect on the activity of the liver. Treatment is carried out by a therapist, but if a specific disease is the culprit, then consultation with other specialists will be required.
After treatment of chylosis has been carried out, the patient will need to undergo a biochemical blood test again. This will allow you to assess the person’s condition and the effectiveness of therapy.
A nicotinic acid
In addition to traditional medicine, you can use folk recipes that help lower the fat content in the blood. Such products contain garlic, flaxseed oil, barley. Especially suitable for women during pregnancy or people for whom the elimination of blood chylosis with medications is contraindicated.
It is recommended to drink still mineral water or plain water with lemon juice during the treatment period. The vein is also cleansed with garlic infusion and raspberry infusion. A good addition to traditional medicine is regular exercise.
Elimination of blood chylosis is possible by following a certain diet. Therefore, patients must necessarily adjust their diet. It is prohibited to consume fatty meats, sweets, eggs, butter, full-fat milk, and alcohol.
Include fish, cereals and legumes, vegetables and fruits in the menu. If you eat fish products every day, the condition of your blood vessels will improve. Compliance with the rules of dietary nutrition will stabilize your health, cleanse the blood of fatty deposits and help nutrients be better absorbed.
Thus, once you understand what chyle is, it will become obvious that there is no need to panic about it. It is necessary to undergo a full examination, identify the cause of the disease and take all corrective measures.
Diseases accompanying the condition
Like any pathological process occurring in the body, chyle can cause consequences of varying severity. The most common violations include:
- worsening blood clotting;
- cholesterol metabolism disorders;
- pathologies of the cardiovascular (hypertension, angina, atherosclerosis) and lymphatic system;
- pathologies of the thyroid gland;
- disorders of the musculoskeletal system (polyarthritis, arthritis, gout).
Serum chyle not only contributes to problems in laboratory blood tests, but also affects the vital functions and metabolic processes of the entire body.
Blood chyle is often accompanied by the following ailments:
- Cardiovascular diseases. These include myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, and vascular thrombosis in the brain. Also, in parallel with chylosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease can occur.
- Down syndrome.
- Stressful conditions.
- Pancreatitis in acute or chronic form.
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common causes of chyle are gout and arthritis (or polyarthritis).
- Impaired lipid metabolism.
- Elevated calcium levels.
- Glycogenosis.
- Blood clotting disorders.
- Impaired glucose tolerance (prediabetes).
If you do not take any action when chylous serum is detected, then there is a high probability of the following ailments or worsening of the condition if they exist:
- Problems with the heart and blood vessels and skeletal system;
- Poor blood clotting;
- Impaired functioning of the lymphatic system;
- Endocrine diseases;
- Metabolism problems;
- The appearance of fluid in the peritoneum;
- Inability to test a blood sample for dangerous diseases.
Speaking about the deterioration of blood quality, you need to remember that it is quite possible to prevent a condition such as chylosis: this is possible if you know the rules described below:
- Take blood tests on an empty stomach and avoid eating unwanted foods the day before;
- Eat enough vegetables, fruits, drink plenty of water;
- Monitor your blood counts and lead an active lifestyle.
Causes of chyle
Triglyceride levels in the blood can vary significantly throughout the day. This indicator depends mainly on the quality and quantity of food taken by a person. That is why the test must be done on an empty stomach, otherwise you may get a bad blood test.
The main causes of chyle are:
- lack of preparation - when before the analysis a person consumed alcohol and fatty foods, as a result of which the blood was saturated with neutral fats and became thick;
- chylosis is caused by various metabolic disorders of the body, such as obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism;
- liver and kidney diseases - viral hepatitis, renal failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, alcoholism;
- in rare cases, it may be a consequence of hereditary pathologies, in particular lipid metabolism disorders, in which case the content of triglycerides in the blood exceeds the norm several times.
Pathological processes in the lymphatic system can also cause blood chyle. What it is? A large number of impurities appear in the lymph, which lead to thickening of the blood. In this case, the clinical picture is manifested by increased loads on the liver, metabolic disorders and obesity.