During pregnancy, it is important that a woman promptly attends an antenatal clinic and undergoes all the necessary tests, because only by these tests can the true condition of the expectant mother be determined, which affects the health of the child. The most common clinical test during pregnancy is a biochemical blood test. In it, the gynecologist managing a woman’s pregnancy pays special attention to the hematocrit number. In this article we will tell you why hematocrit may be low in the blood during pregnancy, and what to do if levels of this enzyme are low.
What is hematocrit during pregnancy?
Hematocrit is an indicator that is not detected by a general blood test. It indicates the total volume of red blood cells in the blood. It can only be detected with a doctor's prescription. It fits into the analysis form as a percentage.
Hematocrit is determined from any blood - arterial, capillary and venous. To get an accurate indicator, you need to prepare for a blood test:
- In no case should you smoke before the procedure, so as not to reduce vasospasm, as a result of which blood may flow slowly.
- It is also undesirable to eat anything before the analysis, but breakfast is allowed as long as it does not contain fat.
- Naturally, you cannot drink alcohol.
- Avoid physical work before taking the test.
- Try to avoid stress before analysis, because it may affect the indicators (they will be incorrect).
The collected blood is drawn into a glass tube with 100 lines on it, after which it is transferred to a centrifuge, in which it remains for 1-2 hours. After this, the laboratory technician determines the level of separated and settled red blood cells and compares it with the level of plasma and blood as a percentage.
The data obtained will become the basis for diagnosing anemia, assessing the results of the completed course of treatment, determining the level of blood viscosity and the need for blood transfusion.
To understand whether the hematocrit level in the blood is low or normal, it is not necessary to undergo a special test. You can understand this by the corresponding symptoms and signs:
- frequent headaches with dizziness occur;
- a person gets tired quickly, despite the fact that he works little;
- general condition is lethargic and weak;
- there is practically no performance;
- the skin becomes dry and pale;
- heart rate becomes rapid;
- shortness of breath appears and blood pressure levels rise;
- hair and nails break.
All these symptoms are extremely undesirable for an expectant mother to experience. Therefore, as soon as they appear, you must inform your doctor about this.
What can cause a low hematocrit during pregnancy?
So, what does it mean if the hematocrit is low during pregnancy? Most often, this indicates that there is an iron deficiency in the woman’s body. Unfortunately, in 90% of cases of anemia, none of the pregnant women can avoid it. However, there are several other reasons why the hematocrit number may be low:
- the kidneys do not function properly - either due to the load that falls on the expectant mother’s body, or due to a disease of the urinary system;
- liver pathologies and other diseases associated with the digestive system;
- reduced immunity and infectious diseases;
- unbalanced diet, in which there is an insufficient amount of vitamins, and especially iron.
Let's figure out below what limits the hematocrit number should not fall at different stages of pregnancy:
- Hemoglobin and hematocrit cannot be lowered during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, because there is a risk of anemia. Normally, the hematocrit number should be 33-36% at this time.
- The hematocrit cannot be lowered during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester because anemia can have a bad effect on the baby. The hematocrit number should not be lower than 31%, otherwise it is very important for the expectant mother to take special medications.
- The hematocrit cannot be lowered during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, since the exhausted state will not allow the woman to give birth normally naturally. At this time, the hematocrit number cannot be lower than 32%.
The dangers of low hematocrit during pregnancy
A reduced hematocrit level in pregnant women is extremely dangerous, because red blood cells are responsible for the normal supply of oxygen and nutrients to the internal organs of a person, they are responsible for ensuring that there is no carbon dioxide in the body’s cells. If pregnant women encounter such a problem, then their oxygen and alkaline balance is disrupted, and the functioning of all systems and organs is disrupted.
The worst danger of a low hematocrit level in the blood of a pregnant woman is that the child may develop anemia in the womb; he may already be born with a pathology that is quite difficult to cure in newborns.
What does an increase in the level of red blood cells in the blood mean?
The number of red blood cells in a person’s blood is not constant, it fluctuates depending on physical activity, stress, drinking and temperature conditions and other factors, the so-called physiological reasons for the increase in the level of red blood cells. However, such fluctuations are uncritical, short-term and easily tolerated by humans.
Normally, the number of blood cells is (in units per 1 liter of blood):
- male body – 4-5.1×1012
- female body – 3.7-4.7×1012
The number of red blood cells in children, depending on the age factor, also changes and is (in units per 1 liter of blood):
- for newborns – 4.3-7.6x1012;
- for one-month olds –3.8-5.6×1012;
- from six months to one year – 3.6-4.9 × 1012;
- from one year to 13 years – 3.5-4.7 × 1012.
An increase in the number of red formed elements in human blood is called erythrocytosis and signals disorders in the body.
The following factors influence the increase in the level of red blood cells in the blood:
- Pathological processes in the body (Vaquez disease or erythremia)
- Respiratory system disease (bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma)
- Acute infectious diseases leading to airway obstruction and dehydration (diphtheria, vomiting)
- Pathology or heart disease
- Prolonged lack of oxygen (stay at high altitudes)
- Oncology
- Kidney failure
- Irradiation
- Bone marrow disorders
Analysis of the causes of erythrocytosis allows us to conclude that the active formation of blood cells appears due to insufficient oxygen supply to the internal organs of a person.
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Only a clinical blood test can accurately determine the deviation in the number of red blood cells from the norm. Some of the components of the analysis are counting the number of red blood cells, the depth of the color index, and determining the structure of blood cells.
What to do if red blood cells and hematocrit are low during pregnancy?
If it so happens that the gynecologist discovered a low hematocrit in your tests, then first of all he will try to identify the reason for this in order to prescribe the correct course of treatment and eliminate all factors that could contribute to a decrease in the hematocrit number in the blood of a woman in an interesting situation.
Typically, doctors choose one or more of the following treatment regimens:
- Prescribed medications that help normalize iron levels in the blood.
- They suggest taking additional vitamin D and walking in the fresh air as often as possible.
- Bed rest and rest are prescribed.
- A diet is prescribed that will enrich a woman’s blood with iron.
Medicines that can be taken during pregnancy with a low hematocrit
Taking iron-containing medications is the surest way to correct the situation with a low hematocrit level in the blood of a pregnant woman. But this does not mean that the expectant mother should go to the pharmacy and buy the drug that the pharmacist recommends to her. Self-medication has never brought anyone any benefit. Go to your doctor so that he can recommend you which drug is best to buy in your case.
The most commonly prescribed drugs include:
- B12 is a vitamin that can be found in pharmacies under the name “Cobamamide”. It is sold in ampoules and costs about 1,400 rubles. You need to take this medicine once a day, 2 ampoules per dose. It should not be used by pregnant women who have an individual intolerance to any of the components of this drug.
- Sodium chloride is a solution available to everyone, which costs about 50 rubles. It is used according to simple instructions if a woman has internal swelling.
- Ferrous sulfate is a drug that is sold in pharmacies in tablet form. It costs differently. If you choose a domestically produced medicine, you will spend only 50 rubles, and if imported, then all 500. Please note that if you have a stomach ulcer, this medicine is prohibited from being used during pregnancy.
Diet to normalize the level of hematocrit in the blood of a pregnant woman
If, due to medications, a pregnant woman feels heartburn or has vomiting or flatulence, then it is better to stop taking them and give preference to proper nutrition. Adjust your diet to include plenty of foods that contain iron. These include:
- meat products (mainly beef);
- liver with hearts and other offal;
- eggs (preferably boiled);
- green sour apples (they have a very high concentration of iron);
- any nuts (but you can’t eat them if you have high blood pressure, as they will make it even higher);
- black chocolate.
If you are in an excellent position and are expecting a baby, then be sure to monitor the hematocrit number in the blood, because it will determine whether your pregnancy will proceed normally or not. If you feel weak, take action immediately, because there is a high risk that not only you, but also a defenseless baby who needs your help will suffer from iron deficiency in the blood. Follow your doctor's recommendations and take care of your health!
Red blood cells in a blood test. Norm and deviations
The total number of red blood cells is determined in a clinical blood test.
A slight change in the level of red blood cells in the blood of a pregnant woman is considered normal.
From a medical point of view, this is explained by the fact that the body, in advance of preparing for possible blood loss during childbirth, increases the volume of circulating blood. The plasma volume increases, and as a result, the number of red blood cells increases.
During the normal course of pregnancy, the norm of red blood cells in pregnant women is as follows:
A high level of red blood cells in the blood is commonly called erythrocytosis, or polyhemorrhage. It is due to a number of reasons:
- suffered stress;
- great physical activity;
- accommodation in mountainous areas.
Sometimes, due to severe toxicosis, when dehydration of the body often occurs, the level of red blood cells may increase slightly, but this is not considered a pathology, since it is temporary and due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Otherwise, it may be a sign of heart and vascular diseases, kidney and liver cancer, and pathologies of the respiratory and circulatory systems.
A decrease in the normal level of red blood cells in the blood of a woman carrying a child should be taken more seriously. More than 40% of women have a deviation in this part of the analysis. A low level of red blood cells in the blood does not always indicate anemia. There are a number of other diseases associated with low red blood cell counts.
Causes of decreased red blood cell levels
A disease in which a pregnant woman’s red blood cell level is several times lower than the permissible norm is called erythropenia. There are many reasons for its occurrence:
- improper nutrition of the expectant mother;
- large blood loss;
- heart, kidney diseases;
- anemia of all types;
- iron deficiency;
- lack of B vitamins;
- an infectious disease is present at the time of pregnancy;
- chronic diseases of the expectant mother;
- exhaustion of the body due to constant stress;
- oncological diseases accompanied by the growth of metastases;
- failure of the hormonal system;
- a short break between the previous and current pregnancy;
- at the time of the analysis, antibacterial therapy was in progress;
- leukemia
A woman carrying a baby should know that the sooner problems are identified, the higher the chance of giving birth to a completely healthy child.
Often, a woman finds out that her pregnancy is not going entirely smoothly only in the doctor’s office after taking a blood test. There are a number of signs that serve as a signal to see a doctor:
- constant feeling of lethargy and fatigue;
- cardiopalmus;
- cold sweaty hands;
- low blood pressure;
- pale skin and mucous membranes;
- in advanced cases, fainting is possible.
Any of these symptoms is a sign of a low level of red blood cells, which requires mandatory treatment.
A reduced level of red blood cells in the blood is not considered a pathology only in the first trimester of pregnancy. Thus, by thinning the blood, the body prepares to feed the placenta and the upcoming birth. However, if further carrying a baby is accompanied by a decrease in red blood cells, then this is already a pathological course of pregnancy, since erythropenia can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:
- serious pathologies in the growth and development of the fetus;
- fetal hypoxia;
- weak labor activity;
- death of a child in the first day after birth;
- significant blood loss during childbirth;
- threat of premature birth.
Treatment and prevention of the disease
To accurately determine the cause of a decrease in the number of blood discs, a repeat blood test may be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. When confirming the diagnosis, it is very important to find and eliminate the root cause of the problem and only then prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, it consists of several stages:
- Adjusting the diet of the expectant mother.
- Prescribing the necessary medications and vitamins if erythropenia is caused by infection.
- If a decrease in the level of red blood cells is associated with stagnation of fluid in the pregnant woman’s body, diuretics must be prescribed in conjunction with a salt-free diet.
- In case of significant blood loss, all measures are taken to restore the level of biological fluid.
Treatment at home is often undesirable and impossible. For more serious causes, such as anemia or oncology, treatment of erythropenia is carried out only in a hospital under the strict supervision of medical staff in order to avoid worsening the condition of the pregnant woman.
In order to avoid problems with blood in the future, it is necessary to systematically undergo tests prescribed by the gynecologist. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle with proper nutritious nutrition.
The appearance of red blood cells in the urine is an alarming sign. Sometimes this is absolutely safe and is associated solely with physiological changes in the body burdened by pregnancy.
Most often, the appearance of traces of blood in the urine is a sign of pathology. Do not panic, you need to find out the cause of blood discs in the urine.
In a general urine analysis of a pregnant woman, the presence of 0-1 red blood cells in the field of view is allowed. When more oxygen-carrying cells are excreted in the urine, this is an abnormality that requires correction.
Sometimes, in order to clarify the picture of the appearance of red blood cells in the urine, the gynecologist may prescribe a urine test from three glasses. The essence of this study is that you first need to collect the first portion of morning urine, then the middle one, and then the last one. Biomaterial is collected in different labeled cups.
Such an analysis will be able to diagnose urolithiasis, problems in the kidneys and ureter, and pathologies in the development of the bladder.