The appearance of xanthoma on the skin: a harmless symptom or a serious threat to the body
Symptoms and diagnostic methods Xanthelasma usually occurs in older people. Women get sick much more often
Shortness of breath at rest. Causes in elderly, young people, treatment
Causes and treatment of shortness of breath at rest and on exertion
Every person after physical activity feels a feeling of tightness in the chest, frequency and depth
Cotton legs with VSD: advice from experienced specialists
Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be called a disease, or it can be a syndrome that indicates dysfunction of the autonomic system.
What is an immunological blood test? Immunological blood test
Immunochemical blood test: preparation and interpretation of the main indicators If a couple cannot conceive a child
Heart pain with VSD
Why do heart pains bother you with VSD?
Irina Baranova Cardiologist Higher education: Cardiologist Kuban State Medical University (Kuban State Medical University, Kuban State Medical Academy, Kuban State Medical Institute) Level
Constant headache with vegetative vascular dystonia treatment
Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) is not classified as a separate disease. It is a collection of symptoms associated
Why does heart pain occur after stress?
In the human body, all organs and systems are interconnected. Any violation of one of
Cerebral angiography
What is selective cerebral examination using vascular angiography?
Cerebral angiography is a hardware diagnostic examination aimed at studying the condition of the cerebral vessels and
breathing problems due to coronavirus
Difficulty breathing due to coronavirus
What is shortness of breath? Before talking about how breathing becomes difficult with coronavirus, it is important
Appointment with a psychotherapist
Causes of panic attacks during VSD and methods of treatment
1Auto-training and psychotherapy It is very important for a patient suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic attacks to see a psychotherapist.
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