Exercises to strengthen the heart muscle - train your heart correctly!

Often we don’t think about how to take care of the heart, what to do for this, until it makes itself felt. Problems usually accumulate unnoticed, without appearing until a certain moment. Mortality due to heart disease is high on the list, with heart attacks and strokes becoming younger. That is why it is important to pay timely attention to the heart and blood vessels and strengthen them, first of all, through physical activity. Training the heart and developing endurance, stress on blood vessels - all these are important elements in the life of a healthy person.

Why is it necessary to stress the heart and blood vessels?

Physical activity helps:

  1. A decrease in the amount of C-reactive protein, which favors the appearance of inflammatory processes in the body.
  2. Reducing blood pressure and triglycerides.
  3. Raising good cholesterol levels.
  4. Regulating blood sugar and insulin.
  5. Weight loss.

Inactivity provokes problems with the heart and blood vessels. Cardiac training occurs when the strength of contractions increases and the heart rate increases during periods of stress. At the same time, the blood vessels are also trained.

Strengthening the heart muscle with drugs

There are now a large number of medications that help restore metabolism in weakened heart cells. They help fill the body with all kinds of vitamins to strengthen the heart.

It is important to nourish the body with vitamins during the winter season. It is during this period of time that a person especially lacks vitamins in the body. The risk of problems with the heart muscle increases noticeably.

The following strengthening drugs can be mentioned: Riboxin, Panangin, Cocarboxylase. Despite the fact that they do not meet modern criteria for effectiveness, nevertheless, with long-term use of drugs, patients experience a positive change and strengthening of the heart.

Medicines can significantly strengthen the heart muscle. The main thing is that specialists select the right balance.

But how can you strengthen your heart muscle? Due to a complex of vitamins that would support heart function. Strengthening vitamins include rutin, ascorbic acid, and pridoxine.

The intake of vitamins occurs due to the intake of medications in which they are found. The same thiamine makes the muscle fibers of the heart muscle elastic. Due to this, the work of the heart muscle is stabilized. Thiamine is mainly found in grains and various types of coffee.

Rutin is aimed at strengthening heart vessels. It is found in abundance in rosehip decoction and chokeberry berries.

Regular intake of ascorbic acid reduces the risk of cholesterol formation on the walls of blood vessels. This vitamin is also found in citrus fruits, including rose hips.

Exercises to train your heart

In fact, the range of such exercises is quite wide. Heart training is carried out through cardio and aerobic exercise. You can go jogging, ride a bike for at least half an hour a day, jump rope, swim in the pool, do aerobics and step, dance, or just take walks for 20 minutes in the evening, and give up the elevator. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The optimal heart rate is one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty beats (not higher than 130 and lower than 110).
  2. You cannot arrange training sessions lasting more than an hour (for weak blood vessels - 30 minutes).
  3. Conduct these classes two or three times during the week.

Heart training by running is also beneficial. Don't turn it into a routine. Jogging three or four times a week for 20 minutes, monitor your condition. If you feel any discomfort, go for a walk.

Basic training

The set of basic exercises includes the following algorithm of actions:

  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable sitting position on a chair. The environment should not irritate with unnecessary sounds or other factors (light, flashing diodes, pets). You should completely relax in silence and close your eyes. The head and neck should be kept straight;
  2. Then the right hand is extended to the side, with one finger of the left hand it is necessary to pinch the left nostril. Inhale as deeply as possible through the right nostril and hold your breath for two seconds, then exhale;
  3. Smoothly, without making sudden movements, the procedure is performed in reverse. The left hand is extended to the side, while the right hand squeezes the other nostril and inhales while holding the breath for two seconds;
  4. You need to learn how to adjust the cycle of actions to your heart rate. In the first lessons, one breath should correspond to 4 beats. Over time it increases to 12 hits.

After the basic complex, without changing the position of the body, you should take a sharp breath through the left nostril, then exhale sharply through the right. Then vice versa. After a few quick breaths, similar exercises are performed only in a slower rhythm.

Other factors

Stress, environment and nutrition gradually bring blood vessels into increased tone, which affects blood pressure. In such a situation, do not rely only on the help of pharmaceutical drugs; you need to restore full blood circulation, and above all in the capillaries. Training your heart and blood vessels will help you with this. Vibration exercises will be effective: in the morning in bed, raise your arms and legs, shake them for about two minutes. This is how the capillaries are vibrated and the lymph is redistributed, through which the body is cleansed of toxins and waste. It is advisable to repeat the exercise in the evening before bed.

If you experience frequent spasms of cerebral vessels, causing high blood pressure, nausea, memory, speech, and motor coordination problems, you need to work on strengthening them by organizing a healthy diet, using medications, and physical exercise. You can perform head rotations in one direction and the other for two to three minutes, as well as bending forward simulating chopping wood. Swinging your legs forward (left leg to right outstretched arm) is effective. You can rotate your arms asynchronously (left forward, right backward), and do a “birch tree” backstand. The exercises are performed very smoothly. If the neck muscles are weakened, they often tense and put pressure on the blood vessels, impairing blood circulation. Their training helps restore the functioning of blood vessels and cure the effects of compression.

Stagnation of blood in the legs affects the veins. To strengthen the blood vessels in the legs and improve their functioning, it is recommended to walk on your knees back and forth. It is necessary to bend forward with straight legs, while reaching the floor with your fingers. This exercise is very useful for the veins of the legs: take a large rolling pin or a plastic bottle of water, kneel down, put the bottle on your calves, sit on top and, as it were, ride it from your knees to your ankles and back. It is useful to jog slowly, and if there is discomfort, start walking.

Exercises at home

Heart training, muscle and vascular training can also be done at home. For example, squats next to the door. You need to squat while holding the door handles, knees in line with your toes. Start with a small number of repetitions, bringing them up to 100 in 2 months, then more. First, squat twenty to thirty centimeters, after a month - deeper. The muscles of the heart, spine and legs are strengthened. And contractions of the leg muscles help the blood flow upward through the veins.

In recent years, Nordic walking with poles has become popular. Try to walk rhythmically, naturally, working with your arm and leg at the same time. Exercises like this are a great outdoor heart workout!

Set of exercises

Acute pain in the heart is a reason to postpone training.

Vascular dystonia, disruption of the circulatory process are the main causes of vascular spasms.

Such conditions are dangerous, therefore patients who notice the following manifestations should promptly pay attention to their own health:

  • recurrent or constant headache;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • sharp fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • speech dysfunction;
  • failure to coordinate movements;
  • manifestation of tinnitus;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased fatigue;
  • pathological decrease in performance.

Training in combination with compliance with the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle will help strengthen blood vessels and restore their health. Such rules are quite simple - the main task of the patient is simply to get used to them.

Attention! The problem of vascular fragility becomes relevant against the background of the prevalence of atherosclerosis. This disease is quite dangerous and can cause irreversible consequences, such as thrombosis.

Simple exercises can be done at home.

Where to start: the first complex

The described exercises are a warm-up that should be performed regardless of the type of cardio exercise chosen.

This event will help avoid injuries and increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

Why warming up is mandatory.

  1. Exercise No. 1. The patient assumes a sitting position. You should spread your arms wide apart in different directions, and while inhaling, raise them until they converge. As you exhale, the limbs should be spread to the accepted level. 3 sets of 2 minutes each is enough.
  2. Exercise No. 2. Hands should be spread to the sides with palms up. At the moment of inhalation, you should turn your torso to the side. As you exhale, return to IP. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in each direction.
  3. Exercise No. 3. Starting position – standing. The patient should straighten his back and bring his legs together. Your arms must be raised in front of you. During the exercise, your shoulders must be kept straight. Do 15 sharp brush strokes and 15 vigorous fist clenches. During the manipulation, you must control your own breathing.

The warm-up looks quite simple, but doing it will ensure you are confidently prepared for a full workout. This rule should not be neglected - even a healthy person can harm his own body due to refusal to warm up.

The video in this article will clearly demonstrate to the reader the range of activities. It is important to emphasize the fact that loads should be increased gradually. The heart is a rather sensitive organ. which needs time to adapt.

Gymnastics complex

Simple exercises for the heart.

The set of exercises includes the following loads:

  1. Starting position – standing. You should perform 5 lunges on each leg.
  2. IP - standing. The patient should bring his legs together and clasp his hands opposite the chest. At the moment of inhalation, you should stretch your entire body upward, while raising your arms. Performed 10 times at intervals of 10-15 seconds.
  3. IP - lying on your back. Hands should be spread to the sides. At the moment of inhalation, you need to lift one leg and try to stay in this position for 5 seconds. As you inhale, lower your leg. Perform the exercise 8 times for each leg.
  4. IP - lying down. You should pull your bent legs towards your chest and wrap your arms around them.
  5. IP - standing. Feet should be placed shoulder width apart. Raise and bend your right leg at the knee, and then your left. The exercise is performed 10 times for each leg.

When performing such exercises, you should not rush. Training blood vessels and the heart should take place in a measured rhythm.

Attention! There are other sets of exercises. To choose the optimal regimen, you should contact an individual trainer with recommendations from a cardiologist.

What else should you pay attention to?

  1. Stop smoking.
  2. Lose weight if you are overweight.
  3. Follow your doctor's recommendations for taking medications.
  4. Eat less salt.
  5. Sleep 8-9 hours.
  6. Eat a varied, wholesome, healthy diet.

The heart muscle is well nourished and strengthened by Panangin, which affects metabolic processes in the heart, improves its functioning, prevents early aging of the myocardium, and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and arrhythmia. It is recommended for healthy people as a means to strengthen the heart muscle and for the prevention of vascular diseases. Panangin contains potassium and magnesium, which can also be obtained daily from food. Eat spinach, seaweed, lentils, oatmeal, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, flax oil, fish oil to cleanse blood vessels.

Life after a heart attack - the main thing is to strengthen the heart

After a heart attack, people, as a rule, lead a sedentary lifestyle and are unfairly offended by loved ones and family members who allegedly do not take their serious condition into account. All kinds of medications are used in large quantities. This lifestyle leads to a significant deterioration in well-being. The heart muscle needs to be trained - gradually, then the chances of its recovery are very high.

Some rules will help strengthen your heart after a heart attack.

1. Let your thoughts about the future be filled with optimism.

2. Try to eliminate all worries, especially over trifles.

3. Regularly, every day, perform a set of exercises for morning exercises, adhere to a proper and balanced diet. To improve blood flow, shake your hands and rotate your feet several times a day. Don’t forget to regularly spend a few minutes rubbing the little fingers on both hands.

This set of simple exercises will greatly help strengthen the heart muscle and increase the tone of the body. Don’t get hung up on work, alternate it with rest. If possible, try to be less overtired. Sometimes it can be helpful to be completely alone and listen to soothing music.

An extremely strict diet after a heart attack is not expected. The most important condition is to consume more foods high in potassium. It is allowed that the nutritious diet, once a week, includes fish and lean chicken, preferably boiled. Fermented milk products, a variety of cereals, and fresh vegetables will undoubtedly be beneficial. Raisins are considered an excellent preventive remedy that every “heart” should make friends with. It is recommended to eat two teaspoons of raisins per day, chewing them thoroughly.

Vitamin E is also indispensable for the heart, which is especially abundant in corn oil, carrots, and wheat sprouts. Pasta made from durum wheat is highly recommended as it has a higher magnesium content. And it is known to help perfectly strengthen the heart and is indispensable for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Heart training: pulse and its indicators

How to determine the intensity of training to achieve results? We determine the maximum heart rate, it is individual. You need to subtract the number of your age from 220. The result obtained is your maximum heart rate. The heart improves at 50-60% of the maximum heart rate. At the same time, the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves. A rise in heart rate to 80% of the maximum covers a larger number of blood vessels, pulmonary ventilation increases, and the size and strength of the heart increases. Training in the red line zone (80-90% of the maximum) is carried out in good physical shape, under medical supervision.

Contraindications for training

Cardio exercise should not be performed under the following conditions:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • boil, especially on the face;
  • angina;
  • exacerbation of arthritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, thrombophlebitis;
  • acute allergic disease;
  • acute pain in any part of the body;
  • first days of menstruation, uterine bleeding;
  • increased blood pressure above 130/80 mmHg. Art.
  • poor health, lack of strength for training.

Remember that the main thing is not to harm your health. Training should be fun and not cause irritation and laziness. It is believed that after 21 days of repeating the same action, it becomes a habit. We advise you to develop a commitment to cardio training, this will keep your body young and strong, help you recover from stress, lose weight and find harmony between excellent internal condition and excellent external physical shape.

We are developing further

Don't forget that training your heart and developing your endurance should receive equal attention. All stages of increasing the intensity of exercises must be completed gradually, slowly, so as not to harm the heart and blood vessels and develop their endurance. The key to success is regularity. If you go to the pool or ride a bike several times a week, then morning exercises should be done daily. In addition to the previously recommended shaking and turning, we recommend a number of exercises for the heart and blood vessels:

  1. Walking on your toes, raising your knees high.
  2. Hands above your head in a lock, legs apart. Deep bends to the sides.
  3. Hands to the sides, bring them together, slap your shoulders.
  4. Rotation of the arms forward – up – backward and vice versa.
  5. Simulation of cycling in a lying position.
  6. Cross-shaped movements of the legs at a height of 30-40 centimeters from the floor in a lying position.

Recommended Exercises

Main types of training sessions:

  • jumping rope, exercises with dumbbells, expander;
  • classes without additional equipment: push-ups, bends, lunges, jumps and others;
  • use of exercise equipment: stepper, bicycle ergometer, ellipsoid or treadmill;
  • outdoor training: regular and Nordic walking, running, swimming, cycling, roller skating, skiing.

Each person can choose the type of training that suits them best. The main thing in the exercises is not to overload the heart, allowing it to work exactly in the mode that it tolerates without excessive stress.

Strengthening the heart and folk recipes

It is very important that the heart muscle receives the necessary vitamins; training alone cannot do this. Here are some tips from healers:

  1. Mix chopped dried apricots, walnuts, figs, lemon with peel, raisins, honey. Take 250 grams of everything. Keep refrigerated. Take a tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Take a tablespoon of hawthorn for one and a half glasses of water and boil for thirty minutes. Drink a quarter glass three times before meals.
  3. Take 10 grams of lemon balm, St. John's wort, birch leaves, 30 grams of fireweed. Steam a tablespoon per 300 ml of water. Take a glass three times a day.
  4. Place a tablespoon of buckwheat in 500 ml of water and leave for 2 hours. Drink one glass three times.
  5. Pour five tablespoons of rosemary herb into 100 ml of vodka and leave for 7 days. Take twenty-five drops three times half an hour before meals.

“Training the heart is the key to health”, “Increasing the volume of the heart and training the cardiovascular system is very important for almost every person”, “We want to tell you how it is possible to prolong the life of the heart with the help of heart training”, etc.
and so on. - we are actively convinced that everyone has an untrained heart, even those who do strength training, since when climbing the stairs to the third floor, slight shortness of breath appears and the pulse increases. The trainer is persistently forced to include training for the development of the cardiovascular system in training programs. Moreover, when planning training, you should initially train your heart and endurance, and only after that move on to strength training.

Broad Bone will not tolerate this and will not allow you to! However, we warn you right away: this article only applies to people with a healthy heart . If you have any heart pathologies, then this is a topic for a separate conversation.

Cardio workout for the heart

Let me surprise you: you don’t need to train your heart ! *Faints* The human heart is very strong and resilient. By regularly driving blood through the entire body, it creates such monstrous pressure that it can push a stream of blood to a length of 9 meters.

It is constantly being reduced, without rest, reaching a huge figure of more than 40,000,000 reductions per year.

The main muscle of your body is not your butt, or even your abs, but your heart. At the same time, the heart muscle is the most trained muscle in our body with minor features. The main differences between the heart muscle include:

the heart consists entirely of oxidative muscle fibers and runs only on fats ,

the heart works without interruption and at full capacity always, from birth to death,

the heart muscle is, as it were, suspended and has a reserve of space to increase its own size.

Let's take a closer look at the first point. In general, muscle fibers are oxidative and glycolytic . Oxidative (red) ones work by oxidizing fatty acids and glucose; their work requires oxygen, and glycolytic (white) ones work on anaerobic (without access to oxygen) glycolysis.

Oxidative fibers are more durable and least strong, while glycolytic fibers have an extremely short duration of work (about a minute), but have the greatest power and contractile force. There is also a difference between them in the number of mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the energy stations of the cell (see article on how to lose weight ), the source of cell energy. Located in the cytoplasm of every cell, mitochondria are comparable to “batteries” that produce, store and distribute the energy necessary for the cell.

Oxidative fibers are surrounded by many mitochondria, unlike glycolytic fibers . Therefore, oxidative fibers are the most efficient and practically tireless, but weak.

Our heart consists of only oxidative muscle fibers and many mitochondria. This means that the heart practically cannot gain weight, because it never acidifies, unlike most other muscles in the body.

Imagine for a second that if the heart became acidic, it would increase in muscle mass, namely in contractile organelles - myofibrils. Unlike other muscles, the heart works absolutely always; the poor thing is not given even a small break.

If the heart gains muscle mass, its conductivity will deteriorate, just as a pipe with a thicker wall will pass less water than a pipe with a thinner one with the same outer diameter.

Therefore, with the growth of the walls of the heart muscle, diseases inevitably begin , for example, hypertension, because the blood needs remain the same, and in order to pass the same amount of blood through a smaller heart per unit of time, you need to increase the pressure, arrhythmia and the end point - myocardial infarction, when the heart is completely unable to pump blood through itself.

In fact, the biggest problem is that people initially misunderstand the goals of cardio training. The main goal of any cardio training is to increase the volume (not to be confused with increasing muscle mass!) of the left atrium.

Those. we need to stretch the walls of the heart, not enlarge them ! This is a very important point that almost everyone misses. There is no need to enlarge the heart under any circumstances.

There is a real danger of enlarging the heart if you force it to beat above 180 times per minute . At this rate, it simply cannot relax. Without relaxation, hypoxia occurs - lack of oxygen, and here the heart begins to acidify, because. Mitochondria cannot function without oxygen. The current situation contributes to the growth of muscle mass of the heart.

A big heart is bad, dangerous and unhealthy! And if acidification continues for too long or too often, it leads to myocardial infarction. After all, the body’s reserve forces are not limitless; following a sharply increasing load, new capillaries in a hypertrophied heart may not have time to grow. Muscle cells do not receive the required amount of nutrition and die.

Dead cells inhibit neuromuscular conduction from the sinoatrial node, which leads to disruption of heart cells, which inhibit neuromuscular conduction, which leads to cardiac arrhythmia.

Plus, dead cells are replaced by connective tissue with the formation of scars, and this leads to chronic heart failure. When a large number of cardiac tissue cells die simultaneously, myocardial infarction occurs.

In other words, the heart can be large due to such “dead” tissue, but living heart cells occupy a smaller area. This is myocardial dystrophy or so-called. "athletic heart "

In such cases, you simply need to consult a doctor, because it is a matter of life and death! Such a heart needs to stretch its thickened walls so that it can pump blood as efficiently as before, but only under the supervision of a doctor .

Conclusion - there is no need to enlarge the heart, it needs to be “stretched”.

Exercise therapy for cardiovascular diseases

The therapeutic effect of regular physical exercise is manifested primarily in improving the activity of the cardiovascular system (hereinafter referred to as CVS). Exercise therapy activates all the main and auxiliary hemodynamic factors : cardiac, extracardiac, vascular, etc. During exercise, the coronary vessels dilate, the volume of circulating blood increases, the number of functioning capillaries and collaterals in the skeletal muscles and myocardium increases, due to which redox effects in them increase processes and metabolism. In turn, this is accompanied by an increase in myocardial contractility. Physical exercise also has a positive effect on auxiliary factors of blood circulation : the elasticity of the arteries increases, the capillaries dilate, which leads to an increase in blood flow to organs and tissues, and the circulation of blood and lymph accelerates.

During physical activity, the functioning of such important extracardiac circulatory factors as the respiratory movements of the chest and diaphragm improves. Breathing exercises provoke an increased flow of venous blood to the heart muscle due to rhythmic cyclic changes in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure. As a result of training the overall tone of the body increases , tolerance to physical activity increases, and positive dynamics of lipid metabolism and blood coagulation indicators are observed.

Strength exercises increase the general adaptive capabilities of the body, its resistance to various stressful influences, thus providing mental relaxation and increasing the emotional state of the patient.

All this predetermines the widespread use of exercise therapy for most cardiovascular diseases for the purpose of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and secondary prevention.

Contraindications for exercise therapy for cardiovascular diseases are temporary. It is not used in the acute stage of rheumatic heart disease, endocarditis and myocarditis, in severe cardiac arrhythmias, the presence of aneurysms of the heart, aorta and other vessels, in high blood pressure (over 220/120 mm Hg), in moments of frequent and high-intensity attacks, as well as pain in the heart area, with increasing circulatory failure, body temperature above 38 “C, and severe complications in other organs.

Myocardial infarction (MI)

Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction includes movement regimen, physical therapy and massage. Physical training of patients is based on the principle of constantly increasing loads. Physical exercise helps reduce or disappear angina attacks, improve exercise tolerance, reduce the number of exacerbations of coronary artery disease, prevent relapses of myocardial infarction, and improve the psychological state of patients. The mechanism of action of physical training in patients with myocardial infarction (and in general with ischemic heart disease) is associated with a positive effect on hemodynamics (decreasing heart rate, blood pressure, increasing stroke and minute volumes, myocardial contractility), lipid metabolism, as well as improving oxygen transport and oxygen supply to tissues , increasing myocardial tolerance to ischemia, economizing the work of the heart.

There are three periods in the rehabilitation of patients with MI : inpatient, recovery and maintenance. After relief of the pain syndrome and in the absence of severe complications, on the 2-3rd day of the patient’s stay in the hospital, one of four functional classes is assigned to him and an appropriate physical rehabilitation program is prescribed, which at the inpatient stage is approximately divided into 4 stages of increasing physical activity. For each stage of motor activity, appropriate complexes of therapeutic exercises have been developed. The difficulty of the exercises, pace of execution, power expended and work increase in accordance with the patient's level of activity.

  • At the first stage (under bed rest), a complex of PH is performed lying on the back, which, as a rule, includes only static breathing exercises, as well as exercises for small and medium muscle groups, and training in vigorous turning on the right side. The duration of the LH procedure is 10-12 minutes; classes are conducted individually. It is recommended that the patient sit down with the help of a nurse 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.
  • The second stage (the ward period) includes sitting on the bed with legs down for 1/3 of an hour several times a day, transferring to a chair, and walking around the ward. LH (including hygienic gymnastics) is carried out individually or in a small group method, in a sitting position, lasting 10-15 minutes.
  • The third stage of physical activity contains the period from the first independent exit into the corridor to the first walk on the street. Patients walk along the corridor from 50 to 200 m at a slow pace, first in 2-3 steps, and then without restrictions, climb one flight and later one floor of the stairs. A PH complex is prescribed, which includes small-group exercises in the initial sitting and standing position for up to 20 minutes.
  • The fourth stage (free mode) includes going for a walk, walking at a pace of 70-80 steps per 1 minute over a distance of 500-900 m in 1-2 steps, then the walking pace increases to 80-90 steps per 1 minute, and the distance to 1 - 1.5 km. Walk outside up to 2-3 km in 2-3 steps at a pace of 80 - 100 steps (or the optimal pace for the patient).

The optimal walking pace is calculated by the formula:

Y = 0.042 * X1+0.15 * X2+65.5,

where the desired Y is the required walking pace, X1 is the threshold load power (kg*m/min), X2 is the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle during a load of threshold power.

The threshold load power is determined using a bicycle ergometer, a treadmill, or climbing a step (step test).

LH classes are carried out in a group method in a sitting and standing position, the intensity and density of therapeutic exercises is expanded.

With proper activation of patients, the increase in heart rate at the peak of the load and in the first 3 minutes after it should not be more than 20 beats per 1 minute, breathing - by 10 respiratory movements per 1 minute. The rise in systolic blood pressure should not exceed 20-40 mmHg. Art., diastolic - 10 mm Hg. Art. If, with the expansion of the motor regime, any complications develop and the patient’s well-being worsens, a temporary reduction in the volume of physical activity and a decrease in the rate of activation is allowed. This program should prepare patients for transfer to a rehabilitation unit or for discharge to outpatient treatment.

At the inpatient stage of rehabilitation, physical activity of patients with myocardial infarction includes morning hygienic exercises, exercise therapy, training of small muscle groups, dosed walking, walking on stairs, cycling, physical exercise in water, games, etc. There are 4 stages of activity with a gradual increase in load. During the LH process, complex exercises are performed for all muscle groups in combination with proper breathing, special training for balance, attention span, coordination of movements and proper relaxation. It is rational to use exercises with equipment and objects. The duration of LH increases from 20 to 40 minutes. The duration of the training walk increases from 300 m at a pace of 70 steps and heart rate - 90-100 beats per minute to 2-3 km at a pace of 100-120 steps. Peak loads (heart rate - 100-120 beats per minute) are recommended 4-6 times a day for up to 3-6 minutes. The walking distance increases from 2-4 km to 7-10 km with a total duration of 1-1.5 hours to 2.5 hours. The pace of walking should be less intense than training walking by about 10-20 steps per minute. Training walking on the stairs is carried out 2 hours after eating from 1 to 3-4 times a day. The pace of climbing the stairs can be slow, average and fast. Upon returning home, patients should be able to climb the stairs without outside help to the 4th-5th floor. Training on a bicycle ergometer is carried out every other day, and with good tolerance and high tolerance to physical activity - daily. Outdoor and sports games without competitive elements are carried out under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor. They have a pronounced tonic effect and create a favorable psycho-emotional background.

Physical training is not limited only to the described types of exercise therapy and may include other activities: therapeutic swimming, special gymnastic systems, etc.

The dispensary and polyclinic rehabilitation period for a significant number of patients who have suffered an MI is the longest. At this stage, the physical activity of patients includes exercise therapy, dosed walking, sports games, and intense physical training (as indicated).

The amount of physical activity is determined depending on the functional class. Based on the results of tests with dosed exercise, patients are divided into conditionally 4 functional classes (FC), the division into which is based on the limits of maximum oxygen consumption. In FC I, LH is performed in training mode for up to 30-40 minutes (heart rate - up to 140 beats per minute). Sports games (table tennis, badminton, volleyball, etc.), measured walking, jogging, skiing, and swimming are widely used. In FC II, LH is carried out in a gentle training mode for up to 30 minutes with a heart rate of up to 130 beats per minute. It is recommended to take short-term (up to 10 minutes) participation in non-competitive sports games, measured walking, jogging at a moderate pace, cycling, and swimming under the supervision of medical staff. In FC III, LH lasts up to 20 minutes with a heart rate of up to 110 beats per minute. It is recommended to walk at an average pace without acceleration. Running, sports games, swimming, and cycling are contraindicated for patients. For patients with FC IV, only individual LH classes are carried out in a gentle mode for 15-20 minutes with a heart rate of up to 90-100 beats per minute; walking at a pace of 60-70 steps per minute without elements of acceleration is recommended.

Patients who have had an MI for at least 4 months and have FC II-III are recommended to undergo long-term physical training for 12 months for half an hour to an hour 3 times a week using gymnastic exercises, running, training on a bicycle ergometer, and sports games. Loads should range from 50-60% of the threshold at the beginning and up to 80-90% by the end of the year. For patients with FC IV, training is carried out in the hospital for up to 8 weeks with a load of 50% of the individual peak (threshold) power (usually 50-100 kg * m/min) 5 times a week, starting from 3 minutes and up to 30 minutes.

Contraindications to long-term physical training: aneurysm of the heart and aorta, low-tension angina, rest and unstable angina, severe disturbances and disruptions of heart rhythm and conduction, circulatory failure of the 2nd degree and higher, increased diastolic pressure above 110 mm Hg. , dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, concomitant diseases that interfere with training.

Arterial hypertension

The objectives of exercise therapy for arterial hypertension are: normalizing the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in the subcortex of the brain, increasing the reactivity of the vascular system, improving peripheral circulation and the functionality of external respiration, training the vestibular apparatus, reducing increased muscle tone, optimizing blood and lymph circulation in the abdominal and pelvic areas , stimulation of metabolism, reduction of psycho-emotional stress, adaptation and adaptation of the body to increasing physical activity.

It is recommended to include physical therapy in the complex of exercise therapy, cyclic exercises (metered walking, running, swimming, skiing and others), cycling, walking and cycling; short-range tourism, massage and self-massage are very useful.

Features of PH in arterial hypertension are combinations of general strengthening training for all muscle groups and special exercises (volitional muscle relaxation, special breathing exercises with lengthening of exhalation, exercises for the vestibular apparatus, etc.). Exercises in an isotonic mode of light intensity, but of medium and long duration, the most beneficial effect on the body Isotonic exercises are performed with full amplitude, always without holding the breath or excessive straining, with cyclic alternation of muscle groups involved in the movement. Exercises containing bending, turning the torso and head are performed with caution. The LH technique for patients with arterial hypertension of the 1st and 2nd degrees is similar. For patients with arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree, a low load in the PH procedure corresponds to the beginning of the course, and a medium load corresponds to its second half; for patients with arterial hypertension of the 1st degree, an average load is applied at the beginning of the course, and a large load at the end. In the first days of the procedure, LH is performed in the initial position lying down, then sitting and standing. During bed or ward rest, PH is carried out individually or in a small group method, and as the condition improves in an outpatient setting - in a group method.

Depending, again, on the functional class of physical performance, a patient with arterial hypertension is prescribed dosed walking, training on a bicycle ergometer, and exercises in water. The intensity of aerobic exercise should be 50-60% of the maximum, and the duration of classes should be 15-30 minutes at least 3 times a week. The load should be increased gradually, constantly monitoring the reaction of the cardiovascular system during exercise.

Contraindications to the use of exercise therapy for arterial hypertension: severe form of hypertension, a condition after a hypertensive crisis or a sharp decrease in blood pressure with a deterioration in the well-being and general condition of the patient, as well as a severe form of heart or cardiovascular failure; Aerobic exercise is contraindicated if blood pressure is above 180/110 mmHg. Art.

Absolute contraindications to cycling exercises in patients with arterial hypertension are: frequent attacks of angina pectoris, severe heart rhythm disturbances, aneurysms of the heart, aorta and other vessels, renal failure, severe retinopathy, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, heart failure of the 2nd degree and higher, thrombophlebitis .

Chronic heart failure

The objectives of exercise therapy in the early stages are to maintain and increase the functional capabilities of patients, in the later stages - to prevent complications associated with physical inactivity and the severity of the condition.

In physical therapy classes for the initial stage of chronic heart failure, the main focus in the first half of the course is on stimulating extracardiac circulatory factors, followed by training the heart muscle with increasing physical activity . The load starts at 50% of the threshold power and is increased to 75-80% by the end of the course. The density of classes gradually increases from 40 to 70%. The duration of the procedures is 25-30 minutes. The exercise therapy complex includes short runs at a leisurely pace, measured walking, swimming, skiing, outdoor games, and hardening. Running and sports games with elements of competition are contraindicated

In the later stages of heart failure, the main form of exercise therapy is PH, while the starting position during exercise is determined by the motor mode of the patients. For grade IIA circulatory failure, exercises for all muscle groups are used in combination with static breathing exercises lasting 10-15 minutes. With IV degree circulatory failure, the load is reduced due to fewer repetitions of exercises and an incomplete range of movements. Procedures lasting 8-12 minutes are repeated several times a day. But in case of circulatory failure of the third degree, it is possible to use exercises for small and medium muscle groups in combination with static breathing exercises (with prolonged exhalation) for 7-10 minutes (only with the reverse development of clinical signs of the disease).

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Your half hour of walking on a treadmill or ellipse after or before training has no effect on your heart training.

If you do strength training, then you don't need additional heart training.

In principle, you don’t need to bother with such thoughts at all if you go to the gym just for fun and are neither a professional athlete nor an amateur athlete (like you compete at local powerlifting competitions).

Each of us knows from childhood that the heart is the most important organ in our body. But few people seriously think about the colossal work this small muscle does.

The heart rate of a healthy person ranges from 72 beats per minute in men, and 75 in women. This means that during the day the heart muscle makes approximately one hundred thousand movements.

The organ pumps 5-30 liters of blood per minute; in a year, the amount of blood processed by the heart reaches 36 million liters. Just think about these fantastic figures! Therefore, the issue of strengthening the heart muscle is relevant for any gender and different ages.

Light breath of beauty

"Everyone hears how he breathes,

As he breathes, so he writes...”

(Bulat Okudzhava)

In the arsenal of tools that we use, trying to be healthy, look younger and more beautiful, very often we miss such an important tool as breathing.

It seemed that breathing could be more natural; we don’t even think about it and only notice it when we don’t have enough air and it becomes difficult to breathe. But our body is not at all indifferent to how we breathe, shallowly or deeply, quickly or slowly - this determines how much oxygen enters the blood.

If our blood is fully enriched with oxygen, the body effectively gets rid of toxins, the immune system is strengthened, the wound healing process is faster, nerve fibers are strengthened, the skin becomes elastic and beautiful.

Of course, all this depends not only on correct breathing, there are other important factors, but also on breathing, but we pay much less attention to it than, say, choosing a diet or choosing cosmetics. But in vain! By breathing in a certain way, you can achieve a variety of goals, cope with various ailments and disabilities.

There are a huge variety of breathing exercises systems and techniques.

from the general strengthening and universal Chinese Qi-Gong and Indian Pranoyama, to breathing exercises according to Buteyko, which helps with asthma. There is also a method of paradoxical breathing according to Strelnikova
. It was developed to restore and expand the vocal range of professional singers, but the range of problems for which this technique proved effective subsequently expanded greatly, including bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, chronic runny nose and sinusitis, hypotension, heart failure, arrhythmia, stuttering, osteochondrosis. According to the testimony of people who have practiced this gymnastics, it also helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia, angina pectoris, varicose veins and some women's diseases.

The question arises, with the help of which breathing exercises can you most effectively lose excess weight, improve your skin, and look younger? Maybe there are special sets of breathing exercises designed specifically for this purpose? Yes, there are such methods!

Wisdom of the East

People in the East have long known about the miracles that can be achieved by performing certain breathing exercises. Thus, in the medical books of Ancient China it is written that if you strictly follow the rules of breathing, you can live up to 360 years. Well, maybe 360 ​​years is an exaggeration, but even now in Chinese sanatoriums, breathing exercises are often the main method of treatment for many diseases and disorders in the body.

There are also special breathing exercises for weight loss in China - Jianfei gymnastics

. The name can be translated as “lose fat.” The complex is very simple and consists of only three exercises - “Wave”, “Frog” and “Lotus”. But it’s not surprising that by doing them daily, preferably 3 times a day, you can get rid of excess weight in a very short time and generally improve your health.

• The first exercise in the complex is “Wave”

- dulls the feeling of false hunger and fights excessive appetite. In the classic version, it is performed while lying down (although you can also sit, stand, or walk). So, lie down on the mat on your back, legs bent at the knees (90 degree angle between the thigh and shin), feet on the floor, one palm on the chest, the other on the stomach. When performing breathing movements, they will help us a little.

When inhaling, we straighten and fill the chest and draw in the stomach; when exhaling, on the contrary, we inflate the stomach and lower the chest. This creates a “wave”! The pace of breathing is normal for you, there is no need to speed up or slow down. But if you feel a little dizzy, breathe more slowly. To begin with, 40 complete cycles (inhale-exhale) are enough, then you can increase them to 60 and perform them only when you feel an attack of false hunger.

• Second exercise “Frog”

. Performed while sitting on a chair. The knees are shoulder-width apart, the angle between the thigh and lower leg is 90-70 degrees. We clench our left hand into a fist and cover it with our right palm (vice versa for men), we place our elbows on our knees, and rest our forehead on the fist. Now you can close your eyes and relax. Think positive and smile.

When you are completely tuned in, you can start the exercise, eyes closed. Focus, now is the most important thing! We take a free breath through the nose and draw the air into the abdominal area, without weakening our attention. Now exhale lightly, slowly through your mouth. The abdomen gradually becomes relaxed and soft.

Again we take a slow breath through the nose, the lower abdomen gradually fills with air and swells, hold our breath for 2 seconds, then again take one additional short breath and begin to exhale slowly.

The sequence is as follows: inhale-exhale-inhale-hold-short inhale-exhale. Why "frog"? It's simple - when you breathe, your stomach swells and stretches like a frog's, while your chest remains motionless. The exercise should be performed for about 15 minutes, 3 times a day (except for critical days).

Performing the “Frog” improves metabolism (hence weight loss), stimulates blood circulation, increases tone, in addition, it is an excellent massage of internal organs and improves skin condition.

• The third exercise of the complex is “Lotus”

. The Lotus pose is well known to everyone who has done at least a little yoga. So, let’s sit in the Lotus pose, you can just sit on your buttocks, legs in front of you crosswise, left leg on top of the right (vice versa for men). You can perform the exercise while sitting on a chair as in “The Frog”.

Place your hands on your legs in front of your stomach (or on your knees), palms facing up. Straighten your lower back slightly, lower your shoulders, chin down, eyes closed, the tip of your tongue touches the upper palate, relax your body and soul, think about good things.

The first stage of the exercise, 5 minutes, we control the breathing process

We breathe deeply, easily, naturally, silently, the movements of the chest and abdomen are imperceptible. Second stage, 5 minutes – control the exhalation
We inhale naturally, we don’t control it, but when we exhale we try to relax and exhale the air deeply, evenly, for a long time. Third stage, 10 minutes – do not control breathing
. neither inhale nor exhale. We breathe naturally, but at the same time we maintain the feeling that the breath is there, it is nearby, try not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts, if they arise, do not pay attention to them, just switch to the feeling of the breath. The exercise can be performed in combination with the “Frog”, or separately, at any time (morning, afternoon, evening). This simple meditation serves to calm and relax, improves metabolism, relieves fatigue, and improves appearance.

Western rationality

The most popular breathing technique for gaining slimness, vigor and health, which today is offered by the rational and pragmatic West, is the “Bodyflex” technique.

The essence of the Bodyflex technique is deep breathing plus exercises for flexibility and muscle strengthening. There are a total of 26 exercises in the complex, of which the first 12 are most often performed; each exercise is designed to strengthen a specific muscle group. For example, the “lion” exercise for the facial muscles is an “ugly grimace” for the neck muscles, and the “Seiko” exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles of the outer thighs, etc.

The basis of each exercise is belly breathing, or diaphragm breathing. This is a more physiological and correct breathing, which we breathed in childhood, but with age we forgot this method of breathing and switched to chest breathing. With deep diaphragm breathing, the blood is well saturated with oxygen, all the cells of the body self-clean, the body becomes strong, and immunity increases.

Breathing in Bodyflex is performed in 5 stages and begins with exhalation:

- exhale (pull in the stomach),

- take a deep breath (push your stomach out),

- strong exhalation,

- hold the breath

- lower your head (if the exercises are not done lying down), pull in your stomach and take the main pose. Holding your breath, remain in this position for 8-10 seconds.

To achieve success and maximum effect, there is a prerequisite: do this breathing exercise every day for 15 minutes in the morning on an empty stomach!

Well, all that’s left to do is choose a set of breathing exercises that suits you best, and spend some of your free time doing these exercises every day. A positive result will not keep you waiting - slimness, vigor, beautiful healthy skin and a great mood every day!

What causes the heart muscle to weaken?

Many more people around the world die from heart disease than, for example, from AIDS. Cardiologists say that nature has programmed the functioning of the heart for a period of about 120-150 years. Here are the reasons why the work and condition of the heart muscle deteriorates and weakens:

  • Chronic inflammation of the arterial walls caused by the consumption of refined foods (sugars, carbohydrates, vegetable fats), which disrupt the natural ratio of fatty acids in the body. For humans, the optimal ratio of omega-6 acid to omega-3 acid is 3:1; with increased consumption of vegetable oils and a lack of animal fats, the balance shifts to 15:1 or more. Healthy walls of blood vessels and heart muscle do not accumulate cholesterol, unlike inflamed arteries.
  • Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Excess weight, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Immunity and metabolic disorders.
  • Psycho-emotional stress and stress.
  • The influence of external factors (bad environment and others).

Long-term use of drugs that help strengthen the myocardium has a good effect: asparkam, riboxin, panangin, cocarboxylase, which restore the metabolism of cardiac cells and electrolytic cellular balance.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, global mortality from diseases of the heart muscle and circulatory system amounted to 17.9 million people on the planet, 31% of all deaths.

About the need for a correct lifestyle

An important component of measures to strengthen the heart is following simple life rules. It should be noted that giving up bad habits helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The negative impact of some of them is manifested as follows:

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking provoke arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased heart rate, and vasoconstriction. In addition, the blood supply to the heart is disrupted, resulting in oxygen starvation. Such disorders cause coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction.
  2. Constant emotional stress and stressful situations are accompanied by the production of adrenaline and cortisol. This is a direct path to an increase in heart rate and, as a result, disruption of cardiac activity.
  3. Violation of the regime does not provide the heart with rest, which involves relaxation of the heart during a full eight-hour sleep.

Eliminating bad habits and paying close attention to your health will help you avoid the negative impact of these factors on the condition of the heart muscle.

The integrated use of the described methods significantly reduces the risk of serious complications.

Willpower, perseverance and following the recommendations of specialists will provide complete protection to the most important organ - the heart. Preventive measures will protect him from pathological damage and emotional turmoil.

The heart is nothing more than a muscle, which means it can be trained. By starting with small daily exercises and then gradually increasing them, you will improve the overall health of the organ and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease. However, exercise alone is not a panacea; it must be combined with proper nutrition, monitoring blood cholesterol levels and a healthy lifestyle.

Helpful information

What to do to keep your heart healthy and working like an “engine”:

  • Quit smoking - each cigarette smoked causes a narrowing of the arteries for 30 minutes, thereby increasing the load on the myocardium. A person who smokes has a heart that wears out faster. If people stopped smoking, 1.6 million fewer people would die per year. By the way, if you are no more than 35 years old and have quit smoking, there is a 100% chance of completely restoring the functioning of the myocardium and blood system.
  • Sleep for at least 8 hours – the risk of becoming overtired after lack of sleep (and, accordingly, the load on the cardiovascular system) increases by 70%.
  • It is worth walking to work (if possible), parking your car away from your place of work to take a walk. Do not use the elevator. Go for walks in the evening. Just half an hour of moderate physical activity a day has a beneficial effect on myocardial function. However, excessive physical activity is harmful (the myocardium thickens and functions worse).
  • Half of the menu consists of vegetables and fruits; split meals are used 5-6 times a day with a minimum of salt (3 grams per day). Reducing the amount of salt to 3-4 grams reduces the risk of heart disease by 10-12%.
  • Having sex twice a week reduces the risk of heart disease by about 45%.
  • A morning contrast shower (only 15 minutes) helps strengthen the myocardium and immunity.
  • Control your weight; too much body weight is a risk of developing various diseases.
  • They try to spend their weekends outdoors, on the move, and not in front of the computer or TV.

In order for the heart to be resilient and strong, it is necessary to constantly train it, take care of nutrition and rest, eliminating excessive loads and stress from life.

What is synovitis of the knee joint and how is it treated? Is it possible to treat dyscirculatory encephalopathy at home? What folk remedies are used for bile stagnation? Answers to these and many other questions on traditional medicine can be found in the articles of our authors.

Tell me, what folk therapy remedies and recipes do you use to strengthen your heart?

Breathing exercises for heart failure

The benefits of exercise for human health are beyond doubt, and breathing exercises for heart failure are a valuable therapeutic and preventive tool.

But they should not be confused with yoga classes. Breathing exercises are an aerobic exercise that is beneficial in many ways.

It can be practiced at any age, in almost any physical condition and with various pathologies.

The benefits of breathing exercises have been scientifically proven; doctors themselves strongly recommend it to their patients. Such rehabilitation often helps even very seriously ill patients. Another advantage is that it does not require any sports equipment or other equipment.

The benefits of breathing exercises

There is a direct relationship between the amount of oxygen in the blood and the performance of the cardiovascular system, hence the influence of the respiratory system on the functioning of the heart becomes obvious. Breathing exercises for heart failure use exercises that have the following positive effects:

  • promotes correct movements of the diaphragm, which begins to massage the abdominal organs;
  • provides more complete blood flow to the heart;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • accelerates gas exchange, blood and body cells are more intensively saturated with oxygen;
  • with a significant increase in the oxygen content in the blood, various metabolic processes begin to become more active;
  • increases lung capacity;
  • relieves anxiety and stress, calms the nervous system;
  • generally has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Breathing deeply relieves excess pressure from the lungs and diaphragm on the heart.

It has been noted that patients with angina pectoris who do breathing exercises are much less likely to experience attacks. With the help of breathing exercises, you can relieve swelling on the face and limbs, which is one of the signs of heart failure (you can read more about how to get rid of swelling in heart failure).

You can also get rid of congestion in the lungs. Arrhythmia begins to appear less often. The flow of blood into the brain becomes more intense, sufficient to nourish the nerve cells.


But breathing exercises for heart failure are not indicated for everyone. There are a number of diseases for which it cannot be done. These include:

  • radiculitis;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • damage to intervertebral cartilage and discs;
  • severe spinal injuries;
  • head injuries;
  • mental disorders;
  • various somatic pathologies;
  • bleeding;
  • post-infarction state;
  • uncontrolled increase in pressure.

If someone has one of these health problems, then he should first consult a medical specialist who will select a set of exercises that will not harm the patient’s health.

Breathing exercises for heart failure

Nowadays, many breathing exercises have been invented. Each of them has its own effect on the body, but it is always aimed at strengthening it. Techniques such as pranoyama and qi gong have become very popular.

Buteyko breathing exercises have been developed for people suffering from asthma. The method of paradoxical breathing developed by Strelnikova is intended for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, angina pectoris, and heart failure. You can study both methods in our article “Breathing exercises for cardiac arrhythmia.”

Jianfei Gymnastics

Many people have become convinced that Eastern breathing techniques can work wonders. Ancient Chinese medical books claimed that with proper breathing techniques, a person could live over 350 years.

Chinese breathing techniques are widely used by local hospitals today. One of these effective methods is Jianfei gymnastics, which includes three exercises that need to be done daily in the morning, afternoon and evening.

They are as follows:

"The Frog Making Waves"

It is most convenient to do this exercise while lying on your back on a gymnastics mat and bending your knees so that there is a right angle between the thigh and shin. In this case, your feet need to be pressed to the floor. Place one palm on your chest and the other on your stomach. As you inhale, straighten your chest, increasing its volume and at the same time drawing in your stomach. And while exhaling, on the contrary, inflate your stomach and relax your chest.

You should not change the pace of breathing, but maintain its natural rhythm. For beginners, it will be enough to take 40 inhalations and exhalations, and subsequently the number of movements can be increased by one and a half times.

“Wave” exercises:


To do this exercise, sit on a chair with your knees no wider than your shoulders. It is desirable that the angle between the thigh and lower leg be as close to straight as possible. Men need to clench their right hand into a fist and place their left hand on top of it, and women need to do this in a mirror image. In this case, the elbows should be on the knees. Next, lower your head down until your forehead touches your fist.

Before performing the exercise, you need to tune in: close your eyes, remember something pleasant, relax, you can even smile. The movements must be done with concentration and using the imagination, because the entire chain of movements will be done with your eyes closed.

Inhale through your nose, mentally imagining the air entering your lungs. This is followed by a light, smooth exhalation through the mouth. Gradually the stomach begins to relax.

After this, take the next breath and hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and, without exhaling, take another quick breath, after which you can proceed to a slow exhalation.

This sequence of movements should be done for 15 minutes, and repeated three times a day.

The result of this exercise will be the normalization of blood circulation and metabolic processes, massage of the thoracic and abdominal organs, as well as the activation of vitality.

This activity is not recommended for women during their menstrual periods.

“Frog” exercises:


You should take the well-known “lotus” pose. In this case, men need to put their right leg on their left, and women do the opposite. You can try sitting in this position on a chair. Place your hands on your knees or slightly higher with your palms facing up.

Lower your shoulders and straighten your back. Close your eyes and tilt your head slightly forward. Touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. In this position, it is important to relax psychologically and physically and try to think positively.

The following are three steps to this exercise:

  • breathing control - take deep, but at the same time natural and light inhalations and exhalations, without changing the volume of the stomach and chest - this stage should last 5 minutes;
  • control of exhalation - inhalation continues to be ordinary, and with a long, deep and even exhalation you should relax as much as possible - this stage has the same length;
  • “uncontrolled breathing” - maintain the naturalness of inhalation and exhalation, while the person must focus on breathing, feel it - the duration of this stage is 10 minutes.

With this exercise you can calm down, get rid of stress, relieve fatigue and improve metabolism.

Lotus exercises:

Breath of the Taoists

Taoists believed that human emotions reside precisely in the heart, and they recognized it as important that a person’s consciousness always remain pure.

Therefore, they paid special attention to maintaining the proper functioning of the heart. Their technique is based on exercises using a “healing heart sound”, reminiscent of a drawn-out “whoo-oo-oo”.

At the same time as pronouncing this sound, you need to lean to the right.

Read also: Decompensated heart failure

The stages of Taoist gymnastics are as follows:

  • Sit down, relax and lower your arms down, turning them palms out, close your eyes and concentrate on your heart rate.
  • Inhaling, raise your arms vertically and interlace your fingers above your head.
  • Turn your hands palms up and stretch your arms up, then lean to the right.
  • Open your eyes and, rounding your lips, pronounce a heart-healing sound while exhaling slowly.
  • You need to try to imagine the heart in a bag and, while pronouncing a healing sound, again imagine how excess heat along with negativity flows out of this bag. Then the heart is freed from the bag and flashes bright red.
  • Unlock your fingers after exhaling and lower your arms to the starting position.
  • Spend a little time in a busy position, imagining that your heart is filled with pure energy.

Similar exercises for shortness of breath due to heart failure can be repeated three times a day. With its help, you can improve the functioning of the myocardium and free yourself from negative emotions.

When choosing appropriate breathing exercises, a person should rely on his own feelings. Any set of exercises contributes to the overall health of the body and, in particular, reduces the effects of heart failure.

Source: https://starlab-mdc.ru/bolezni-serdtsa/serdechnaya-nedostatochnost/dyhatelnaya-gimnastika-pri-serdechnoj-nedostatochnosti.html

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