vessel in the eye treatment
A vessel burst in the eye: causes and treatment of ruptures of conjunctival vessels 1277 0
We first of all pay attention to a person’s eyes when meeting and talking. By
Narrowing of the tricuspid heart valve
Patients operated on for tricuspid stenosis may develop specific complications.
Acquired heart defects ICD-10 34.-37., 05.-08., 22.-23. ICD-9 394394-396396, 746746 ICD-9-CM 424.99[1] MeSH D006349
Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia
What is vascular dementia?
Causes of vascular dementia Dementia develops due to vascular changes in the brain. Most likely causes
Monocytes in the blood
What is monocytosis? Its causes and symptoms
Young parents often try to figure out their baby’s tests on their own. And get stuck in medical
causes of dizziness in women with normal blood pressure
What to do if you feel dizzy as if drunk
We are used to explaining sudden and unexpected dizziness by pressure surges. However, this is only one of
How to prevent a brain stroke
How to prevent cerebral stroke: drugs and folk remedies, reviews Cardiovascular pathologies take first place
Cerebral angiography
Angiograph design and operating principle of the device
Cerebral angiography is a hardware diagnostic examination aimed at studying the condition of the cerebral vessels and
Causes of development and approaches to treatment of Goodpasture syndrome
Reasons for the appearance Today, scientists cannot say for sure what
Patent foramen ovale in the heart
Detection of an open foramen ovale in the heart - a verdict or a diagnostic finding
A diagnosis such as a patent foramen ovale has become a fairly common finding, thanks to its widespread use in
Compatibility of blood groups for conceiving a child
What is blood type? The test must be taken in order to find out the genetic predisposition to
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