Why are veins visible through the skin? Why and how the veins on the legs are visible

Why do veins appear?

Common causes of veins:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. The reason for the appearance of blood vessels on the body is a physiological feature. It is inherited, usually through the female line. If apart from this, nothing else bothers a person, there is no reason to worry. For your own peace of mind, visit a phlebologist.
  2. Sudden weight loss. This reason is also not pathological. Subcutaneous fat tissue has become thinner. This is why the veins on the skin became visible. When you regain your previous weight, the vessels will no longer be visible. The vast majority of thin people have visible veins throughout their lives. This is no cause for concern.
  3. Phlebeurysm. If veins become visible throughout the body and they hurt, you should immediately visit a doctor. Obvious signs of the disease: pain, swelling, the appearance of nodes in areas of expansion. The disease can progress, so you shouldn’t delay visiting a phlebologist.
  4. Physical exercise. When playing sports or doing heavy work, the veins can also swell. Vessels appear on those parts of the body that are loaded more. This is a worrying sign. Reducing stress and regular rest will help. If this does not help, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  5. State of pregnancy. During pregnancy, women often experience similar problems. Therefore, they are found to have varicose veins much more often than the opposite sex.
  6. Use of combined contraceptive drugs. This group of contraceptives contains substances that provoke the occurrence of varicose veins. If such a problem occurs, the drug is discontinued or replaced. In this case, contacting a specialist is necessary.

Dilation of blood vessels on the body in pregnant women

Hormonal changes occur in the body of pregnant women, physical activity decreases, and excess weight is gained. All these are warning factors for varicose veins of the lower extremities. According to statistics, from 20 to 40 percent of pregnant women suffer from this problem.

To prevent varicose veins from appearing, you need to take preventive actions:

  • weight gain control;
  • wearing compression stockings or knee socks;
  • daily physical activity;
  • taking blood thinning medications (as prescribed by a doctor).

Following these simple rules will help prevent the onset of the disease.

The appearance of blood vessels on the skin of the chest in a pregnant or lactating woman is due to blood flow to the breast area. It is safe and goes away after lactation. But if the symptoms are pronounced and persist for a long time, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

Taking oral contraceptives for varicose veins

While taking contraceptives, varicose veins manifest themselves more strongly. Contraceptive oral contraceptives are available in two types: combined or non-combined.

It is not recommended to take drugs from the first group for varicose veins. Because they contain estrogens. These hormones thin the walls of blood vessels and thicken the blood. From this group, only microdosed drugs are safe. At the same time, you need to take blood thinning medications.

! If the signs of varicose veins increase, you need to stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Drugs of the second group are taken for any vascular condition. Non-combined drugs do not affect the thickness of the blood and the walls of blood vessels, since they do not contain estrogens.

Other causes of veins

Separately, it should be said that if vessels become visible throughout the body, perhaps this is a signal of the presence of a dangerous disease.

Most often this can be:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis.

Swollen veins in the legs

If the vessels are not swollen throughout the body, but only in the lower extremities, the reasons may be different. The most common of them is varicose veins. Women are more often affected than men. This happens due to hormonal changes throughout a woman’s life. Varicose veins are a progressive disease. Therefore, you need to monitor the disease with a doctor and undergo treatment.

To reduce the manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to take medications prescribed by the doctor. Compression stockings are effective. They should be worn when there is physical activity on the lower extremities. Special gymnastics along with physical therapy will also reduce the manifestation of the disease. Shoes must fit properly, without high heels.

And most importantly: your legs need rest! You should not do excessive exercise if you have this disease.

Other causes of changes in the blood vessels of the lower extremities: thrombophlebitis, diabetes, fatigue of the lower extremities.

Vein expansion in children

In this case we are talking about a congenital disease called venous dysplasia. It is formed during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, but it is impossible to determine it at this moment. You can guess that a child has this disease only after the baby is born and he shows visible signs of the disease. Unfortunately, this does not always happen on time. In some cases, venous dysplasia does not reveal itself for several years. Therefore, if veins suddenly become visible throughout the child’s body, you should immediately seek medical help.

Risk group

There are certain categories of people who are at risk of developing varicose veins.

These include:

  • athletes who lift weights or track and field athletes;
  • smoking women after 35 years. Scientists have long proven the relationship between smoking and varicose veins in women. Smoking in the opposite sex provokes the development of the disease to a lesser extent;
  • people, as part of their professional activities, who stand and walk a lot (salesmen, postmen, hairdressers, etc.);
  • overweight people;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • women taking combined oral contraceptives;
  • people with heredity associated with this disease;
  • elderly people suffering from heart disease, diabetes;
  • women who constantly wear narrow shoes with high heels.


The reasons for the appearance of veins throughout the body can be different. Not all of them are pathologies or signs of dangerous diseases. But if the manifestation of blood vessels is associated with pain or other negative phenomena, you should definitely visit a doctor.

If the veins on the arms, legs or chest are very visible, do not panic, but you need to consult a phlebologist. There may be several reasons for the sudden appearance of veins on the body, including both minor ones and those indicating the development of the disease.

Prevention of varicose veins

Such a dangerous and not very aesthetic disease can be prevented by following these recommendations:

  • Wear only comfortable shoes. Do not buy narrow, unstable shoes or small shoes.
  • Wear clothes that are not too tight on your body, especially your legs and arms.
  • If you lead a sedentary or standing lifestyle, do not neglect daily exercise and physical activity. Swimming and short walks will do you good.
  • Bring your weight back to normal, change your daily routine, give your body time for proper rest.
  • If you know about a tendency to varicose veins, be sure to visit a phlebologist from time to time.

The right shoes are importantThe right shoes are important.
Protruding veins showing through the skin are not only not very beautiful, but sometimes they are dangerous for your health. Do not ignore such signals from your body; consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will conduct the necessary research and select the most suitable treatment method.

Veins are visible on the legs, how to fight, what to do

The load on the legs when carrying loads is no less than on the whole body. It is not surprising that with excessive stress, the veins in the legs become more noticeable.

What to do in this case:

· contact a phlebologist for advice;

· Reduce the load on your legs if possible;

· temporarily until the reasons for refusing high-heeled shoes are clarified. At the same time, a completely flat sole is not useful: there should be a slight rise at the heel;

· reconsider your diet. Consume fluids in moderation and eat rationally. Do not overeat, but also do not sit on strict diets for a long time.

The same applies to cases when the veins on the arms become clearly visible, except, of course, in heels. Reducing the load, timely rest and nutrition should help. If there is no improvement, contact a phlebologist, surgeon or therapist. The doctor will assess your general condition and prescribe treatment.

Vein expansion in adults

When an adult suddenly and dramatically has veins protruding all over his body, there is justifiable concern. However, this phenomenon does not always indicate a disease. Sometimes veins appear as a result of prolonged physical activity or as a sign of natural age-related changes. But in this case, they should not cause any discomfort other than aesthetic ones. Signs such as:

  • feeling of heaviness in the limbs;
  • aching pain during exercise;
  • the surface of the protruding vessels is uneven, bumpy;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the affected limbs;
  • muscle weakness;
  • poor, prolonged wound healing;
  • formation of ulcers;
  • change in skin color in the affected area.

If the dilation of veins is due to obstruction of blood flow, the reason may be hidden in the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels. In this case, it is necessary to remove formations, which otherwise could cause blockage of blood vessels and local cessation of blood flow.

The inflammatory process that occurs in the cavity of the veins and affects their walls is called phlebitis. This phenomenon occurs as a complication of varicose veins, or as a consequence of internal infectious processes in the body. In both cases, pathogenic microflora forms a focus of inflammation, destroying the venous walls. Phlebitis of the superficial veins can cause veins throughout the body to become very visible. This disease has many forms, each of which requires immediate treatment as it can lead to serious complications.

For example, one of the most dangerous forms of phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, often leads to death. This happens because the process of inflammation of the venous wall is accompanied by the formation of a blood clot in the vascular lumen, which, due to tearing off, can move through the bloodstream and clog, for example, an artery of the respiratory system. In this case, sudden death occurs. Even if this does not happen, a blood clot wandering through the circulatory system will sooner or later provoke a blockage of the main vein. And this in turn will lead to the development of venous insufficiency.

Meanwhile, with timely consultation with a doctor and appropriate treatment, this disease is easy to eliminate. First, the patient is prescribed a detailed diagnosis to determine the condition of all blood vessels in the body, after which a course of antibacterial drugs that suppress the inflammatory process is prescribed. Additional therapeutic procedures may also be required.

If the veins on the arms, legs or chest are very visible, do not panic, but you need to consult a phlebologist. There may be several reasons for the sudden appearance of veins on the body, including both minor ones and those indicating the development of the disease.

Have you ever noticed clearly defined veins on your body before, but one day you saw them too clearly? This is not a reason to panic, but to see a doctor. Their clear outlines are not always a symptom of varicose veins. In addition to this disease, the causes may be:

Excessive physical activity. In this case, veins will most often appear on those parts of the body that are susceptible to overwork. For example, if you walk or stand a lot, your legs will react first. And if you are forced to carry heavy loads, then most often you will see veins on your arms;

· sharp reduction of subcutaneous fat cells. A strict diet or illness that causes sudden weight loss can cause the veins to become very visible. You can see this especially clearly in the example of professional bodybuilders and strength athletes;

· varicose veins. Unfortunately, this is a common cause of veins suddenly enlarging, making them more visible under the skin. This is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a health threatening condition.

If you notice changes in your arms or legs, contact your doctor. In the early stages of the disease, varicose veins are more treatable.

The load on the legs when carrying loads is no less than on the whole body. It is not surprising that with excessive stress, the veins in the legs become more noticeable.

What to do in this case:

· contact a phlebologist for advice;

· Reduce the load on your legs if possible;

· temporarily until the reasons for refusing high-heeled shoes are clarified. At the same time, a completely flat sole is not useful: there should be a slight rise at the heel;

· reconsider your diet. Consume fluids in moderation and eat rationally. Do not overeat, but also do not sit on strict diets for a long time.

The same applies to cases when the veins on the arms become clearly visible, except, of course, in heels. Reducing the load, timely rest and nutrition should help. If there is no improvement, contact a phlebologist, surgeon or therapist. The doctor will assess your general condition and prescribe treatment.

Women most often turn to a phlebologist with this problem in the last trimester of pregnancy or those who are breastfeeding in the first months. In this case, a consultation is not superfluous, however, such visualization of veins is not a pathology, but the norm for individual characteristics (thin skin or location close to the surface of the skin).

The woman’s body and her body are completely rebuilt to feed the baby, so the blood flow in the area of ​​the mammary glands becomes more intense, which causes the veins to stand out.

Now you know what to do if the veins are very visible. Take care of your health, undergo preventive examinations regularly.

The veins on the chest are clearly visible

Women most often turn to a phlebologist with this problem in the last trimester of pregnancy or those who are breastfeeding in the first months. In this case, a consultation is not superfluous, however, such visualization of veins is not a pathology, but the norm for individual characteristics (thin skin or location close to the surface of the skin).

The woman’s body and her body are completely rebuilt to feed the baby, so the blood flow in the area of ​​the mammary glands becomes more intense, which causes the veins to stand out.

Now you know what to do if the veins are very visible. Take care of your health, undergo preventive examinations regularly.

A condition in which the veins on the body are clearly visible does not indicate pathology. This visual effect may be associated with physiological characteristics or genetic predisposition. To be safe, it is better to consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. You should not delay the examination if, in addition to the strong appearance of veins under the skin, other unpleasant symptoms occur. They can be caused by varicose veins or another disease of the cardiovascular system. To prevent pathology, you should eat right, drink enough fluids, lead an active lifestyle and wear comfortable shoes.

“Swollen” veins - what is the degree of varicose veins?

Heavy loads on the legs, coupled with poor care and hereditary predisposition, lead to the veins in the legs swelling and becoming noticeable under the skin. There are a lot of unfavorable factors, they add up, their effect is aggravated by the lack of therapeutic and preventive measures.

Attention! Doctors diagnose varicose veins of the legs using the international CEAP scale, which describes 6 clinical classes (C). It is very important to correctly determine the class of the disease, since further treatment will depend on this.

There is debate in the scientific and medical community regarding the inclusion of the first two stages in CEAP. The fact is that at these stages the veins in the legs do not yet swell, that is, there is no actual varicose veins (the name in translation means “dilated vein”).

C0 - the very initial stage

The onset of the disease is also called “varicose veins without varicose veins.” The patient complains of unpleasant sensations that are usually present with varicose veins (heaviness, swelling of the legs, cramps in the calf muscles).

However, upon external examination and examination using ultrasound, signs of varicose veins are not detected. The observed symptoms may be manifestations of restless legs syndrome or other pathologies.

C1 - stage of “stars” and “spiders”

This is what people call telangiectasia - persistent dilation of the smallest blood vessels (venules, arterioles, capillaries). Under the skin, they appear as sinuous and intertwined lines up to 1 mm wide, in red, blue and purple colors. The vascular walls are not inflamed, but there are unpleasant sensations characteristic of C0.

C2 - “real” varicose veins

It is at this stage and subsequent ones that the veins in the legs are clearly visible as blue or dark blue “cords” and “nodules” protruding under the skin. After standing on your feet for a long time, sitting, or walking in high heels, swelling develops, bursting pain is felt, and heaviness in the area of ​​​​the feet and legs.

Why are veins visible all over the body?

Reasons why blood vessels on the body are very visible:

  • presence of varicose veins;
  • increased physical activity;
  • a sharp decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • anatomical features of the body structure;
  • close proximity of veins to the skin;
  • light skin tone;
  • the aging process of the body;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Only a phlebologist can identify the exact reason why the veins in the legs or other parts of the body become very visible after appropriate diagnosis.

The child's veins are visible as they mature and grow. This is due to physiology and changes in the body. In any case, if the veins begin to stand out sharply on the body, this is not a reason for panic, but simply a signal to see a doctor. If blood vessels appear on the lower extremities in the form of a web (mesh), this indicates the development of varicose veins.

Excess weight can cause vascular diseases.

The causes of its appearance may be diseases of the cardiovascular system, obesity, pregnancy or a genetic factor. Veins are often visible after intense physical activity in those areas of the body where there was maximum tension. In this case, this is a temporary phenomenon and they will quickly disappear. Ultrasound diagnostics will help identify the factors that cause this visual effect.

Very important! Andreeva E.: “I can recommend only one remedy for the quick treatment of varicose veins” read more.

Drug treatment

If at the end of the day or after training the veins in the foot are swollen, then sometimes it is enough to take a shower and lie down with your legs elevated. Then the vessels can return to their normal state. At the second stage of varicose veins, simple measures no longer help. You need to take phlebotonic drugs and use ointments with the same effect.

Advice! In the first stages of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear elastic socks and stockings, which act as artificial support for weak vein walls (compression therapy).

You can undergo a Doppler examination of the veins of the lower extremities. Specialists will determine the degree of varicose veins and prescribe treatment in accordance with the diagnosis. Eliminating the causes that lead to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the legs will take a long period of time. A quick cosmetic effect can be achieved using microsclerotherapy or other methods of getting rid of venous nodes.

In more severe cases, various technologies of “gluing”, “soldering” or pulling the damaged vessel through a small puncture are used. Mostly modern, minimally invasive techniques are used; classical surgical operations to remove damaged sections of veins are performed less frequently.

Laser treatment of varicose veins is becoming an effective and modern method of low-traumatic surgical intervention - laser treatment of affected vessels (“sealing”) causes cessation of blood flow and emptying of blood vessels.

This reduces the severity of the cosmetic defect, which is so noticeable with varicose veins, but does not affect the cause of the disease and the mechanism of its development. That is why such treatment can be used as a component of complex therapy for varicose veins of the body and its special case - varicose veins of the lower extremities.

The method of treatment of vascular manifestations determines the degree of damage to the veins. If the changes are minor and the severity of the venous pattern in the legs is minimal, then conservative therapy methods will be used.

First of all, we will focus on the simplest and at the same time difficult to implement doctor’s recommendations when veins are visible in the legs - lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the rules of a balanced diet.

You may have to give up your established lifestyle, daily routine and eating habits. Spend your free time actively - dynamic exercise at a moderate pace (running, aerobics, etc.) will ensure good blood flow.

Do exercises or therapeutic exercises daily. It will take very little time, and you will feel yourself becoming healthier - you will feel a surge of strength and vigor, which will be the first step towards reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Wearing preventive compression hosiery in combination with the use of topical products will give a good result. Venotonic cream from the NORMAVEN® line of medicinal cosmetics will help strengthen vascular walls, reduce capillary fragility and improve microcirculation.

The cream contains natural ingredients, which makes it safe to use even for pregnant women. Venotonic cream "NORMAVEN®" will be effective in eliminating foci of inflammation along the venous bed, edema, pain, etc.

In complex treatment, not only external agents are used, but also injectable and oral medications. They also improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, itching, pain, swelling and other manifestations of varicose veins.

Often the veins on women's arms are so visible that exercises and massages alone are not enough to improve their condition. Patients who seek help from specialists complain that their arms with bulging veins look old and unkempt, so they want to remove the bulging veins.

Experts today practice several methods on how to remove bulging veins on the arms... This can be done in several ways.

Laser treatment

The laser beam glues the walls of blood vessels, and blood stops moving through the veins. Naturally, the vein disappears and is not visible on the arm.


The essence of this method is identical to the treatment of veins with a laser - to turn off the bulging vein from the blood circulation. To do this, special preparations in the form of foam or liquid are injected into the vein, which glue the walls of the vessels, and the vein fails.

By the way, we rarely perform sclerotherapy on our hands. Everything is connected with the peculiarities of this operation in the area of ​​the hand. If you perform this operation incorrectly, you will only get a nagging pain throughout your entire arm, and will not remove the bulge.

There are many drugs that affect the walls of veins. They are taken to improve their elasticity and permeability. Here are some reviews we found about how to treat very noticeable veins on the arms.

  • I strengthen the walls of blood vessels with chestnut preparations (escusan), and also drink mumiyo. I rub my veins with it. Don't forget about the contrast shower for your hands. Hope.
  • Mommy took Phlebodia 600. It became much better. Olya.
  • I drink nutmeg tincture. Pauline.
  • Heparin ointment helps me. I apply it to my hands to prevent the veins from swelling. Julia.
  • Having tried all the folk crap, including birch buds, I bought Varicobooster cream. The veins became almost invisible already on the 5th day. Ksyusha.
  • For prevention, preparations with lily of the valley, horse chestnut, mistletoe, and vitamin R are suitable. Gennady.

What to do?

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If the patient is concerned that his blood vessels are visible and other unpleasant symptoms occur, then he should contact a phlebologist for examination and consultation. Based on the root cause of the manifestation of the capillary network on the body, treatment of the pathology is prescribed. If veins appear on the legs, then it is better to reduce the load on the lower extremities, but not switch to a completely sedentary or lying rhythm of life. It is advisable to wear orthopedic shoes and avoid high heels and uncomfortable insteps.

The doctor prescribes appropriate medications or procedures to get rid of the pathology. During therapy, it is important to maintain a proper diet, excluding unhealthy, fatty and fried foods, and alcoholic beverages. To maintain the necessary water-salt balance, you need to consume a sufficient amount of liquid and drink rosehip teas. You should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during active phases, saunas, steam baths and solariums. Regular and moderate exercise will help improve the condition of blood vessels and develop the muscular frame of its walls. Resorting to self-medication with synthetic drugs is strictly prohibited, as this can only aggravate the situation and cause new diseases.

Varicose veins: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, surgery for varicose veins, non-surgical treatment

Varicose veins are treatable ailments, especially if we are talking about varicose veins in the so-called compensation stage, that is, the stage at which venous changes are not yet critical.

In the early stages of the disease, they do not resort to surgical intervention; preference is given to non-surgical drug treatment in combination with or without folk remedies.

  • As a rule, specialists prescribe venotonic, blood thinning and anti-inflammatory drugs. Venotonic agents help improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in them. Blood thinners thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. Well, anti-inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation.

We treat varicose veinsWe treat varicose veins
Traditional medicine recommends treating varicose veins with horse chestnut tincture, extracts of garlic and lemon, honey, hops, and anti-varicose tea:

  • Horse chestnut tincture can be made in this way: take 30 g of horse chestnut flowers and pour 300 g of alcohol. Close the jar/bottle, place it away from sunlight and leave for 2 weeks, shaking the container daily. Then pass the liquid through a sieve and consume 1 tsp. three times a day before meals with water. The course of treatment consists of 7 days, then you should take a break for 14 days, and then continue treatment.
  • To make a folk medicine from lemon and garlic, mince 3 pieces. lemon and 3 cloves garlic. Place the resulting mixture in a 3-liter glass container and pour warm boiled water into it (to the top of the jar). Keep the infusion in a cool place for 3 days, strain and consume 2 tbsp. l. three times a day. If there are no side effects, increase the amount of medication used to 50-100 ml per dose.
  • Anti-varicose tea should only be purchased at a pharmacy. There you can consult with a pharmacist about how to brew and drink this tea correctly.
  • Honey for varicose veins is used externally. You need to take a shower, and then apply a little honey to problem areas and wait 10-15 minutes. and wash away the sweetness. Please note that some people may be allergic to this product.
  • Hops are also sold in pharmacies. You can buy it in dry form, after which you need to brew the raw material and drink the tea according to the instructions.
  • A non-surgical method is sclerotherapy. This procedure allows you to remove the diseased vein without surgery. A medicine is injected into the vein using a needle, which stops blood flow through it and over time it atrophies and resolves. The advantage of this method is that by performing it, the patient does not need to go to the hospital and change his usual way of life. The disadvantage is the duration of the procedure; as a rule, the full course of treatment is at least 1 year.
  • Hirudotherapy. Varicose veins are also treated with leeches. Leeches produce hirudin. This substance, entering the human blood, thins it, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Lump on a vein on the arm: reasons for its appearance


  • You can also treat the disease using the most modern technologies - laser coagulation of varicose veins.
  • And only if none of the methods described above helped or was not suitable, the doctor recommends that the patient undergo surgery to remove varicose veins. This procedure is considered the least gentle, but practically the most effective.
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